"So that's why so many dragons are guarding here. It turns out that this Dragon Palace is the bedroom of the Dragon King, and that portrait is probably left by Carlton, right?" Xu Ran thought to himself, but he quickly put it aside and stepped into the Dragon Palace.


As soon as he entered the palace, a fireball suddenly appeared out of thin air, carrying a scorching temperature towards Xu Ran, causing his pupils to shrink slightly.


Xu Ran's body suddenly retreated half a step and dodged it narrowly, but his clothes were still burned, which made him a little angry.


The next moment, he suddenly shouted and punched out. A huge fist roared out and hit a protruding rock hard, smashing it. At the same time, a woman wearing a white dress, a white veil, blue skin and a good figure appeared in his sight.

"Who is this guy? He was able to enter the Tianlong Palace, and he was so arrogant that he dared to attack me?"

The woman showed a trace of surprise in her eyes, and then she looked at Xu Ran and said coldly: "Do you know where this is? This is the bedroom of the Tianlong King. Outsiders are not allowed to enter. You are looking for death!"

"Heh!" Xu Ran smiled indifferently and said, "Who do you think you are?"



The next moment, Xu Ran's figure turned into a residual shadow and rushed over, punching the woman in the chest with a punch.


The woman in the white dress groaned and flew backwards, and Xu Ran's fist passed through her body and pierced the woman's heart directly.


After the woman in the white dress landed, she stood up with difficulty. She covered her chest and looked at Xu Ran with unwillingness: "You...how did you get into the Tianlong Palace?"

Hearing this, Xu Ran glanced at her, too lazy to pay attention to her, but walked directly into the Tianlong Palace.

"Don't think that if you kill me, my father won't seek revenge on you. You must pay a heavy price this time."

Hearing the threatening words of the woman in the white dress, Xu Ran continued to move forward without stopping. Seeing this, the woman in the white dress looked uncertain. Finally, she gritted her teeth and blocked Xu Ran again. She looked at Xu Ran stubbornly and said, "I tell you, as long as you go in, you will die. I promise!!!"


Xu Ran glanced at her and said indifferently, "Are you stupid?"

"You scolded me?" The woman in the white dress was furious, her eyes widened, and then she stared at Xu Ran with gritted teeth: "Today, even if I die, I will kill you!"


She flashed and rushed up.

Seeing this, Xu Ran's mouth showed a hint of sarcasm. He turned around and easily avoided the opponent's whip kick. Then he grabbed the opponent's slender waist and threw it out suddenly.


The next moment, the woman in the white dress flew backwards like a spinning top, rubbing against the ground of the square for more than three meters before she stabilized her body.

At this time, her face was flushed with shame and anger, and her beautiful eyes turned scarlet, staring at Xu Ran.

"Heh, it seems that you still don't understand. You are not only stupid, but also useless. Since you want to die so much, I will fulfill your wish!" Xu Ran said coldly.


However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a loud and long dragon roar from the palace in the distance, and then a dragon with a thickness of 100 meters and golden scales all over its body slowly walked out.


Immediately afterwards, a series of roars continued to sound around, and one dragon after another crawled out of the palace and surrounded Xu Ran.

"So many dragons!" Seeing this scene, Xu Ran couldn't help but be shocked, but he didn't panic too much, because there were hundreds of dragons here, although they were only about level 60, but they were numerous. If he fought with them, he would not be able to get any benefit, so he immediately chose to give up the plan to kill these dragons.

"Hmph!" He snorted heavily, then stomped his toes on the ground, and his figure instantly disappeared from the spot, rushing out of the palace.

However, at this moment, he heard a sound of breaking wind.

"Swish!" A cold light flashed across, Xu Ran's face suddenly changed, and his figure hurriedly retreated, narrowly avoiding this sharp knife, and at this time, he noticed that it was a silver spear, and the tip of the spear was less than half an inch away from him.

"Damn it!"

Xu Ran couldn't help cursing, and then he suddenly accelerated and ran away. He had already felt that the strong men of the Tianlong Palace would catch up soon, so he had to leave here quickly before that.

However, the group of dragons obviously noticed Xu Ran's actions, and immediately turned around and rushed towards him.

"Get lost!"

Holding a hammer, Xu Ran went forward fearlessly, and a fierce hammer light suddenly swept out.


The hammer light collided with the dragon, and the explosion sounded continuously. Xu Ran took the opportunity to escape far away.

The dragon chased after him relentlessly. Once he found Xu Ran stopped, he spewed flames and thunder crazily, trying to give Xu Ran devastating damage.

However, Xu Ran was strong after all, and he still escaped successfully under such circumstances.


After escaping from the Tianlong Palace, he took a deep breath, and then his eyes flickered: "Those Tianlongs should have sensed the special blood in my body, so they chased me so frantically. In this case..."

"Then lure you into a trap!"


Tianlong Palace, in the imperial palace.

"Your Majesty, you are awake."

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

"Yes." On the dragon throne, the Tianlong King nodded slightly and asked: "Where is that human?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I tricked him into the Tianlong Palace according to your instructions, and he escaped." A guard replied respectfully.

"Oh?" Hearing this, the Tianlong King raised his eyebrows, and a hint of interest appeared in his eyes: "Is he really a blood awakener?"

"Absolutely true, Your Majesty."

"That's interesting, I haven't met a human who can activate the power of blood! Haha!" The Tianlong King suddenly laughed, his eyes narrowed into a slit.

Hearing this, the guardians and elders on the side were shocked. A small human actually aroused the strong interest of the arrogant Tianlong King? This is incredible!

"Your Majesty, do you need me to send elite troops to hunt that human and bring him into the imperial city?" The guardian asked respectfully.

"No need." Tianlong King shook his head and said lightly: "Since he dared to break into my Tianlong Palace, he must have something to rely on. At this time, it is not appropriate to take risks."

"Then your majesty, what about this matter?" The elders on the other side hesitated and asked.

"Wait, he will always have a moment to make a move." Tianlong King was silent for a while, and then he waved his hand, signaling the two to retreat.

"Yes!" The two immediately accepted the order, and then bowed and retreated.

"Hehe, an interesting human." Tianlong King touched his nose and murmured.

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