The player who spoke was called [Liaoyuan Baizhan], a think tank of the Liaoyuan Guild, responsible for making plans for the guild's top leaders.

If Xu Ran was present.

He would definitely recognize this person's identity at a glance.

In the previous life, it was not until the middle of the game that the main quest expansion pack [Lost Kingdom] was opened by players.

This battle.

Humanity was defeated.

It was precisely because of this person's blind command that the ice city that claimed to never melt was almost destroyed.

Therefore, [Liaoyuan Baizhan] was hunted down by countless players.

"I heard from Ye Yu's brothers that the chosen one used a group attack and kill skills to kill thousands of them in seconds."

Now it seems that he has thought of something.

Liaoyuan Baizhan put down the longbow in his hand and began to analyze it seriously.

"That means his current sin value is definitely more than 1,000 points."

"The movement speed of the legendary mount is indeed very fast, there is no doubt about that, but we can use the human wave tactics to form a solid wall!"

He became more and more excited as he spoke, and drew a sand table demonstration on the ground.

"Yes, that's it!"

"If he wants to leave the city, he must take the initiative to attack us, and then the red name status can't be covered!"

"According to calculations, his sin value will definitely attract the pursuit of the law enforcer leader!"


More than ten minutes later.

Under the deception of [Liaoyuan Baizhan], the major forces that had been waiting outside the city for a night actually united.

"Everyone, start to organize the formation!"

"You, take a hundred-man group to this side, and you take people to that side."

"Hurry up and get in place!"


As the orders were issued one after another.

The major forces began to plan to build a human wall according to the idea of ​​[Liaoyuan Baizhan].


They have already started discussing the distribution of the top-quality equipment that will be revealed after killing Xu Ran.

I have to say that this plan is quite meticulous.

Faced with this kind of siege.

If it was Xu Ran 10 minutes ago, he would probably have no choice but to surrender.

But now, it is different.

In front of the Ancient Ghost Dragon, everything is vulnerable!


[Hint: Use the item "Mount Experience Crystal (Legend)" successfully! ]

[Hint: Your mount level is increased to level 1! ]

[Hint: Your mount level is increased to level 2! ]

[Hint: Your mount.....]


As dazzling golden light fell, the level of [Ashes Wings·Ancient Ghost Dragon (Legend)] began to soar rapidly.

Level 1!

Level 5!

Level 10!

Level 15!

As the little guy's level continued to increase, its size also expanded to more than 10 meters!

The wingspan is close to 20 meters.

[Hint: Your mount level has been upgraded to level 16! ]

[Hint: Your mount level has been upgraded to level 17! ]


The legendary quality [Mount Experience Crystal] brings a huge amount of experience.

At this time, the little guy's level is still increasing.

In order not to destroy the mount training shop, Xu Ran decided to leave here.

The sky.

Is the area where dragons gallop!

[Hint: You left the mount training shop. ]


A strong wind suddenly rose and whistled.

Xu Ran jumped.

Then, he landed steadily on the broad back of the little guy.

"Let's go, let's fly higher."

As soon as Xu Ran finished speaking.

Like a sharp arrow from a bow, [Ashes Wings·Ancient Ghost Dragon (Legend)] rushed straight into the sky.

[Hint: Your mount level has been upgraded to level 20! ]

[Hint: Your mount level has been upgraded to level 21! ]


The prompt sound is still echoing.

The [Ashe Wings·Ancient Ghost Dragon (Legend)] galloping on the top of the clouds gradually expanded to 20 meters in length.

It looked like it was enough to cover the sky.

"A little higher!"

They were in tune with each other.

At Xu Ran's urging, the little guy excitedly flew towards the top of his head.

It seemed that there was a feeling of piercing the sky.

500 meters.

1000 meters.

1500 meters.


As the altitude rose, Xu Ran was covered with crystal clear frost.

But due to the special effect of the permanent buff [Ice Favor], he was not frozen into an ice sculpture.

Instead, he continued to restore his own magic value.

Under the favor of the frost god, the owner will ignore the negative effects of cold (slowness, freezing, etc.) and gain a continuous magic value recovery effect. The colder the environment, the faster the magic value recovery speed.

This is the buff he obtained in the early days of the server.

And now, Xu Ran's goal is the second permanent buff!

Different from other main cities.

[Ice City] is located at the foot of [Forgotten Extreme Cold Peak] and is covered with ice and snow all year round.

According to the clues provided on the forum of the previous life, there is a mark floating 4,000 meters above [Ice City].

Once touched, you will get a permanent buff.

Quite good.

Just thinking.

A cold wind that seems to be able to freeze the soul quickly hits the face.

If you look closely, it is not difficult to find.

A mark like a crystal snowflake was floating not far ahead.

Seeing this, Xu Ran's starry eyes were bright.

"Buff is in hand!"

As soon as the voice fell.

The ancient ghost dragon, who was in tune with him, flew to the direction of the mark.

[Hint: Because you touched the forgotten frost mark, you got a buff-"Frost Withering"! ]

Sure enough!

The information was correct.

With the sound of the prompt, a permanent buff appeared.

The next second.

[Ten thousand times reward] took effect.

This buff immediately changed qualitatively.


[Hint: The ten thousand times amplification was successful, and the quality of the reward you received has been upgraded from a permanent rare buff to a permanent rare quality! ]

[Hint: You got a permanent rare buff-"Ice Destruction"! ]

"Another top-quality permanent buff!"

"Very good."

Xu Ran nodded with satisfaction and set his eyes on this buff.

[Ice Silence]

Type: Rare buff

Duration: Permanent

Effect: With the approval of the Frost Law, the owner can fill the 300-meter range with frost, covering the slow effect once every 3 seconds, with a chance to cause a special effect - [Silence], causing 10 times the high damage of magic attack to the target!

Introduction: Favored by the Frost Law.


Different from [Favour of Ice].

[Ice Silence] is a favor from the law.

It does not emphasize the protection of itself, but the extreme ice attribute damage!

Always covering the range of itself.

10 times the high damage!

This is enough to prove the terrible power of [Ice Silence]!

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