Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 417: Princess of Heaven, the Disappearing Ruins

"Asir, be careful, don't fight them!"

At this time, Xu Ran shouted loudly and reminded loudly.

But obviously, the two swordsmen ignored Xu Ran, and their aura locked Asir tightly.

At the same time, the swords in their hands have also begun to release exaggerated sword energy!

"Asir, we can forgive you for what happened between you and Princess Tianjie back then, but you stole the choice of fate. This is an unforgivable mistake."

The tall swordsman spoke slowly, with a hint of memory in his tone.

After hearing this key information, Xu Ran's heart began to beat slowly.

Only then did he realize that Asir actually had some connection with the Princess of Heaven?

The current princess of heaven is not the same princess as before.

The Princess of Heaven, known as the legendary supreme pearl, is the dream lover of many people, but she never expressed her feelings to anyone until her death.

So everyone thought that the princess of heaven never had a sweetheart.

But at this time Xu Ran heard such shocking information. It seemed that there was a past event between Asir and the princess...

And he also understood that this fateful decision actually came from heaven, and the original owner did not belong to Asir.

"So what? This sword has been with me for too long, and there is only one last crack left!"

Asir's tone was very simple. He slowly touched the sword in his hand with a warm look in his eyes.

"Asir, you are going too far. If that's the case, then you will fight with us today. If you can pass our test, you will be truly free from now on!"

Humpty Dumpty couldn't forgive, and his voice was filled with a cold look.

Xu Ran had no doubt that these two people would not retain any kindness when they joined forces.

But Asil looked completely unafraid and nodded heavily.

"Well, in that case, come on!"

He held the choice of fate in his hands and walked forward slowly.

The three of them are all three top swordsmen. The powerful auras on their bodies collided with each other, and the surrounding bamboo forest shook violently!

Invisible sword energy, one after another, roamed freely, cutting these bamboo leaves in half.


Xu Ran shouted.

The two swordsmen, tall and short, frowned at the same time.

"Boy, who are you to interfere in our affairs?"

The two swordsmen were obviously unhappy.

In their opinion, Xu Ran was just a lucky boy who accidentally started the quest for the title of Supreme in Heaven.

But with its own strength, it is definitely not their opponent.

But Xu Ran walked over directly and stood next to Asir.

"Asir is my friend. If you want to deal with him, then include me in it!"

After saying this, the two swordsmen looked at each other and smiled.

"What an arrogant boy. You mean to say that you want to fight us, but have you ever asked who we are?"

Xu Ran said casually.

"Who you are has nothing to do with me. I only know that Asir today will never walk alone!"

Hearing this, Asil's eyes were slightly moist, and he was moved by Xu Ran's words and fell into silence for a moment.

"Good boy, you have some courage. Then you know that we are one of the five guardians of the lost ruins of the heaven. The former Asir is also a guardian!"

"Speaking of which, boy, do you still have the courage to fight us?"

"What, the guardian of the vanished ruins of heaven?"

As soon as the name was said, Xu Ran's eyes suddenly shrank slowly.

Of course he knows that there is a hidden map here in heaven, which is known as the disappeared ruins and the eternal dawn!

The name of that place is very old, and few people are willing to mention it, but the names of several guardians in the ruins are passed down forever.

I just didn't expect that two of the five guardians were now in front of me.

"Tell me your names. I believe you are not unknown!"

Although Xu Ran's heart was extremely heavy, there was still no trace of fear on his face.

The two swordsmen, tall and short, slowly announced their names.

"Listen up, kid, I'm Dedlock."

The other person slowly pulled out the square iron piece and said with an indifferent expression.

"I am Shaqiri, known as the God of Twilight!"

After the names of these two people were announced, Xu Ran suddenly felt a huge pressure rushing towards him.

But Asil, who was next to him, suddenly spoke.

"Delok Shaqiri, since the two of you are now seeking to settle your grievances with me, I will use this final crack in fate to fight you to the death!"

After he finished speaking, he turned into a phantom and rushed forward.

And Xu Ran was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Asil to do it as soon as he said it, so fast.

But he reacted quickly and immediately drew his sword!

In the entire bamboo forest, the four masters instantly fought together.

When they first came into contact with him, Xu Ran felt that the strength of this short fat man was very terrifying, and he was indeed worthy of being called the God of Twilight.


Although this short and fat man was very fat, he was too fast and too flexible.

Moreover, the square iron sheet in his hand had no rules at all, and any direction could be used as an attack position.

"Boy, your swordsmanship is very good, but it's a pity that you chose the wrong opponent!"

The God of Dusk, Shaqiri, had a disdainful sneer on his face.

His square iron sheet suddenly grew slowly, and there was another violent wave that spread quickly, making Xu Ran feel a huge pressure.

"Draw the sword and cut!"

Xu Ran took advantage of his inattention and suddenly used the sword and cut, and an invisible sword energy directly hit the iron sheet.

The face of the God of Dusk, Shaqiri, changed slightly, and he turned over several times and fell in the distance, his eyes were full of doubts.

"What a powerful boy, I almost fell into his trap!"

Shaqiri was surprised, and he realized that Xu Ran was a powerful opponent and must not be underestimated.

On the other side, Asir and Delock were evenly matched, and neither could do anything to the other!

Seeing this scene, Xu Ran deeply understood that he had to defeat the God of Dusk, Shaqiri, before he could help Asir repel Delock.

"Come on!"

Xu Ran suddenly roared, and instantly used the White Wolf's magical power to quickly approach.

"What? Isn't this the White Wolf's magical power? The speed is so fast, and it turns into a ray of moonlight?"

The God of Dusk, Shaqiri, was obviously very surprised, and his eyes were already wide open.

But in the blink of an eye, Xu Ran had already arrived in front of him.

And at this moment, the sword in Xu Ran's hand suddenly disappeared!

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