"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for triggering the side quest and defeating the third son of the Dragon King, Ka Feng! Get 800,000 bonus experience points!"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for obtaining the special skill book, "Sword Formation Speed ​​Soldier Style" (beginner level), which can combine five sword techniques at will. Each sword technique requires 100 experience points or skill proficiency!"

Hearing this, his eyes looked indifferently at the north of the fourth floor of the Sky City.

There, a figure stood in the void, looking at him from afar.

He knew that this figure was the one he wanted to defeat and the goal of his trip.

Xu Ran clenched the shadowless sword in his hand, took a deep breath, and then rushed out quickly.

No matter who the other party is, as long as he is an enemy, he must be killed.


Running all the way, it didn't take long before he arrived at the north of the fourth floor of the Sky City.

At this time, the clouds and mist were rolling here. Xu Ran looked up and found that Ka Feng was still wearing a black robe and standing with his hands behind his back.

The other party seemed to be a human, but the dragon power on his body showed that he was a real dragon.

He was indeed a legendary existence, and he was indeed extraordinary.

"The third son, Ka Feng! Known as the master of wind, do you have the courage to duel with me?" Xu Ran raised his right fist and asked coldly.

Ka Feng smiled indifferently and said, "Haha, a human ant, killed the idiot Lao Si, and thought he could fight with me?!"

Xu Ran raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly: "How do you know if you don't try!"

Ka Feng looked at Xu Ran with a smile and said, "Are you sure?"

Xu Ran nodded without hesitation: "Sure!"

"Well, in that case, this prince will send you off!" Ka Feng said lightly, and the next moment, he turned into a green light and flew out instantly.

Xu Ran's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly went up to meet him. He felt the strong pressure of Ka Feng as soon as he took the first step.

He didn't dare to delay, and quickly used his body skills to dodge quickly.

Seeing this, Ka Feng sneered. He opened his claws, changed his body shape, and turned into a stream of green light, chasing after Xu Ran.

Xu Ran kept dodging, but every time he dodged halfway, he would be chased by Ka Feng, and a residual image would appear beside him.

Xu Ran's heart sank. If this continued, he would be caught up by Ka Feng sooner or later.

Moreover, the opponent's speed was too fast. Even if he had a second-level skill, he would definitely not be able to beat the opponent in speed and would definitely lose.

At this time, Xu Ran suddenly remembered his concealment ability and was stunned. Then his eyes lit up: "Yes, how could I forget the concealment ability!"

The concealment ability can double his speed and temporarily hide his breath so that the opponent cannot find his trace.

"Since your speed is so fast, I will hide and see who is faster!"

Xu Ran thought, he quickly hid and hid in the wall beside him.

"Hey, what happened? That guy actually ran away?" Ka Feng frowned in confusion, "This is not like his character!"

Just as he was thinking, suddenly a crisp bell sound spread in the air, and then a silver-white light circle appeared in the air.

This silver-white light circle was slowly floating towards him, and a huge formation appeared under his feet.

Ka Feng frowned, he looked down at his feet, and found that these light circles were actually rings one by one, and each ring represented a formation.

His heart skipped a beat, and he quickly stretched out his right hand and drew a talisman in the void.


Wind blades surged from his fingertips, forming a wind sword. This long sword exuded a terrifying aura and stabbed at those light circles.


The long sword hit the formation hard, but was bounced back.

"How is it possible?!" Ka Feng was shocked. These formations could actually withstand his attack?

"Do you think your formation can stop me?!" Ka Feng snorted coldly, "Let me show you how powerful this prince is!"


A green hurricane swept up, and those light circles exploded one after another.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Ka Feng's face was extremely ugly.

Although his hurricane was strong, it could not do anything to the opponent's formation.

And that formation seemed to be used for defense.

"Ka Feng, I really can't beat you!" Xu Ran slowly walked out of the wall and looked at Ka Feng and said.

"Hahaha..." Ka Feng raised his head and laughed, "Xu Ran, you are really arrogant! Do you think you can defeat this prince? Dream on!"

Xu Ran smiled coldly, his hands formed seals again, and his mouth opened lightly: "Heavenly thunder and earthly fire!"

Suddenly, one after another thick purple electric light fell from the sky.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

All these thunders attacked Ka Feng.


Ka Feng's face changed drastically, and he quickly waved his dragon tail to shatter these thunders.

"Damn it, I want you dead!" Ka Feng gritted his teeth, stretched out his arms, and wind blades surged out of his body, slashing towards Xu Ran.

Xu Ran quickly used his body skills to dodge.

However, what he didn't expect was that the wind blades actually moved with him.

He had nowhere to hide, and in the end, he was surrounded by these wind blades.

Seeing this scene, Ka Feng raised a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Xu Ran, today is the day you die!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Several wind blades hit Xu Ran crazily.

Xu Ran's body was hit with big holes one after another, and his skin was torn apart.

However, these injuries were just tickling for him.

He quickly practiced the Nine Dragons Technique, and the spiritual energy in his body continuously replenished the scars in his body and continued to recover.

"Ka Feng, even if you have the blood of the Dragon King, you are only a level 55 monster after all. You will never be better than us humans!" Xu Ran smiled coldly, "Today is your death!"

Ka Feng's face was ferocious, and he roared: "The one who should die should be you!"

A green wind burst out from his body and enveloped Xu Ran.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ran's face changed slightly, and he quickly retreated.


The wind blade passed through Xu Ran's clothes and tore his clothes apart.

Fortunately, Xu Ran was wearing defensive armor, so he was not directly pierced.

The armor on his body was made of thousand-year-old ice iron, which was extremely hard. Even if it was pierced by the wind blade, it was still intact.

Xu Ran felt a little complicated, because this armor was created by him after the battle.

Originally, Xu Ran thought that this armor only had the function of defense, but he didn't expect that it could also attack, which really surprised him.

Moreover, there was actually a formation inside the armor, which could change positions at will, and the attack power was very abnormal.

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