Diga's body was suspended in the air, looking down at Xu Ran with a cruel look.

His body was covered with scales, which were extremely sharp and shining with cold light, just like a sharp armor, full of endless murderous intent, which made people feel terrified.

"Roar!" Dijia roared to the sky, and his huge claws slapped down towards Xu Ran fiercely.

Xu Ran looked up, he felt the fatal danger, and quickly moved to the side.

However, Dijia's attack speed was too fast, and there was no time at all.

Xu Ran could only choose to dodge, but Dijia's attack was too fast, and he hit Xu Ran directly, causing him to spit blood and fly backwards, and fell heavily to the ground.

Dijia looked down at Xu Ran lying on the ground, revealing a cruel expression.

Dijia jumped up, and his huge claws slapped Xu Ran fiercely, trying to completely blast Xu Ran into a pulp.


However, before Dijia fell, a thunder dragon descended from the sky and hit Dijia's head fiercely.

He also took this opportunity to avoid the fatal blow, but he was still injured and twitched all over.

Xu Ran's body was constantly twitching, and golden liquid was flowing all over his body. This was the blood in his body.

However, he still climbed up with difficulty, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Dijia indifferently.

"Do you really think I'm a vegetarian?" Xu Ran gritted his teeth and said. He felt that his internal organs had been displaced, and his whole body, even with only one rib left, was in so much pain that he couldn't move.

Diga's claws were still in the air and did not retract.

Looking at Xu Ran, he showed a ferocious smile, as if he saw something delicious, which was creepy.

Xu Ran looked at Dijia, with a strong resentment in his eyes.

"Ouch!" Di Jia roared, launching another fierce attack on Xu Ran.


Diga's claws waved repeatedly, as if they had turned into a divine hammer, fiercely bombarding Xu Ran, again and again, as if he would never get tired, and there was no end.


Several cracks appeared on Xu Ran's body, and blood gushed out, staining his robe red, making him look very embarrassed.

"Break the air! Draw the sword and cut!"

Xu Ran roared, and the long sword in his hand chopped down directly, containing endless thunder and lightning power, with great power. With one slash, it was like a scorching sun exploding, causing the surrounding void to collapse, forming a terrifying vortex, distorting the air, and causing the void to vibrate.


The long sword chopped directly into Di Jia's claws, but it did not cut off his claws, but was blocked by the sharp claws.

"Huh?" Xu Ran frowned.

His power was so terrifying that he could not shake Di Jia at all.


Diga laughed hideously, his eyes were cold and bloodthirsty, and he was about to slap Xu Ran to death with one slap.


Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking air behind Dijia, and a silver crescent knife cut through the void and slashed towards Dijia.

"Roar~" Dijia turned around and counterattacked, directly slapping the crescent knife away with his sharp claws, making a crisp metal collision sound.


Diga turned around, and a sharp claw attacked again, going straight for Xu Ran's throat.

The opponent's claws were too scary, Xu Ran didn't dare to take it hard, and quickly dodged.

However, Dijia's claws seemed to have eyes, and grabbed Xu Ran's chest, the speed was so fast that it was jaw-dropping.


Diga's claws instantly came to Xu Ran's chest, but he was stunned.

Xu Ran actually appeared in front of him at this moment, and a sword energy passed by and directly chopped his eyeballs.

The next moment, a stream of blue blood streaked across the corner of his eye, and an angry roar gushed out of Dijia's mouth.

"Roar, damn human, you have angered the great son of the dragon!" Dijia's pupils shrank, and he roared angrily.

Xu Ran's face was pale, but still cold. He stared at Dijia and said, "I don't know what your talent is, but I know very well that you are not my opponent before you reach adulthood!"

After that, Xu Ran swung the knife again and stabbed at Dijia.

Dijia's wings flapped, and his body suddenly retreated.

"Roar!" Dijia roared to the sky, and his huge claws slapped down again, slapping Xu Ran fiercely.

Xu Ran once again used his speed advantage to avoid this attack.


Dijia roared again, his wings kept flapping, making a huge pit on the ground, and his huge body rushed towards Xu Ran again.

"Roar!" Di Jia roared, and his huge tail swept out, slapping the soil on the ground away, like a falling meteorite, smashing towards Xu Ran.

Xu Ran's body burst into flames, and his figure flashed, directly avoiding the meteorites, appearing behind Di Jia, and slashing with a knife.


Di Jia's huge body trembled slightly, his wings flapped, and his speed increased sharply. He directly avoided Xu Ran's knife, and then rushed towards Xu Ran with a claw.


Xu Ran retreated continuously, but the blood in his body flowed more and more, as if the skin soaked in blood began to rot.


With a punch, Di Jia's body shot back again, hitting the ground hard, smashing a big hole in the ground.

Di Jia stood up from the hole and rushed towards Xu Ran again.

He exuded a fierce aura, as if he had turned into a demon, with a bloody mouth, as if he wanted to swallow Xu Ran into his stomach.

"Get out of here!" Xu Ran shouted angrily, his eyes turned blood red, and he exuded an unparalleled aura. Blood runes lit up and turned into a divine chain, tightly wrapping around him.


A vast aura burst out from his body, like a huge sun, so hot that Di Jia trembled all over.


Diga was angry, and his huge claws reached out and slapped Xu Ran, carrying a monstrous murderous aura.

Xu Ran flashed, avoiding Di Jia's attack, and kicked it in the stomach, kicking it out.

Di Jia's huge body hit the ground heavily, smashing several gullies in the solid rock, and the dust and smoke filled the air, blocking the vision.


Diga stood up, his eyes were red, his eyes were full of madness, and there was a red light flowing in his eyes.


The other party roared, burning with red flames all over his body, like a god of war, which frightened Xu Ran.

"Damn human, today, I will let you die without a burial place!" Diga roared, burning with raging flames all over his body, and rushed straight to Xu Ran.

Xu Ran's eyes were deep with frost, he snorted coldly, took a step forward, and stabbed with a knife.


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