Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 427: Eye of Heaven, the Deadly Enemy of Heaven

"Mr. Solders, what should we do next?"

Xu Ran asked for advice seriously at this time.

Although he already has some vague plans in mind, this is also to give Solders the respect he deserves.

After thinking about it for a while, Soldes stretched out his finger and slowly pointed in one direction.

A look of confusion suddenly appeared in Xu Ran's eyes. He didn't know what Soldes meant.

"Oh? Mr. Solders, you mean..."

Speaking of this, Xu Ran paused slowly.

Soldes, on the other hand, didn't say anything. He just picked up his bloody sword and walked towards the red line area of ​​​​the heaven.

"He actually went there directly. Could it be that he already knows the secret of that place?"

Xu Ran said nothing, and followed slowly with suspicion in his heart.

Sure enough, when they arrived here, they saw Soldes using the sword in his hand as a hoe and slowly digging.

And over time, this Soldes dug a deep hole in the ground.

"Well, what exactly is in here?"

The surprise in Xu Ran's eyes became more and more intense, because he could feel that there seemed to be a very sharp aura sealed under the earth.

Although this aura has not been completely exposed, it has already caused the big trees next to it to slowly fall down one after another as if they were being cut.

If all this aura appears, what's the point?

Xu Ran already realized that something was wrong at this time.

That's what this Solders wants to do?

Out of instinct to protect herself, Xu Ran kept moving back.

But after a while, he discovered that Soldes had completely dug out the mysterious thing.

Sure enough, as Xu Ran guessed before, this is a weapon...a weapon with a very terrifying appearance!

It looks like a sword, but this sword is very strange. It actually has an eye on it.

The moment Xu Ran saw these eyes, he felt a sea of ​​blood rushing toward his face, making him so nervous that he could hardly breathe.

"Oh, what kind of sword is this? Why is it so weird? Could it be used by a demon?"

At this time, Xu Ran had such a shocking guess in his mind.

But without confirmation, he did not ask rashly.

When Soldes saw the sword, he knelt on the ground and chose to surrender.

Seeing such a scene, no matter how stupid Xu Ran was, he understood that this sword was actually the divine sword once used by the master of heaven.

"Xu Ran, do you know? The name of this sword is called the Eye of Heaven. This eye is said to be the only eye left by the ancient Tianlong. Later, it was made into this sword by the master of the heaven. The power of this sword is too great. It’s terrifying, no one can unleash all its power!”

After hearing Soldes' introduction, Xu Ran's heart beat violently.

Only then did he realize that this sword was so powerful!

"Eye of God, this is a very domineering name!"

Xu Ran sighed silently in his heart.

Suddenly he thought of something and couldn't help but ask.

"Then Mr. Solders, the former master of Heaven, how much power can you use this sword to?"

Upon hearing this, Solders smiled meaningfully and then said.

"The master of Heaven, at the peak of his strength, only used 60% of the strength of this sword!"

"What, it's only 60%, but he has already reached such a terrifying height?"

Only then did Xu Ran realize how powerful this Eye of God really was!

Just relying on the strength of 60% level, he has already dominated the heaven and is invincible.

How terrifying it would be if we could exert 10% of its power!

However, Xu Ran also knew that depending on his current state, it would be impossible to unleash all the power in the Eye of God.

Soon, Xu Ran and Soldes continued walking forward.

At this time, Soldes was holding the Eye of God in his hand, frowning slightly, as if he was making a decision.

Xu Ran was also very smart and did not speak rashly.

He knows that there are some things that you don’t need to ask for. What’s yours is yours, and you can’t get it even if you force it.

Suddenly, not long after walking, there was another violent tremor in the ground ahead!

"No, Mr. Solders, those ferocious beasts sealed in the heavens must have appeared again at this moment."

Xu Ran's expression changed slightly, and he couldn't help but think of the flame mantis before.

The mantis was sleeping peacefully underground, but it became like this because the fake Shaqiri kept destroying the terrain.

Solders' eyes also became very cautious, and he did not dare to say a word.

Because I can feel the strength of the ferocious beast in front of me, which is definitely extraordinary.

Seeing his appearance, Xu Ran was immediately interested and took the initiative to walk forward.

"Xu Ran, don't go there. This is Peart, who was once known as the mortal enemy of heaven. It is a super monster with the blood of an emperor. If you fight it rashly, you will only be completely swallowed by it and you will never be able to escape! "

After hearing Soldes' warning, Xu Ran nodded and did not take action for the time being.

And this terrifying monster known as Peart, standing in the distance, with an extremely tall body, two feet stepped on the ground to form a dark cloud, covering the entire sky.

"What a terrifying monster, no wonder it can become the mortal enemy of the heaven with its own strength..."

Xu Ran silently guessed in his heart that this guy should have also escaped the crisis by chance and slept underground, and now was awakened by the series of wars.

Suddenly, Peart's two terrible eyes stared at Xu Ran and Soldes.

The next moment, he directly waved his broad feet and took the initiative to chase!

"No, Xu Ran is coming, let's go quickly!"

Solders had no choice but to run forward with Xu Ran desperately.

But this Peart's speed was too fast. Not only was his body huge, but his running speed was actually accelerating.

"No, Mr. Soldes, we can't escape anymore. The speed of this monster is terrifying!"

Xu Ran's tone was very heavy.

Soldes looked back and saw that Peart was really fast and was in front of him in a flash.

He also understood that he couldn't escape this time and could only fight hard!


Peart's huge tail slammed directly on the ground.

Both of them were hit by this huge force and flew far away!

In a hurry, Soldes threw the Eye of Heaven directly in the direction of Xu Ran.

"Xu Ran, take the sword quickly..."

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