Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 400: Cunning mechanical mouse, humanoid beast attacks

Xu Ran was in a happy mood. Looking at the trembling mechanical rat in the distance, he couldn't help but grin. He didn't expect that he could actually meet the mechanical rat.


His figure moved.


Suddenly, the ground shook, as if something huge was running.

Xu Ran was startled and hurriedly hid on the branch of a big tree.


Then, a giant wild boar that was much larger than the mechanical mouse appeared in his field of vision.

The wild boar's body is as black as ink, its long tusks glow with cold light, its nostrils spurt white air, and its eyes are extremely scarlet.

"What a big wild boar!" Xu Ran took a breath. The height of this wild boar is at least about 200 kilograms, its body length is probably more than two meters, and its weight is more than 500 kilograms. It is much larger than the mechanical mouse. , too powerful.

Moreover, at this moment, the wild boar seemed to have discovered Xu Ran and the mechanical mouse. It roared and rushed towards Xu Ran.

"Holy shit, this rat actually knows how to find foreign aid!" Xu Ran cursed, jumped down immediately, and then ran away. He didn't dare to tangle with the wild boar, otherwise he would definitely die. Even if he had 80 attributes, he couldn't resist.

Xu Ran kicked off the branches and fled quickly, but the wild boar chased for a distance and saw that Xu Ran was no longer there, so he roared angrily and turned around to return.

Not long after, another mechanical mouse quietly crawled out, looked at the empty creek, and then looked at the place where the wild boar had left, and was immediately startled.

Then he quickly got into the grass and disappeared.

Soon after, a gray mouse appeared where Xu Ran had been hiding. He looked around and then disappeared.

On the other side, Xu Ran ran far away and stopped after making sure that no wild boar was chasing him.

He looked at his embarrassed attire and smiled bitterly.

"Looks like I need to clean myself up quickly."

Later, Xu Ran took out the dagger and washed it in the stream, and then felt much better.

But he still can't figure out the so-called Liusha organization, intelligence mission, and the promise to Luo Ya to rescue people.

"I have to check out the area outside Kent's north gate!"

He planned to go there first and inquire about some information.

Xu Ran left the valley and left his mark along the way, so that if he found the mechanical mouse, he could use the mark to find it.

For more than half an hour, Xu Ran stood in a desert, looking at the endless yellow sand in front of him, and couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

This desert is so vast!

He made a visual inspection and found that according to the system's instructions, he was at least seven or eight cities away from the North City Gate, and even included a large town!

"This is really not a place for humans. Is the world so poor?" Xu Ran couldn't help complaining that such a long journey would probably take five or six hours with a mechanical car.

However, what he didn't know was that in the heaven, unless it was a special means of transportation, ordinary people had to travel on foot by themselves or hire a driver.

Therefore, even the knights spent a lot of effort to reach such a long distance.


Suddenly, Xu Ran's expression became slightly stagnant, and his gaze turned to a patch of dense grass not far away. Then his eyes lit up, and he quickly ran over, pushed aside the grass, and revealed a huge egg.

"Haha, it turned out to be really rewarding." Xu Ran rubbed his hands excitedly, picked up the egg, and prepared to put it into the system backpack.

Suddenly, a sound broke through the air and he instinctively turned aside to avoid it, but he still felt severe pain in his shoulder.


The clothes on his shoulders were torn to pieces, and his shoulders instantly swelled.

Xu Ran looked down and saw an arrow stuck in the eggshell. His expression changed, and then he looked up and saw several strong figures running towards this side quickly.

They were several men, wearing armor and swords at their waists, and they looked quite majestic.

"Who are you?" Xu Ran asked in a deep voice. At the same time, he stuffed the eggs in his arms into his backpack, secretly on guard.

The opponent was obviously well-trained. When he heard Xu Ran's question, he didn't say anything. He just rushed towards this side quickly. At the same time, he turned his wrist, unsheathed his sword, and slashed at Xu Ran.


Xu Ran drew out his dagger to block the blow, but his body was knocked back three or four steps, which made his face change slightly. Although he lacks strength now, his agility and skills are good, but he is more than enough to deal with ordinary bosses, but he can't deal with the boss in front of him. This person suffered a loss.

"Hey! These guys are a bit tricky!" Xu Ran snorted coldly, his eyes gradually becoming fierce.


The opponent's offensive continued unabated, and he kept waving his sword to chop.

Not to be outdone, Xu Ran raised his dagger to defend himself. He could only delay as much time as possible, hoping to wait until Luo Ya came to save him, so that he would be safe.

boom! boom!

Fierce fighting continued.

These guys were obviously aware of Xu Ran Bufan, their attacks became more and more fierce, and they cooperated tacitly. They had obviously experienced countless fights.

Xu Ran was under increasing pressure, but not only did he not retreat, but he became more courageous as he fought.


The two sides kept colliding, and Xu Ran became more and more courageous as he fought. Finally, he seized the opportunity and stabbed an armored guard in the chest with a knife, killing him instantly.

The beeps kept ringing. There were ten armored guards in this group, and all of them were killed at this moment.

Xu Ran breathed a sigh of relief. Although these armored guards were powerful, they were far behind compared to him.

Ding dong!

The prompt sounded continuously, and every item dropped by the armored guards made him extremely excited.

Armor: White board (blue)

Weapons: Sword, shield

"Haha, these guys are giving away experience like crazy, I have now reached level 74."

Looking at the attribute information given to him by the system, Xu Ran felt particularly refreshed.

But the next moment, a huge figure suddenly rushed towards him.

Looking at the man in front of him who was like a hill, Xu Ran was shocked.

"Fuck, this is a fucking human-shaped beast!"

At this moment, the man was more than three meters tall, with bulging muscles and explosive power.

And he was covered in armor, looking extremely majestic and domineering, like an iron tower, with a murderous aura emanating from him, as if he had walked out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.


The man who looked like a bison let out a low neigh, then moved his legs and rushed towards Xu Ran frantically.

"Fuck, what the hell is this!" Xu Ran was shocked, and without thinking, he turned around and ran.

Although he thought that he had good attributes now and it should not be a problem to fight a wild monster alone, he was still scared when facing such a ferocious adventurer.

After all, the other party was an intelligent creature, and he also had thick armor, which could completely crush him. '

"Boy, you can't run away!"

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