Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 407 Wolf Blood Refining, Amazing Transformation

At this moment, Xu Ran was slightly surprised by the huge power.

He bent his body, like a bow and arrow, and rolled backwards with power!

Swish, brush, brush...

And the cunning white wolf in front of him suddenly turned into a phantom, floating around.

Moreover, every time its claws fall, it can easily leave a deep ravine on the ground.

There was a white light all around, which was so dazzling that it was impossible to analyze the specific location of this guy.

Xu Ran's nervous sweat broke down instantly!

Even he found the white wolf in front of him too difficult to deal with.

"Sure enough, he is indeed a more difficult opponent than the Black Cloud Tribulation Python!"

Xu Ran couldn't help but think silently in his heart.

But now, now that he has come this far, he must not let this white wolf stop him.

Thinking of this, Xu Ran stepped heavily on the tree trunk behind him, and with the help of the force of the counter-shock, he rushed forward like a sword from a string!

"Draw your sword and kill!"

At the critical moment, Xu Ran suddenly waved the weapon in his hand and quickly drew it forward.

An extremely sharp breath penetrated the sky like a thread!

Within a hundred meters around the body, a circle of air waves suddenly appeared, and then disappeared completely.

And above the sky, many white furs were scattered, as if a heavy snow had fallen.

Xu Ran sniffed his nose and clearly smelled a strong smell of blood.

"Did you make it?"

Xu Ran couldn't help but stare forward, with anticipation in his eyes.

However, the next moment, he was extremely disappointed...

Because this white wolf only had part of its hair cut off.

And the most surprising thing is that after being hit with this sword strike, the white wolf seemed to become more cruel and bloodthirsty.

It stared coldly at Xu Ran in front of it and walked forward step by step with elegant steps.


The white wolf looked up to the sky and roared wildly, and the sound of the wolf's roar spread all around.

Suddenly, Xu Ran could clearly feel that demon wolves appeared one after another in the surrounding mountains and came quickly towards this place.

"No, we must deal with this guy quickly, otherwise we won't be able to escape once we are surrounded by a pack of terrifying wolves!"

Xu Ran knew that wolves were very terrifying existences in this heaven.

If you are surrounded by a pack of wolves, even those monsters above level 80 will be buried in them and unable to escape.

"Come on, let me show you how powerful I am today!"

In a desperate situation, Xu Ran had no choice but to fight hard.

His whole body seemed to turn into a sharp sword, and he suddenly used a sword to seal his throat.

"Kafeng's gift..."

Xu Ran suddenly penetrated the white wolf's body and appeared behind it.

However, what made him feel a little discouraged was that the white wolf was so fast?

The blow just now actually only penetrated its afterimage, but did not damage its body.

Suddenly, Xu Ran felt a stinging pain on his back!

One of the blood wolf's claws actually pierced into his flesh and blood.

"It's so fast. Why does it feel like it's faster than me?"

Xu Ran was very depressed.

The white wolf in front of him was probably the fastest monster he had encountered since the heavenly realm.

And after Xu Ran was injured at this time, it could be clearly felt that the white wolf became even more violent.

"I know, this guy is very fast, and the more he smells my blood, the more excited and crazy he becomes!"

Xu Ran couldn't help but have a look of madness in his eyes.

He suddenly stretched out his two hands quickly and grabbed the white wolf's claws.

A look of doubt suddenly flashed across the white wolf's narrow and cruel eyes!

Obviously it doesn't understand what this human being wants to do?

All I saw was Xu Ran showing a bloody white tooth and smiling sternly.

Immediately, both arms exerted force at the same time, the muscles bulged, and huge power spun out, bringing the white wolf directly in front of him!

Bai Lang's eyes finally became a little panicked, and he struggled crazily, trying to retreat.

This time Xu Ran was even more sure that the white wolf mainly relied on speed and sharp claws to fight. Once caught at close range, it would lose its greatest advantage.

"Haha, it turns out you are just a showman. If that's the case, then I will eat you alive!"

At this time, Xu Ran looked like a big devil. He opened his mouth and bit the white wolf fiercely.


The elegant white wolf let out a shocking scream.

Immediately, Xu Ran mobilized all his strength and frantically sucked the warm blood from the white wolf's body.

After the wolf blood entered his body, Xu Ran could feel that his injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, a surging power is constantly flowing through the whole body, which is indescribably comfortable!

At the beginning, the white wolf was still waving its claws crazily, causing scars one after another on Xu Ran's body.

But Xu Ran didn't care about it at all, and instead accelerated the blood-sucking speed crazily.

Finally, gradually the white wolf stopped moving and its body became limp.

Finally, the huge white wolf's torso fell directly to the ground, making a rumbling sound!

Xu Ran spat hard, dumbfounded.

He never imagined that he would actually kill a powerful white wolf in this way.

"Well, the wolf blood actually tastes quite good, and it seems to be quite beneficial!"

Xu Ran thought silently.

However, at this moment, when he was about to turn around and leave, he found that he took one step forward and his body became extremely light.

And it seems to have some special characteristics, that is, when it moves, under deliberate control, a layer of white moonlight appears on the surface of the body.

This moonlight blessing can make your speed even more terrifying!

Xu Ran was so excited that she couldn't help but think excitedly.

"Is it because the wolf blood entered his body and cleansed his whole body, so he had such an amazing change?"

The more Xu Ran thought about it, the more he felt like this.

He laughed loudly and was already several hundred meters away in the blink of an eye.

Then, a ray of moonlight flashed in the sky, and he was back to where he was in an instant!

"It's too fast. This speed is faster than in my heyday!"

Xu Ran knew that at his own level, in terms of speed, he was far from the current level.

This amazing transformation allowed him to take the initiative when facing any enemy in the future.

However, just when Xu Ran was extremely happy, suddenly a series of terrifying roars came into his ears!

Xu Ran immediately raised his head and looked around, then his brows furrowed into a deep frown.

Around the hillside, one after another smaller white wolves slowly appeared in the dark jungle.

Their eyes were densely packed, shining with a terrifying blue light!

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