Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 395: Dragon King Bloodline, Forced Suppression


The Devil Lizard King roared, staring at Xu Ran with a pair of cold eyes, and then jumped up suddenly, grabbing his body with its huge claws.

Xu Ran's pupils shrank suddenly, and he knew that if he was caught by this claw, he would definitely die.

In desperation, he flexibly twisted his body to avoid the fatal blow, then pulled out the dagger from his belt and slashed at the devil lizard king.


The dagger collided with the claws, and sparks suddenly shot out. Xu Ran's jaws burst open and he almost lost consciousness.

At this time, the Devil Lizard King took advantage of Xu Ran's fist to resist, and swept over with another sharp claw, hitting Xu Ran hard on the shoulder.

Xu Ran was thrown instantly, breaking several towering trees, and finally hit the ground heavily.

"Cough..." Xu Ran coughed violently, his face was as pale as paper, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. His right arm was disabled and he could not hold the weapon at all.


The Devil Lizard King stepped forward again, staring at Xu Ran with a pair of scarlet eyes, like a wild beast that chose people to devour.

"Damn it, I'll kill you sooner or later!" Xu Ran's eyes were fierce and he secretly shouted in his heart.

But at this moment, Xu Ran suddenly thought of a way. Since he couldn't beat him, it would be better to escape first.

Thinking of this, Xu Ran turned around and ran away without saying a word.

But the moment he turned around, he heard a strange ringing sound.

Immediately afterwards, his body became stiff, as if he was imprisoned.


The Devil Lizard King stepped down with his huge foot, and a trace of despair flashed in Xu Ran's eyes, but soon, he laughed again.

Because the Devil Lizard King stepped on a piece of green grass, the green grass seemed to be poisonous. When the Devil Lizard King stepped on it, black mist came out all over his body, and then he let out a shrill roar.

"This is…"

Xu Ran was stunned. This green grass could actually make the Devil Lizard King suffer?

Sure enough, the Devil Lizard King seemed to sense the danger at this time, shook his head suddenly, and threw the green grass aside.

At the same time, it retreated violently, but it was huge, so when it moved, it caused the surrounding trees to break.


It jumped up suddenly, its huge figure rose into the air, opened its ferocious mouth, and bit Xu Ran.

"I'll wipe it! I'll fight with you!" Xu Ran shouted angrily, found the dagger with his left hand, and suddenly stabbed the devil lizard king. He brandished the iron rod with his right hand and smashed it wildly.

"Bang bang bang..."

This attack caused the devil lizard king's body to shake, but it did not cause too serious damage.

"No, not enough strength!"

Xu Ran gritted his teeth, suddenly stopped attacking, turned around and ran away. At the same time, he roared with all his strength: "Get out of here, I am a human being, you beasts!"

He didn't dare to stop because the sound of the bell continued.

Sure enough, as soon as he ran not far away, he felt a chill on his neck, and a chill swept through his body.

He looked back with difficulty and saw the Devil Lizard King chasing him.

However, it was only then that he discovered that the Devil Lizard King was just a shadow, and its true form had long since disappeared.

Xu Ran breathed a sigh of relief. He ignored the shadow, rushed straight into the canyon, and then ran quickly.

The terrain in the canyon is very complicated. Sometimes there are rock walls and cliffs blocking it, and sometimes there are deep and dark caves. And the deeper you go inside, the higher the temperature, the heat wave hits your face, and even your vision becomes blurred.

Finally, after Xu Ran walked for a while, he saw a flat area ahead, and there, an altar emitting bright silver light stood.

On this altar, there is a giant sword. This giant sword is silver and has a light golden luster. It is like crystal, shining under the sunlight.

"Is this heaven?" Xu Ran looked at the altar and murmured to himself. Then he walked to the altar and observed carefully.

The altar was very large, larger than any building he had ever seen. It was carved with dense patterns, giving off a vast and heavy atmosphere.

It seems to be an era of mechanical civilization, with modern houses rising one after another.

Above the altar, a three-foot-long silver giant sword stood there, exuding overwhelming pressure.

Xu Ran stood in front of the silver giant sword, as small as an ant, but his eyes burst out with blazing light. He felt that this silver giant sword was very extraordinary.

"Buzz buzz..."

The bell rang again, and Xu Ran's heart beat wildly. He suddenly looked up and saw the body of the Devil Lizard King emerging from the ground.

There was a terrifying scar on its back, the skin was turned out, and the bones could be vaguely seen.


The Devil Lizard King let out a low roar and approached step by step. The sound of strong footsteps was deafening, like rolling thunder.

"Depend on!"

Xu Ran couldn't help but curse. This guy was so cunning. At this time, he actually hid the body of a devil lizard king.

All this was an illusion, and he was now convinced that the Devil Lizard King must be the pet of a certain transcendent.

I just didn't expect such a weakling to be so smart.


There was a roar, and Xu Ran reacted and immediately waved the iron rod to meet him.

However, this stick did not work, and he was directly ejected.


The Devil Lizard King roared, and slapped Xu Ran with his huge claws, sending him into the pit.

Xu Ran kept vomiting blood, his bones crackled, as if they were about to break, and he felt a sharp pain in his chest and abdomen.


Another blood arrow spurted out, he struggled to get up, and then saw the huge body of the Devil Lizard King, which had slowly walked over.

Its eye sockets were filled with killing and greed, which looked creepy.

But Xu Ran was not afraid. Although he had no power to resist at this moment, he still stood there stubbornly, holding the iron rod in his hand, with a firm look.


The Devil Lizard King roared, as if impatient. It took a step and slowly walked towards Xu Ran, with its two front limbs slightly bent, ready to deal with the opponent in one move.

At this time, Xu Ran suddenly roared to the sky, the sound waves rippled around, shaking the branches around, and the Devil Lizard King was also frightened and trembling all over.

This scene made Xu Ran very satisfied, but the next second, he widened his eyes.

"Fuck, what the hell is this!" He saw that the Devil Lizard King was actually crawling on the ground, trembling.

"Isn't this too cowardly?" Xu Ran was a little confused. Is this still the domineering Devil Lizard King? Why is he so cowardly?

But the next moment, something even more incredible happened. The Devil Lizard King suddenly lay on the ground, kowtowed to Xu Ran, and then let out a sad wail.

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