Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 362: The branch of the Tianlong lineage, the giant Tianlong

But it soon reacted, and then rushed towards Xu Ran again, extremely ferocious.

"Hmph, since you are looking for death, I will fulfill your wish!" Xu Ran shouted, and then his feet suddenly crushed the ground, his body suddenly rushed out, and a whip kick hit the giant beast Tianlong's head fiercely!


This kick was extremely powerful, directly causing the giant beast Tianlong's head to roar, and then the whole body flew out and fell fiercely to the ground.


The giant beast Tianlong vomited blood, half of its head was stuck in the mud, and the scales on its head fell off, bleeding.

"Damn human, you dare to hurt me, die!" The giant beast Tianlong roared, and then the huge body suddenly ejected and grabbed Xu Ran directly.

Xu Ran looked at the giant beast Tianlong who was rushing towards him with cold eyes, and then he kicked the ground with his right foot, the whole person jumped high, and chopped down fiercely with a knife!


Instantly, a brilliant silver light burst out from the shadowless knife, and it fiercely chopped on the left eye of the giant beast Tianlong.


A clear sound of bone cracking was heard, and the eye socket of the giant beast Tianlong immediately sank, and then the entire left eye was instantly deformed, as if the eyeball was about to be squeezed out!

"Roar!" The giant beast Tianlong screamed miserably.

This kind of pain is simply unimaginable, even more terrible than death!

But it did not choose to stop, but took advantage of Xu Ran's distraction, suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and bit his shoulder fiercely.

Seeing this, Xu Ran frowned, and then he shook his arm suddenly, breaking free from the giant beast Tianlong's mouth.

Then he shook his right hand, and a dagger appeared, and then slashed towards the neck of the giant beast Tianlong like lightning, easily cutting the opponent's throat!

"Bang!" The body of the giant beast Tianlong fell in the distance, and died!

"Ding... Host successfully killed the giant battle dragon cub and gained 300,000 experience points!" The system prompt sounded.

Xu Ran heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Tianlong? Wait, soon, you Tianlong will completely disappear from the world!"

After that, he walked forward to pick up the shadowless knife, and at the same time pulled out the left eye of Tianlong Tianlong with force, and blood spurted.

"Hiss hiss hiss..."

While Xu Ran was collecting the spoils, several giant beasts suddenly appeared around, all of which were level 65, and then rushed towards Xu Ran frantically!

Xu Ran's eyes were indifferent, and the shadowless knife in his hand was shining with dark cold light. He slashed down one after another, and each knife was powerful and sharp.

In just a blink of an eye, all six giant dragons were killed by him, and he was covered in blood, like a demon crawling out of a pool of blood.

But Xu Ran didn't feel anything, just stood quietly, waiting for the system prompt sound.

Sure enough, after a moment, the system prompt sounded again!

"Ding... The host has upgraded, the current level: lv.64"

[Name]: Xu Ran (Second Transformation)

[Special Occupation]: Sword Master

[Level]: Lv.64 (3/100)

[Skills]: Qiankun Palm, Sword Slash, Phantom Sword Dance, Fierce Dragon Sword Slash, Second Transformation Skills: Sword Formation Speed ​​Soldier Style, Breaking Air Sword Slash

[Animal Movement]: Wind Step

[Special Skills]: [Mastery of Attack] [Footwork] [Gift of Kafeng] [Dragon Wings] [Boiling Dragon Blood] [Flashing Spirit]

Hearing this prompt sound, Xu Ran's eyes were full of brilliance, and he finally upgraded!

His strength has increased. Although he is still in the second transformation, his combat power is much stronger than when he was just promoted!

Xu Ran took a deep breath. He knew that there was only a little time left for him to deal with the giant beast Tianlong!


At this moment, the figure of the giant beast Tianlong suddenly rushed out of the mud, its eyes were full of resentment, its ferocious mouth opened, and went straight to Xu Ran's throat.


However, Xu Ran did not panic. He moved sideways and narrowly avoided the attack of the giant beast Tianlong.

Then he supported the ground with one hand, jumped up suddenly, kicked the giant beast Tianlong's head, and fell hard.


The giant beast Tianlong was kicked in the head, and immediately felt a sharp pain. He couldn't help but screaming, and at the same time flapped his wings, raising a hurricane.

The hurricane whistled, and Xu Ran couldn't open his eyes.

However, Xu Ran was faster. He grabbed the giant beast Tianlong's head directly, and then his body suddenly rotated, throwing it back into the mud like a gyroscope.

"Bang bang bang!"

Before the giant beast Tianlong's body completely entered the mud, Xu Ran had already stepped on its head and trampled madly.

Xu Ran was filled with murderous intent at this moment. The giant beast Tianlong must die! Because they are enemies!

This is a group of wild creatures, and what they did made Xu Ran feel disgusted and angry!


The head of the giant beast Tianlong was stepped into the mud, and then it struggled hard to escape.

But how could Xu Ran let it do what he wanted? He stomped his right foot down and stepped the whole head of the giant beast Tianlong into the mud.


The roar of the giant beast Tianlong sounded, and it seemed very painful, and its wings were flapping desperately, trying to shake Xu Ran away.

"Bang Bang!"

But it couldn't do it at all, because Xu Ran's right leg was stepping on its cheek tightly, and no matter how it struggled, it was useless!

The top of the giant beast Tianlong's head suddenly exploded, and blood gushed out!

Its wings flapped violently for a few seconds, then slowly and weakly drooped down, it was dead.

"Carlton, the Dragon King, wait for me, I will challenge you soon!"

Looking at the giant dragon lying on the ground, Xu Ran murmured, and then walked away slowly.

Not long after, he came to a mountain peak, which was the highest mountain in this town. Standing on the top of the mountain, he could overlook the area within a radius of 30 miles!

Xu Ran sat cross-legged on a rock and closed his eyes to recuperate.


At this moment, thunder suddenly came from the sky, and the originally bright night gradually became overcast!

At the same time, Xu Ran also discovered that a great crisis was coming!

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at the sky.

On the dark sky, a huge blood moon suddenly appeared, and the blood color became more and more intense, as if it would fall at any time!


Accompanied by a terrifying thunder, the huge blood moon began to tremble.


Suddenly, the blood moon burst into a dazzling blood light, and drops of extremely scarlet blood fell from the sky, carrying a sharp murderous intent, rushing towards the bottom.


The blood streaked across the night sky, making a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and went straight to Xu Ran below!

As the blood fell, Xu Ran's pupils suddenly shrank. This blood contained a terrifying aura. If he was contaminated, even if he was now a second-level transformation, he would definitely be crushed to death by the powerful energy.

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