A total of 40 merit points.

Enough to exchange for a piece of gold-quality equipment in the merit shop.

If it were any other player.

At this point, I'm afraid they would have been excited.

After all, killing an enemy player only gives 1 merit point, which is equivalent to killing 40 enemy players directly.

But for Xu Ran.

Without the increase of [10,000 times reward], this reward is better off not having it!

Just thinking about it.

The prompt sounded.

[Prompt: Trigger the only taboo talent, your reward has been increased by 10,000 times! ]

[Prompt: Trigger the only taboo talent, your reward has been increased by 10,000 times! ]

[Prompt: Trigger the only taboo talent.....]


As the prompt sound continued to echo.

The 10,000 times reward also took effect successfully at this moment.

[Prompt: You have obtained 100,000 merit points! ]

[Prompt: You have obtained 100,000 merit points! ]


A total of four NPCs provided a full 400,000 merit points.

Red gold-level top-grade equipment.

Purple gold-level props.

Dark gold-level mounts and pets.

Xu Ran doesn't even need to open the Merit Shop to know what these Merit points can be exchanged for.

And once the Merit points exceed 500,000.

Players can exchange for legendary-level equipment and props.

However, to obtain epic-level equipment.

Often more than 1 million Merit points are required.

Because in addition to killing hostile players, you can also get rich Merit points through task rewards.

Xu Ran clearly remembers.

In his previous life, there was a ruthless person who kept doing tasks.

Finally, he accumulated 1.2 million Merit points and successfully exchanged for an epic weapon!

But Xu Ran doesn't need to be so hard.

Now, his idea has been verified.

Killing NPCs can also trigger [10,000 times reward].

This means that the speed at which he accumulates Merit points is definitely beyond imagination!

"Go down."

With an order, the ancient ghost dragon slowly landed on the ground.

Without any hesitation.

Xu Ran grabbed the territory core on the ground.

A prompt sounded suddenly.

[Prompt: No resistance is detected within the territory, the occupation conditions are met, and Mar Town is being occupied...]

[Regional Announcement (Mar Town): Due to the attack on Mar Town, the territory status has changed. It has now been separated from the jurisdiction of the Dark Night City and has become the private territory of the player's chosen one. ]

[Regional Announcement (Mar Town): Due to...]



"Dark Night City?"

Seeing the regional announcement, Xu Ran frowned.

The return of the Lost Kingdom is indeed related to the secret plot of the forces of the Dark Camp.

However, something puzzling has occurred.

Until these [Howling Patrols] were killed, the prompt about the main task has never sounded.

This means that the second stage of the main task is not as simple as imagined!

The real crisis to be faced seems to be behind.

But thinking too much is useless.

It is better to take advantage of the merit points to improve your own strength.

Familiar with the way.

Xu Ran opened the Merit Shop.

[Prompt: Do you want to consume 20,000 merit points to exchange for the item "Equipment Hole Opener (God-level)"? ]

[Prompt: Do you want to consume 8,000 merit points to exchange for the item "Equipment Hole Opener (Epic-level)"? ]


[Prompt: Exchange successful! ]

A total of 28,000 merit points were consumed.

The props that can open holes for gems for artifacts and epic-level equipment are finally available.

This is not because the exchange shop is asking too much.

It is because god-level equipment and some epic-quality equipment have a common attribute.

Never wear out.

So if you want to drill holes in artifacts.

Xu Ran must use the corresponding props.

This is also the reason why he has not embedded gems before.

The blacksmith shops in the main city can only open holes for gems for equipment below the gold level.

Higher quality must be obtained through drops, exchanges, etc.

[Hint: Do you want to use the item to open the gem inlay hole for the equipment "Shadow Cloak of Light and Darkness (God-level)"? ]


With a burst of light falling.

A slot for gem inlay appeared on the surface of this god-level equipment.


He took out two gems.

The first one that caught his eye was a rare-quality gem of Grandmaster.

[The Extreme Shadow Treading Sky Trace Gem].

[Hint: The equipment hole was opened successfully, do you want to inlay the gem? ]


As soon as he finished speaking.

The epic equipment [Boots of Endless Lamentation] had a brilliant gem embedded on its surface.

This rare-level Grandmaster gem has a very powerful effect.

In addition to a 50% movement speed increase, it can also provide a 40-second air suspension effect.

During the period, the invincible body is immune to all control.

Next, he used the god-level equipment puncher.

A slot for inserting a gem also appeared on the surface of the [Shadow Cloak of Light and Darkness (God-level)].

Xu Ran still had one gem left in his hand.

It was filled with a special luster of god-level quality, dazzling and brilliant.

[Light of Judgment of Catastrophe (God-level)].


There are three orbs in Xu Ran's backpack.

In addition to the [Orb of Light of Judgment Catastrophe (God-level)], there are also [Orbs of Words of Guardian Oath (God-level)] and [Orb of Toxic Corrosive Fog (God-level)].

These three pieces are all of god-level quality.

Xu Ran needs to select the most suitable orb to complete the inlay of the artifact.

On the way to [Mar Town].

He checked the specific attributes of the [Orb of the Word of Oath of Protection (God-level)] and [The Orb of Toxic Corrosive Mist (God-level)].

No different than expected.

Although all three are god-level orbs.

But obviously the two attributes [Judgment] and [Catastrophe] are more suitable for [Mastering the Cloak of Light and Darkness].

The first is the mosaic effect one.

[Judgment] - After being embedded, the equipment can be equipped with special effects. When causing damage to the enemy, there is a chance of triggering the "Judgment" effect, making it fall into a state of being judged, unable to act, and the defense is cleared. The duration changes with the target's strength. .

And when the enemy is an evil camp NPC or a red-named player, there is a chance of triggering a one-hit kill event.

As for the second mosaic effect, it is even more outrageous.

[Catastrophe] - After being embedded, the power contained in the orb can be actively activated to release "catastrophe" with destructive effects.

When causing [catastrophe], it can cause indiscriminate damage to surrounding enemies.

Moreover, it also has the effect of changing the terrain.

These two effects, no matter which form of light or dark is blessed.

It seems that they can all achieve a perfect fit!

not to mention.

Judgment gods are different from ordinary gods.

It is an existence that is called the Lord God together with light, darkness, death, etc.

That alone.

It is enough to prove its horror.


Xu Ran had just finished speaking.

This orb, filled with divine luster, was inlaid on the cloak made of light and darkness.


A brilliant beam of light rose into the sky, illuminating every corner of [Mar Town].

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