These lights were extremely sharp, like a blade, knocking Xu Ran's body away, blood gushing out!


He screamed, and the whole person flew backwards, falling hard more than ten meters away, with a look of horror on his face.

He couldn't believe what he saw.

"How could it be... like this?" At this moment, Xu Ran's face was full of surprise, and he felt it was ridiculous.

It stands to reason that between the same level, the weak should defeat the strong, but he just clearly noticed that the cultivation of the ritual method was a few points higher?

But the opponent just casually performed a secret technique and easily knocked him away!

What surprised him even more was that although he was injured, he did not lose his fighting ability, but instead aroused the fierceness deep in his heart.

"Since you want to die, I will send you to the west today!" Xu Ran gritted his teeth and stood up, his eyes ferocious and gloomy.

The next moment, a light blue halo appeared around him, and then his muscles swelled up, and his originally thin body suddenly became thicker.


Xu Ran raised his right arm, and the joints crackled, as if thunder was exploding, emitting a terrifying momentum, shaking the air to ripples.

"Roar!" He shouted angrily, and punched the ritual.

After the fists and palms collided, Xu Ran flew back more than ten meters away. He looked at the other party with horror and disbelief: "What a strong defense!"

You should know that Xu Ran has upgraded [Boiling Dragon Blood] to level 5, but has not yet broken the other party's defense.

"Roar~!" The golden armored beast roared to the sky, and the sound was extremely loud, as if a mountain range collapsed, which was frightening.


The golden armored beast rushed towards Xu Ran again, and the wind pressure brought by its huge body swept across the ground, leaving a deep pit, which was extremely terrifying.

"Swish——!" Xu Ran's eyes were cold, holding a sharp blade, cutting through the air and stabbing the neck of the golden armored beast.


The sharp tip of the knife pierced through the throat of the golden armored beast, splashing blood all over the sky.

The golden armored beast twitched violently, and the yellow armor on its body became more dazzling and dazzling, looking very sacred.

It stared at Xu Ran with its red eyes as big as copper bells, as if it wanted to engrave him into its soul.

But it did not die immediately, because of the sacrifice, it recovered to its peak fighting posture!

"How could it be! This guy didn't die?" Xu Ran looked embarrassed. Although he didn't use any martial arts in the move just now, it was the strongest move of [Sword Slash].

It is no exaggeration to say that even a peak third-level monster would be killed on the spot!

"Hahaha... You are really strong! But you still have to die!!" The sacrifice laughed wildly, and then he raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

The next second, the golden armored beast changed, and the originally dim armor burst into a fiery brilliance. A majestic and powerful force erupted from its body, like a volcanic eruption, terrifying!

"Roar!" It roared to the sky, shaking the sky, like a real beast descending!

The power of the golden armored beast broke through the fifth level! Reached the level of the sixth level!

"Is this the power of the sacrifice? It's really amazing!" Xu Ran was amazed, the sacrifice was too amazing.

Just a few auxiliary spells helped the golden armored beast to upgrade from level 70 to level 75!

"Roar!" The golden armored beast roared, trampled on the ground with its limbs, and the whole earth shook slightly, as if there was an earthquake!

Then, it jumped high and rushed towards Xu Ran!

"Damn it! Fight!" Xu Ran gritted his teeth, his veins bulged all over his body, and his muscles were tense.

The next moment, he jumped up to meet it!

"Ding——!" Xu Ran and the golden-armored beast fought fiercely, and the sound of weapons colliding was clear and pleasant.

"Dangdangdang..." Xu Ran kept slashing, as fast as lightning, and every collision could produce dazzling sparks!

But the defense of the golden-armored beast was beyond imagination. It allowed Xu Ran's attack to fall on it, but it was still not damaged at all, and instead repelled him back!

"Bang!" Xu Ran fell to the ground, spitting blood, and his face was extremely pale.

This couldn't go on at all!

His injuries were getting worse and worse, and he couldn't hold on for long.

The golden-armored beast roared, spread its sturdy limbs, and slowly approached Xu Ran. The huge and ferocious fangs were exposed, which made people palpitate.

"No, I can't just sit there and wait to die!" Xu Ran struggled to stand up, his eyes were bloodshot, and he frantically circulated the spiritual energy in his dantian.

"Shua!" Strands of milky white energy floated out of his body, lingering around him, making him look like an immortal, like a master.


As the spiritual energy was injected into the shadowless knife, strands of brilliant light flowed on the blade, looking extremely extraordinary.

"Dragon draws the sword and cuts!" Xu Ran roared, raised his long sword and chopped at the golden armored beast!


The golden armored beast staggered and almost fell to the ground, but it still stubbornly resisted the attack.


The system prompt sound suddenly came, Xu Ran frowned, checked the attribute panel, and found that the original [Dragon Blood Boiling] effect disappeared.

At the same time, Xu Ran looked at his physical condition again, and now it was only about 50% left.

"It seems that this skill requires spiritual energy to be used." Xu Ran suddenly realized.

He had never figured it out before. Since it was a skill exclusive to the sword master, it should be usable infinitely. Why did he have to consume his own spiritual energy to use it?

Now he finally figured it out!

As long as the spiritual energy is consumed, the skill of the sword master will disappear temporarily!

"However, it seems difficult to kill this golden armored beast with just one skill..."

Xu Ran stared at the huge golden armored beast with a heavy heart.

"Roar!" The golden armored beast roared, and then exerted force on its feet and rushed towards Xu Ran.

It was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it came in front of Xu Ran.

"Oops!" Xu Ran was terrified and dodged in a hurry!


However, the golden armored beast moved too fast, grabbed Xu Ran's shoulder with its claws, and tore it hard, blood spurted out!


Xu Ran screamed in pain, his whole body was almost torn into pieces, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and he gasped in pain!

"Damn, this beast's attack is too fierce, I can't avoid it at all..."

Xu Ran's face was extremely pale, his eyes were full of scarlet bloodshot, and his whole body was trembling!

The next moment, he suddenly grasped the golden scale dagger inserted in his waist, pulled it out, and stabbed the golden armored beast!


The sound of metal clanging exploded in the forest, and the golden armored beast felt pain, roared and let go of his hand. Xu Ran took the opportunity to retreat a few steps and escape from the clutches!

"Ouch~" The golden armored beast roared angrily, and its huge body crushed towards Xu Ran again.

"Damn it! This guy's skin is too hard, I can't cut it!" Xu Ran gritted his teeth, his face was extremely ferocious, and he wished he could cut the golden armored beast into pieces.

Unfortunately, he couldn't do it at all, because the golden armored beast had thick skin and flesh, and its defense was too strong, he couldn't do anything with it!

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