"Dang!" The golden scale dagger broke away from Xu Ran and fell to the ground. Immediately, the golden armored beast grabbed the golden scale dagger with its left claw.

What it didn't expect was that the golden scale dagger actually penetrated his palm directly. Xu Ran took this opportunity to jump onto his back and slashed at Ji Fa with the shadowless knife in his hand.


The knife cut off Ji Fa's neck. Ji Fa died completely without even a sound!

"Roar!" The golden armored beast felt the pain in his shoulder and was extremely furious. He turned around and opened his huge mouth to swallow Xu Ran.

Xu Ran jumped up and jumped out of the golden armored beast's mouth.

"Awoo..." The golden armored beast let out a painful howl. Its left shoulder was bleeding and was almost cut in half by the golden scale dagger. At this time, blood was flowing out.

It stared at Xu Ran angrily, wishing to tear him apart!

"Roar!" The golden armored beast roared and rushed towards Xu Ran again.

Xu Ran snorted coldly, clenched his fists and rushed forward, fighting with the golden armored beast.

"Bang!" The golden armored beast slapped Xu Ran's chest with its huge claws, knocking Xu Ran over. Xu Ran fell heavily to the ground, with a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Ji Fa quickly controlled the golden armored beast, jumped up suddenly, opened his huge mouth, and swallowed Xu Ran.

Xu Ran frowned, his eyes focused, and dodged in an instant.

"Boom boom..."

Just as he dodged Cai's position, the golden armored beast landed at his original position, blasting a huge pit in the hard ground!

"Roar!" The golden armored beast roared, his eyes flashed with murderous light, and seemed unwilling to give up, and rushed over again. Soon, Xu Ran found that its movements were getting slower and slower, and its speed was much slower.

"Bang!" Suddenly, Xu Ran seized the opportunity and blasted out with all his strength, hitting it firmly in the abdomen.

"Ouch!" The golden armored beast wailed, and its huge body flew backwards, knocking down a house and falling to the ground with a bang.

It lost this battle.

Xu Ran breathed a sigh of relief. Although it paid some price, he finally won the final victory and killed Ji Fa, which was a great harvest!

At this moment, he suddenly heard a series of subtle noises from his side, and his heart beat faster involuntarily!


Xu Ran quickly turned his head and saw that a sharp wooden stake was pierced into the golden armored beast, deeply embedded in its body!

"Boom!" The golden armored beast fell to the ground, twitching violently, and blood stained the ground red.

"The weakness turned out to be in the abdomen!" Seeing this, Xu Ran directly used the sword to cut and instantly cut through the opponent's

"Swish!" A large amount of blood spurted out of the golden armored beast's abdomen. As the golden scale dagger was pulled out, large pieces of metal fell and fell beside Xu Ran.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task 'Kill the Golden Armored Beast'! Reward 500,000 experience points and 100,000 gold coins!" The system prompt sounded.

"Huh! Finally won!" Xu Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Xu Ran walked to the body of the Golden Armored Beast, looked at the hideous wound on its abdomen, and was very satisfied. This time, he made a fortune.

Not only did he get 500,000 experience points, but he also got an extra 100,000 gold coins. More importantly, he also got a golden crystal!

"Roar!" The Golden Armored Beast lay on the ground, staring at Xu Ran with red eyes, as if he might attack Xu Ran again at any time.

Xu Ran glanced at the Golden Armored Beast provocatively, and then turned and left.

Sure enough, the Golden Armored Beast stopped roaring when he saw Xu Ran leaving, and his eyes were filled with monstrous hatred and madness.

Xu Ran knew that the Golden Armored Beast would not give up, so he continued to flee, while observing the surrounding environment and looking for a way out.

Soon, he finally found a way out.

"Huh!" He breathed a sigh of relief and stepped in.


As soon as he entered, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and he returned to the altar.

"Damn! I was teleported here again." Xu Ran's face was extremely ugly.

He looked up at the sky, and saw the blood moon hanging in the air.

Xu Ran narrowed his eyes and murmured: "There is something wrong with this blood moon..."

He observed carefully and found something unusual.

He saw a faint white mist at the edge of the blood moon. It should be some kind of barrier to prevent people from breaking in.

And this barrier is very strong. Even Xu Ran's full-strength attack is difficult to destroy, unless he can reach the level of a martial artist!

Xu Ran frowned and thought to himself: "This barrier is definitely not set up by an ordinary person!"

"Perhaps, the Dragon King wants to use the sacrificial ceremony to summon some terrifying existence!" Xu Ran stared at the blood moon with burning eyes.

He thought of a possibility.

If his guess was correct, then this altar was most likely a trap set by that guy.

And he accidentally touched the trap, which triggered the ban and was forcibly pulled into the altar.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help trembling all over, his face as pale as paper.

If it was really as he guessed, he had to leave immediately tonight!

Otherwise, what awaited him would be endless torture and darkness!

No! He had to leave this damn place quickly!

Xu Ran's mind turned quickly, and he immediately decided to leave the altar.

However, he tried several times and couldn't leave the altar.

Xu Ran sat on the altar with a pale face, holding his forehead with both hands, revealing a decadent look.

This time, I'm afraid it's really a failure...

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw, and he said excitedly: "By the way, since leaving here requires sacrifices and blood, then I only need to take some of the sacrifices and blood, and I can leave here."

Xu Ran thought of this, and his mood was excited. He no longer hesitated, quickly picked up the scattered sacrifices and blood on the ground, put them in the bag, and then ran away quickly!

His speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he escaped a hundred meters away, and the Tianlong guards behind him were chasing him relentlessly.

Xu Ran looked at the Tianlong guards getting closer and closer, and secretly said in his heart that it was bad, because he could clearly see that there were definitely hundreds of Tianlong guards behind him.

"Damn it!" Xu Ran cursed in a low voice, and quickly used the teleportation skill, and his figure disappeared on the spot.

The next second, Xu Ran appeared a hundred meters away, and the Tianlong guards were still chasing him relentlessly.

Xu Ran was panicked and tried his best to escape from the altar.

I don't know how long it took, but he finally escaped from the altar!

Looking at the altar behind him, Xu Ran felt a little relieved. As long as he escaped, he would be safe!

However, Xu Ran didn't understand why the Tianlong guards didn't give up, but chased him relentlessly?

Xu Ran shook his head, unwilling to think too much, and continued to run.

He didn't dare to stop for a moment, fearing that the Tianlong guards would catch up.

However, things went against his wishes. He had just run a short distance when he suddenly felt something wrapped around his ankle. He fell to the ground uncontrollably, and the thing dragged him into the ground!

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