Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 356 What's wrong with the Wolf King? If he can't beat me, he'll take drugs.

"Damn, this guy can actually hide!" Xu Ran gritted his teeth. This move came too suddenly, and he didn't even have a little preparation!

As expected of an elite lord, his speed was really terrifying, completely surpassing him.

Xu Ran did not hesitate, and suddenly rolled over to avoid the claws of the Nether Wolf King. At the same time, he punched the Nether Wolf King and blasted him away.

However, after the Nether Wolf King was knocked out, he did not suffer fatal injuries. He just shook his body and pounced on him again.

This guy's defense is really too high. Even if he was knocked away, his health value remained at about 80%!

The speed of the Nether Wolf King was also extremely fast, almost reaching the terrifying level of 50 yards/s. In the blink of an eye, he had already pounced in front of Xu Ran!

Xu Ran's pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't care about anything at the moment, and immediately used his special professional skills!


System: Congratulations to the player for obtaining a new skill, [Shining]!

Flash: After using Flash, you will have a 10-second weakness period!

The weakness period is equivalent to the cooldown time of a skill!

10 seconds is short, but it is enough!


Xu Ran jumped several meters away and avoided the attack of the Nether Wolf King.

Although the Nether Wolf King was extremely fast, it had only speed but lacked attack ability, so it missed once and did not chase Xu Ran.

"Huh! I was almost finished! Fortunately, I have the skill of Flash, otherwise I would really fall here this time!" Xu Ran breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then used Flash again, and his body once again rushed into the dense trees and hid.

This was the second time Xu Ran used Flash, but this time he learned his lesson and chose to stay away from the battle area.

Because Xu Ran clearly felt that the Nether Wolf King was looking for him frantically and was getting closer and closer to him.

"Damn it!"

Xu Ran cursed, activated his skills again, and fled in a direction away from the Nether Wolf Pack.

This time, Xu Ran did not choose to run deeper into the forest, but chose to run out of the forest along a canyon on the edge of the forest.

Swish, swish, swish, swish!!

The Nether Wolf King was extremely fast, and he passed by Xu Ran again and again. If it weren't for Xu Ran's agility, he would have died long ago.

After a chase, Xu Ran led the Nether Wolf King through the forest.

The Nether Wolf King was strong. Once the Nether Wolf King got close to him, he would definitely not be able to escape. Moreover, his health was very high, and every collision would cause Xu Ran extremely serious damage.

However, Xu Ran's health was also sufficient. While running, he secretly glanced at the health of the Nether Wolf King, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He had three bottles of primary recovery potion and five primary treatment potions on him. One bottle can increase 25 HP, and two bottles can increase 60 HP, a total of 60 drops.

"I'll kill you!"

Xu Ran showed a sinister arc at the corner of his mouth, and took the primary recovery potion again, and swallowed it all, instantly recovering 50 HP.

Then, Xu Ran continued to run, and he took drugs while walking.

"Damn human, I will never forgive you."

The Nether Wolf King roared, but there was no way, he could only follow Xu Ran, after all, he didn't want to miss this fat food.

"Damn, this beast is quite smart! Knowing that I have potions!"

Xu Ran ran and muttered, he didn't stop, because he knew that the Nether Wolf King was very smart and must know his plan, so he chased him closely.

Along the way, the two kept fighting, Xu Ran took medicine, and the Nether Wolf King also took medicine, constantly making up for his own losses.

However, Xu Ran's advantage lies in his own resistance, while the Nether Wolf King's disadvantage lies in his own defense!

"This won't work. The Nether Wolf King's attack power is too strong. If it continues like this, my health will be easily exhausted. By then..."

Xu Ran quickly thought of a solution in his mind. Suddenly, his eyes flashed and he thought of a possibility!

A cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"In that case, let you taste my power today!"

After Xu Ran said this, he turned around and started to sprint towards the Nether Wolf King!

The Nether Wolf King was stunned, and then he roared and pounced on Xu Ran.

The two fought again. Xu Ran kicked the Nether Wolf King away, and then the dagger pierced into the Nether Wolf King's abdomen fiercely, causing severe pain.


The Nether Wolf King screamed, obviously stabbed in an important position.

But it did not die, but instead aroused the ferocity of the beast. After a howl, it rushed towards Xu Ran again.

"Ha! You're pretty tough, it seems I can't kill you with this stab?" Xu Ran snorted coldly, and drew out the shadowless knife again and rushed towards the opponent!


As the effect of the flash was triggered, Xu Ran's speed increased again, and he grabbed the tail of the Nether Wolf King, and then kicked the Nether Wolf King dozens of meters away with a beautiful kick!

With a bang, the huge body of the Nether Wolf King fell heavily on the ground, shaking the ground.

However, the Nether Wolf King still climbed up, shaking his huge head, staring at Xu Ran with resentment, as if he wanted to skin Xu Ran alive.

"Hehehe, what, are you unhappy?" Xu Ran sneered and rushed towards the Nether Wolf King again, taking advantage of your illness to kill you!

Xu Ran grabbed the neck of the Nether Wolf King, then lifted it up suddenly, and smashed it to the ground!


The ground exploded, and smoke filled the sky.

However, at this time, Xu Ran heard the mocking voice of the Nether Wolf King: "You lowly human, you dare to tease me, you are dead!"

Hearing the arrogant words of the Nether Wolf King, Xu Ran sneered and said, "Really? Then give it a try, I will let you see how I play with you beasts."

As Xu Ran said, he clenched his fists and swung them violently. Suddenly, two surging forces surged out and hit the Nether Wolf King hard!


The Nether Wolf King wailed and fell to the ground again.

Xu Ran snorted coldly, rushed to the side of the opponent, raised his fist again, and punched down fiercely!

"Bang bang bang!"

Xu Ran continued to hit thirty or forty punches, and finally, the Nether Wolf King wailed and lay on the ground!


The Nether Wolf King spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole furry face became extremely pale.

It looked at Xu Ran with resentment. He had a very high IQ and could naturally sense that Xu Ran was in a bad situation.

So the Nether Wolf King did not choose to leave, because Xu Ran had a strong smell of blood!

This meant that Xu Ran had a lot of equipment, and the Nether Wolf King liked to eat meat, especially the blood of prey!


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