Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 375 Rushing to the Tianlong Palace, the Advanced Tianlong King

But he looked, snakes are the ancestors of entanglement, and the next moment, the piercing entanglement was launched instantly.

The huge body of the golden scale snake directly entangled him, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't struggle free.

"Fuck, it hurts so much!" Xu Ran couldn't help but curse, this feeling was almost the same as when he was trapped on the cow when he was riding a cow.

At this time, he suddenly felt something hitting his buttocks. Xu Ran subconsciously looked down and happened to look into the eyes of the golden scale python's hideous and terrifying vertical pupils.

"Hiss..." The golden scale python made a strange sound, and the scarlet tongue swallowed and spit out circles of poisonous mist from his mouth.

Xu Ran smelled the poisonous gas, his face changed slightly, and he quickly held his breath, but the poisonous mist still floated into his nose, causing him to show signs of coma.

"No, we must quickly remove the restraints, otherwise there will be a risk of life!"

Xu Ran was secretly anxious. He didn't forget that the golden scale python was a level 77 monster. Even if it was seriously injured and dying now, it was not something he could bear.


When Xu Ran was thinking about countermeasures, the golden scale python opened its mouth and bit his clothes.

"Fuck, is this thing going to tear my clothes and eat me?" Xu Ran widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief. He had never seen a python with this habit.

"Aww~" The golden scale python roared, tearing hard and biting down.


The clothes were torn and blood was dripping. A piece of cloth was bitten off from Xu Ran's crotch. He felt a chill from somewhere and his face flushed.

"Fuck you!"

Xu Ran was furious. This golden scale python was too cruel. It was so desperate to eat him.

"No! I can't just sit there and wait for death, otherwise I will die when the golden scale python recovers!" Xu Ran's eyes flickered and he calculated quickly in his mind.

"Since you want to eat me, I'll kill you first!"

Xu Ran sneered, suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled out a dagger to stab the golden scale python directly above the seven inches.

"Hiss~" The golden scale python screamed miserably, and the snake struggled frantically, trying to throw Xu Ran away.

"Get out of here!" Xu Ran shouted, and a huge force surged along his arm, and the body of the golden scale python was thrown away in an instant.

The huge body of the golden scale python smashed the big tree, collapsed a pile of miscellaneous wood, and finally fell into the lake a hundred meters away, stirring up waves all over the sky.

"Hu..." Xu Ran breathed a sigh of relief and finally got it into the lake.

But the next moment, his face sank, only because the golden scale python's life value was only half left.

"No! I'm definitely finished if this goes on!" Xu Ran frowned. The medicine on his body had long been used up, and now his body was extremely weak. If he was dragged into the lake by the golden scale python, it would be a dead end!

"No matter what! I can only give it a try!"

Xu Ran took a deep breath, then took out a bottle of Elf Spring, unscrewed the lid and gulped it down.

Ding! System prompt: Elf Spring effect is activated!

Xu Ran was depressed, but he was not entangled now. He drank two-thirds of it in one breath, and his body was filled with strength. The whole person became lively and full of fighting power.

"Hahaha! Cool!" Xu Ran laughed with his head raised, waving the shadowless knife in his hand, rushed over suddenly, and chopped it with a knife.


The sharp knife light swept past, and the air was filled with a faint smell of blood. The next moment, the shadowless knife was inserted into the head of the golden scale python.


The huge body of the golden scale python floated out of the lake, and the huge body gradually shriveled up, emitting a strong fishy smell, which was disgusting.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the golden scale python, and reward 500,000 experience!" The system prompt sounded.

"Haha! 500,000 experience points!" Xu Ran showed a look of relief, then packed up the golden scale python and put it in his backpack.

"Ding! Host, do you want to merge the fangs of the golden scale python into the golden scale dagger!" the system reminded.

Xu Ran nodded and immediately chose to confirm.


With a loud bang, a dark pit appeared on the spot, and the fangs of the golden scale python were embedded in the handle of the dagger, which looked extremely sharp.


Xu Ran jumped into the lake, picked up the tail of the golden scale python, and carried it on his shoulders.

He climbed up the shore wet all over, panting and said, "Damn it, I was scared half to death just now, and finally I got my life back."

He shifted his gaze and fell on the mountain wall not far ahead.

On this mountain wall, there were some stalagmite-shaped mosses hanging, covered with exotic flowers and plants.

This is the largest treasure house in the valley, with many precious herbs, many of which are rare and valuable species.

Xu Ran picked all the herbs without hesitation, and then continued to move forward.

This valley is very vast, with hundreds of various demonized plants living in it. Xu Ran swept all the way and reaped a lot of rewards.

"Huh?" Suddenly, he stopped in place and stared at a green grass in front of him in surprise.

"Jade Dragon Root Grass!"

Jade Dragon Root Grass can make the war beast cub grow rapidly.

"Haha! Luck is unstoppable, and I actually encountered Jade Dragon Root Grass!"

Xu Ran was ecstatic. Although his war beasts were killed, it did not prevent him from having Jade Dragon Root

Xu Ran quickly ran to the dragon root grass, then squatted beside it and started digging.


The Jade Dragon Root Grass rose from the ground and was caught by Xu Ran. At the same time, he sensed that the age of this Jade Dragon Root Grass reached 100 years, which was very good.

"Haha! The Jade Dragon Root Grass of 100 years is at least enough for my new war beast to upgrade to level 50 in the future." Xu Ran was very excited and left with the Jade Dragon Root Grass.

"Ding, system prompt, urgent reminder, the Dragon King is advancing, please kill him as soon as possible!"

"Complete the task reward, Dragon King cub! The Dragon King's golden giant sword system sent him two more rewards.

Xu Ran was very excited. What he needed now was to strengthen his own strength. As for the Dragon King, he was not very interested.

After all, the system's products are definitely top-notch!

Don't mention the Dragon King's golden giant sword, at least it is a divine equipment, and it may even be legendary, majestic and domineering, absolutely suitable for Xu Ran.

Xu Ran took out a dagger and gently tapped the tip of the Jade Dragon Root Grass, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

"Forget it, let's go to the other side of the Dragon King first, otherwise when that person advances, I guess I will be sending my head if I go again! "

Thinking of this, Xu Ran flew directly towards the direction of the Tianlong Palace. Three days had passed by then, and he had to find a chance to kill him before that guy advanced.

The Tianlong Palace was very close to this place, and it took about a few minutes to get there. The Tianlong guards guarding the palace gate showed vigilance and hostility after seeing Xu Ran.

They had all heard about Xu Ran. How could they not hate a man who dared to challenge the majesty of the dragon girl?

Of course, Xu Ran was too lazy to pay attention to them. Their cultivation was too low, and Xu Ran had no desire to take action at all.

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