"A remnant soul, dare to be arrogant?!" Xu Ran shouted coldly, his whole body was covered with flames, and he slapped out with a palm, and the flames burned fiercely.


Xu Ran fought with the giant dragon, and the flames splashed. Xu Ran's figure retreated several meters away, but the giant dragon did not move at all.

This giant dragon was condensed by the dragon clan strongman Di Jia before his death, and its strength was extremely terrifying.

"Hahaha... Human, although I am dead, my soul is immortal, and you will never surpass me in your lifetime." The giant dragon shouted arrogantly.

Hearing this, Xu Ran snorted coldly and said: "How dare you, a mere dragon soul, talk nonsense? Today, I will wipe you all out!"


He shouted in a low voice and killed directly.

This dragon soul is indeed very powerful, more terrifying than Di Jia at the beginning, but it is now only a remnant soul, how can it stop Xu Ran?

The two fought fiercely, and Xu Ran, relying on his powerful martial arts and dragon energy, wiped out the remnant soul of Di Jia.

The place suddenly became quiet. Di Jia disappeared, and Xu Ran replaced Di Jia. There was a statue here, lifelike, like a living thing.

Xu Ran's cultivation level has improved a lot, reaching Lv.59, and he is just one step away from breaking through to level 60.

"What a strong physical strength. If I didn't have the dragon energy to protect my body, I would not be Di Jia's opponent with my physical body."

Xu Ran thought to himself.

Among warriors of the same level, unless they are gifted monsters or special races, it is difficult for ordinary warriors to resist the suppression of dragon blood.

The blood of the dragon race has a great restraining effect on humans, but Xu Ran has the source of dragon blood in his body, so this restraining effect is much reduced.


Xu Ran exhaled a breath of turbid air, feeling a hundred times more energetic, and the whole person was in an excited state.

He clenched his fists, feeling the surging power in his body, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Now, my strength should be considered as entering the second-level strongman." Xu Ran murmured.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the side quest, Son of Dragon!"

"Ding! Mission reward, 1,000,000 experience points, skill: Dragon Wings! Boiling Dragon Blood!"

"Dragon Wings, after use, can increase the host's speed, and Boiling Dragon Blood can allow the host to burst out three times the speed in a short period of time, and have the power of a dragon!"

The system's prompt sounded, and Xu Ran was shocked. It actually gave him two skills?

Boiling Dragon Blood! Dragon Power! Hearing the name, Xu Ran felt his blood boiling. These three words definitely represent a heaven-defying existence.

Xu Ran was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately reacted and hurriedly checked his attribute interface.

[Name]: Xu Ran (Second Transformation)

[Level]: Lv.60 (21/100)

[Skills]: Qiankun Palm, Sword Slash, Phantom Sword Dance, Fierce Dragon Sword Slash, Second Transformation Skill: Sword Formation Speed ​​Soldier Style

[Agility]: Wind Step

[Alchemy]: Not Learned

[Special]: [Mastery], [Introduction], [Gift of Kafeng], [Dragon Wings], [Boiling Dragon Blood]

He used Dragon Wings and Boiling Dragon Blood directly.

Suddenly, a vast breath came out of his body, and this breath spread and instantly enveloped his area. This is the real power of the dragon clan. Under such power, Xu Ran felt extremely comfortable all over his body. This is the dragon's power, which makes people unable to help but surrender.

Even, Xu Ran felt that the power in his body seemed to be even stronger at this moment.

Not only that, Xu Ran also found that a pair of huge dragon wings had grown on his back.

This pair of dragon wings was purple-gold in color, flowing with a faint golden glow.

Xu Ran tentatively flapped his wings, and suddenly, the purple-gold wings gently flapped, carrying Xu Ran's body upwards.

After flapping several times, he had already flown a hundred feet high.

"Hahaha, great, I can fly!" Xu Ran couldn't help laughing.

Then, he tried to activate the boiling of dragon blood. This time, the boiling of dragon blood did not repel Xu Ran. On the contrary, the effect of the boiling of dragon blood was more significant, making Xu Ran's body stronger.

The duration of the boiling of dragon blood was about half an hour. During this half hour, Xu Ran's attack power and defense power would be greatly improved.

This scene fell into the eyes of some fierce beasts not far away, and they were all shocked. What kind of freak is this?


Suddenly, a huge dragon python roared, opened its bloody mouth and bit Xu Ran in the air, and the huge snake tail also whipped over.

Xu Ran's eyes were stern, and he waved his hand to send out several sword qi, which chopped the dragon python. The dragon python wailed and fell to the ground, blood gushing out.

"Just in time to test the power of you!"

Xu Ran smiled coldly, and he flapped his dragon wings again and rushed towards the dragon python. He grabbed the dragon python's neck with both hands and pulled it suddenly. Suddenly, the body of the dragon python was divided into two parts, and the intestines were exposed.

Then, Xu Ran quickly collected the essence of the dragon python and obtained a bottle of essence of the dragon python.

After doing all this, Xu Ran nodded with satisfaction. He glanced at the other fierce beasts around him. When these guys saw Xu Ran's gaze, they all fled in panic. There was no way. The dragon clan was the absolute overlord for these fierce beasts!

Xu Ran disdainfully rushed directly into the depths of the jungle.

He needed to find a suitable place for retreat, and then when he became proficient, he would go to the fifth floor of the Sky City!

He didn't know the specific situation of the fifth floor of the Sky City, and no one told him.

Soon, Xu Ran found a cave.

This cave was very hidden, and it was impossible to find it without careful search. He entered the cave, arranged it, and finally nodded with satisfaction.

"Next, we must work hard to practice and strive to enter the fifth floor of the Sky City as soon as possible." Xu Ran murmured, sitting cross-legged on the ground, preparing to practice.


However, at this moment, a thunderous roar suddenly came from outside the cave.

Xu Ran frowned, he slowly walked out of the cave, came to the outside of the cave, and found that there was billowing smoke drifting out in the distance.

His brows frowned even deeper. This place is deep in the mountains and old forests, how could there be smoke?

Moreover, he couldn't see clearly what was covered by the thick fog, but there was a dangerous breath overflowing from it.

He hesitated for a moment and finally decided to go and take a look.

Soon, he came to the smoke and found several figures standing near the smoke. They were young men and women, all dressed in black.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Xu Ran asked in a deep voice.

Hearing Xu Ran's words, the people looked over one after another. When they saw Xu Ran, they were obviously stunned.

"It turned out to be a compatriot. Haha, we are lucky. We brothers just hunted a fierce tiger. Come and help us grill the meat. It smells delicious. Only when we are full can we continue to fight." A young man with long hair said with a chuckle.

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