Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 325 The extremely terrifying silver-armored dragon

You know, after the second transformation, upgrading is a very slow process.

If you want to improve your strength quickly, you must hunt more monsters and devour more natural treasures.

In this way, you can make your own strength grow rapidly.

And this dragon is obviously the crystal obtained by hunting monsters and hunting natural treasures.

However, even so, it is enough to shock everything and make him dare not underestimate it.

After all, he has just broken through to the quasi-second transformation, and has not been completely stabilized, and his strength has not been completely stabilized.

"No! I have to leave quickly!"

Xu Ran said inwardly, and hurriedly accelerated and rushed out of the forest.

Along the way, Xu Ran kept hunting monsters, devouring monster pills, fusing monster cores into soul power, and quickly purified, causing soul power to surge again.

An hour later, Xu Ran's aura became stronger and reached level 49.


At this moment, Xu Ran's face suddenly sank, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Not good!" Xu Ran was startled, and his body moved quickly, turning into a phantom and heading for the distant Mercedes.

But he was still too late.


A loud noise came from the sky, and a huge body appeared in front of Xu Ran, blocking his way.


A low roar came out of the dragon's mouth, shaking the void.

"Oh my god! What the hell is this!"

Xu Ran's face changed slightly, and a strong fear emerged in his eyes.

The scales on the dragon's body were covered with a thick layer of metal armor, and each scale was wrapped with electric snakes, emitting a strong pressure.

Moreover, the dragon's body was thicker than Xu Ran's, and it was covered with sharp claws.

A ferocious giant mouth exuded a suffocating smell of ferocity.

This is a level 53 dragon, a silver-armored dragon.

"It's over! This silver-armored dragon must be very strong!" Xu Ran's face changed drastically, his eyes flickered: "How could I be so unlucky to meet such a pervert? I should have known not to sneak attack them!"

"But it's too late to say anything now!"

His eyes were cold: "I must kill this beast and snatch its scales!"

He roared in his heart, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes: "I don't believe that I can't kill a beast with my strength!"

Xu Ran's eyes were full of madness.


Xu Ran's body suddenly moved, holding the bronze ancient sword, turned into a phantom, and killed the silver-armored dragon.


The silver-armored dragon saw Xu Ran rushing over, and a silver lightning burst out of his eyes. He moved his body and pounced on Xu Ran, and his sharp claws slapped down fiercely, and an extremely sharp force crushed Xu Ran.

Xu Ran's face changed slightly, and he quickly waved the bronze ancient sword to meet it.



The two collided, making a deafening sound. Cracks spread across Xu Ran's arms, and countless scars were blown out of his skin.

"Damn it!"

Xu Ran's face darkened slightly, he gritted his teeth, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.


He stomped his feet hard on the ground, and his body crashed into Tianlong. The ancient bronze sword chopped down fiercely, and sword beams, like extremely sharp blades, chopped down fiercely.

"Hmph! You ignorant kid!"

The silver-armored dragon sneered, and the huge dragon tail swept down fiercely, rolling towards Xu Ran.


A huge wind blade condensed above Xu Ran's head and slashed fiercely at the silver-armored dragon's tail.



A huge collision sounded, and the wind blade was easily torn apart by the silver-armored dragon's tail, and it did not cause any damage to it at all.

"Ouch!" The Silver-Armored Dragon roared angrily, and its huge dragon claws grabbed Xu Ran fiercely.

Xu Ran's face changed, and he hurriedly waved the bronze ancient sword to collide with it.


A muffled sound.

A blood arrow shot out from the huge dragon claw of the Silver-Armored Dragon, directly piercing the blade of the bronze ancient sword.


The Silver-Armored Dragon screamed in pain, and its dragon tail swept down fiercely.


Xu Ran was directly smashed away, his whole body trembling violently, his body fell uncontrollably, and hit the ground fiercely.

Cracks spread along the ground, submerging Xu Ran's body fiercely.

"Cough cough..." Xu Ran's face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

His chest was sunken, his bones were broken, and huge wounds on his body kept flowing out.


Xu Ran sat on the ground with his buttocks twitching.

He raised his head with difficulty and looked at the silver-armored dragon in the distance, his eyes showing deep fear.

This silver-armored dragon is much stronger than the previous ones!

"This... this guy is definitely of top bloodline, even stronger!"

Xu Ran knew that if he fought alone, he would not be the opponent of this silver-armored dragon. Only by joining forces, maybe there would be hope to escape.

Thinking of this, his face was uncertain.

"I must live!" Xu Ran's eyes were firm.


At this moment, a roar of the silver-armored dragon came from a distance, and a terrifying pressure enveloped Xu Ran, making him stiff and unable to move.

"Damn it!" Xu Ran cursed inwardly.

The Silver-Armored Dragon approached Xu Ran.

Xu Ran's face changed slightly, and he struggled to stand up and tried to escape.

"Roar!" However, the Silver-Armored Dragon chased him relentlessly, and swung his huge dragon tail fiercely.

"Puff!" Blood splattered, and Xu Ran's body was swept away and fell on the ground, with blood gushing out.

But just when the Silver-Armored Dragon was about to get rid of Xu Ran, a roar from afar suddenly came.

The sudden roar actually stopped its movement, and then it flew towards the direction of the sound regardless of Xu Ran's life or death.

The Silver-Armored Dragon roared, and his body quickly flew towards the source of the sound. While flying, he looked up to the sky and roared, obviously warning the human.

"Is this voice from the Dragon King?" Xu Ran muttered in confusion.

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to stay any longer, so he decided to kill the monsters and reach level 50 first.

Thinking this in his heart, he quickly got up and turned to run out of the valley.

However, just when Xu Ran just walked out of the valley, silver light suddenly broke through the sky and hit Xu Ran's back fiercely, directly piercing his body, and a blood mist was raised in Xu Ran's body.

"Ah!" Xu Ran screamed miserably, and his whole body fell to the ground fiercely.

His face was as pale as paper, his body was violently convulsing, and his eyes showed a strong color of pain.

"Fuck you!"

Xu Ran couldn't help cursing, and his body, after being hit by the silver light, instantly lost all his fighting ability.

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