The city in the sky is as far as the eye can see. The buildings are row upon row and extremely magnificent.

Xu Ran stood under the city wall of the Sky City and stared up.

This city is like an ancient behemoth entrenched in the sky, filled with a strong sense of historical vicissitudes.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a sharp sword sound pierced the silence, and a cold light passed through the void, directly attacking Xu's back.

"court death!"

Xu Ran snorted coldly, and he grabbed it with his backhand, firmly grasping the sneak attack.


At the same time, miserable screams sounded.

Xu Ran turned around and saw a long sword in his hand, which was being inserted into the chest of a male soldier.

The male soldier's eyes widened, his pupils were dilated, and he was no longer alive.

"How dare you sneak attack me, you are simply seeking death." Xu Ran narrowed his eyes slightly, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Who sent you here!" Xu Ran asked, staring at the soldier who attacked him.

"Haha, my young master had already expected that you would come for a sneak attack, so he asked me to wait here." The soldier smiled.

"Who is your young master?" Xu Ran frowned.

"Haha, you'll know soon!" The soldier laughed wildly, gripped the sword tightly, and stabbed Xu Ran in the neck.


The sound of the sword tip penetrating flesh and blood suddenly sounded. The soldier still had a ferocious smile on his face, but his life had passed.

"Someone gave me experience points again!"

Xu Ran smiled, feeling very happy, and plundered all the medals, badges and wallets from the soldiers.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 200 experience points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 200 experience points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading. It is currently level 36."

The system's beep sounded again, which made Xu Ran quite excited.

"Keep killing."

Xu Ran licked his lips and rushed towards the city gate.

"Enemy attack!"

In front of the city gate, dozens of soldiers were instantly alert, aiming their guns at Xu Ran.


Xu Ran roared, the sound was like thunder, deafening and causing eardrum pain.

His figure was like lightning, his speed soared to the extreme, and he rushed in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.


He suddenly swung the hammer, carrying a terrifying power that could destroy everything, killing five or six people in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ran jumped into the crowd and started fighting crazily.

"Bang bang bang!"


Xu Ran kept swinging his fists, each blow containing terrifying energy.

Around him, blood was splattered, corpses were scattered, and screams continued to sound.

In just a short moment, more than a dozen corpses were lying around him, all with their heads blown out, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

Xu Ran ignored it and continued to walk towards the city gate guests.


The city gate collapsed and turned into ruins, with dust rising into the sky.

At this time, a young man wearing armor appeared in front of Xu Ran.

He is about 1.9 meters tall, with fair complexion and handsome face, slender and well-proportioned body, and exudes a fierce aura.

He is Qin Yang, the young city lord of the Royal Guards of the City in the Sky.

"It's you!"

Xu Ran's eyes narrowed and he recognized the other person. He was a dangerous person.

"Huh? Who are you?!" Qin Yang frowned when he saw Xu Ran.

He noticed a familiar aura from Xu Ran, which was very similar to the person he met in Sunset City.

Could it be that this person is the same? !

As soon as this speculation surfaced, it was denied by Qin Yang.

Because the person he met once was only level 70, and this person was only level 36.

Xu Ran looked at Qin Yang and then around, his eyes flickering.

This place is not far from Sunset City. If they are really the same kind of people, he must evacuate immediately.

"Tell me, where are you from? Why do you want to kill me?!" Qin Yang asked in a deep voice.

"What do you think!" Xu Ran grinned, put his feet on the ground, and immediately rushed out, heading towards Qin Yang.

Since you can't escape, you might as well give it a try.

He has a slender figure and is extremely flexible, making him move easily among the crowd.

Qin Yang snorted coldly, holding a halberd and facing Xu Ran.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The two of them fought, sparks flying and clanging sounds.

Xu Ran is extremely powerful, and he has special talents. His combat power has soared to a very exaggerated level, completely suppressing Qin Yang.

"What an awesome boy!"

"It's only level 36, but its combat power is comparable to level 40!"

"However, after all, he is just a newcomer and cannot be our opponent."

Almost at the same time, some veterans also rushed over and surrounded Qin Yang.

Xu Ran took the opportunity to break away from the battle circle and quickly entered the Sky City.

"You can't run away." Qin Yang shouted angrily and chased Xu Ran.

"Haha, what are you doing standing still? Kill me!" Qin Yang yelled.

In an instant, groups of elite soldiers rushed into the Sky City and chased Xu Ran.

Xu Ran looked gloomy. Although he was strong, he couldn't handle the crowd. Once he got entangled, it would be difficult to get rid of him.

"We can't wait for Ye Fan anymore, go in directly!"

Xu Ran's eyes rolled around, and he finally decided to break into the Sky City first to avoid getting into a bitter battle.

After all, he wasn't sure how strong those veterans were.

If those veterans were too strong and he couldn't handle them at all, wouldn't it be delayed, and Ye Fan would be unable to rescue them in time.


Xu Ran turned into a stream of light and shot into the city.

"Damn it! He dared to break into the city without permission?!" Qin Yang was furious, and wanted to tear Xu Ran to pieces.

But he also understood that with his own strength, he could not stop Xu Ran at all.

So, Qin Yang had to choose to return to the outside of the city and began to count the losses.


After Xu Ran entered, he found that although it was dilapidated, there were still traces of living creatures.

However, these creatures were very weak, and there was not even a level 20 monster.

"Sure enough, the creatures here are all migrated from other worlds..." Xu Ran thought to himself.

The environment here is like a cage, imprisoning many powerful creatures, causing their combat power to be less than 70% to 80% of the usual.

"It seems that if you want to improve your strength, you need to hunt more powerful monsters..."

Xu Ran muttered to himself, took a step, and searched for monsters along the way.


Suddenly, a howl of a wild wolf came.

Xu Ran looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a giant wolf with gray and black fur flying towards him.

The giant wolf's eye sockets were deep and dark green, and its fangs were turned outward, revealing sharp fangs.

It was agile, like a black shadow passing by, and rushed to Xu Ran's side in an instant.

The giant wolf opened its mouth, spit out its scarlet tongue, and bit Xu Ran fiercely like a poisonous snake spitting out its tongue.

"Don't know whether to live or die!"

Xu Ran looked indifferent, raised his hand and slapped it, smashing the giant wolf's head directly.

Then, Xu Ran continued to go deeper, killing a large number of monsters along the way, and collected some materials for emergency use.

After a while, Xu Ran stopped at a door, looked around, and looked thoughtful: "Strange, why does this place seem familiar?"

"The main gate of the Sky City!?"

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