"Good boy, you are so brave, how dare you lie to me."

Shaqiri gritted his teeth, with a look of deep hatred in his eyes.

The next moment he didn't hesitate and rushed directly in the direction of Xu Ran!

And at the same time, Peart also waved his huge foot and stepped down hard on Xu Ran.

Of course, Xu Ran immediately felt Shaqiri rushing over from behind him, and he suddenly felt threatened from both sides, making him feel a sense of crisis.

But Xu Ran suddenly had a bright idea and thought of a great idea.

"Xu Ran, you kid, you dare to trick me, go to hell!"

Shaqiri roared his voice and let out an extremely violent roar.

At this time, Xu Ran didn't care at all, he sneered and rushed towards the rear quickly.

"Haha, boy, it seems that you are deliberately seeking death. In that case, I will help you!"

Shaqiri's eyes showed a proud look, and Peart's foot from far away fell directly at this moment.


A shocking loud noise came, and everyone's ears were almost deafened.

When Shaqiri looked up at the sky, he found that Peart's foot had stepped down.


Shaqiri roared in despair, but by this time it was too late, as the foot directly trampled him heavily into the ground.

Xu Ran breathed a heavy sigh of relief and took advantage of this moment to quickly escape into the distance.

Moreover, there was a look of surprise in his eyes!

"It's now!"

Taking advantage of this critical moment, Xu Ran waved the Eye of God and slashed hard at the statue of Soldes.


After Soldes' statue shattered, he breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

"Xu Ran is lucky to have you, otherwise, I would have been miserable just now!"

There was a look of deep fear in Solders' eyes.

"Mr. Solders, don't worry about it for now. Look at this Peart. He seems to have no weak points in his body. What should we do?"

Xu Ran frowned and said seriously.

At this time, Peart had already trampled the fake Shaqiri to the ground and disappeared.

But now Peart realized that he had been tricked by Xu Ran. This terrifying beast shook its big head, and violent auras were exploding all over his body.

It's like a furnace on the verge of exploding.

"Xu Ran, be careful. This Peart has started to go crazy. We can't be hit by it again, otherwise it will become an eternal statue."

Speaking of this, Solders's eyes showed a deep sadness, obviously he thought of some things in the past.

"Mr. Solders, are you saying that the fifth guardian has been transformed into an eternal statue?"

After realizing this, Xu Ran blurted out immediately.

And Solders's expression also became infinitely sad, obviously Xu Ran had made this point right.

"Yes, Xu Ran, the most regrettable one among our five guardians is that guy. He once had infinite talents and was also the youngest. He was called the strongest genius in heaven. We even thought he would become the next one. The master of heaven."

Speaking of this, Solders' voice revealed infinite sadness.

And Xu Ran naturally also knew that it turned out that the guy was a real evil genius, and later he wanted to show off that he could challenge Peart, the mortal enemy in the heaven, alone.

Then he accidentally hit three mudslides of Peart, which were superimposed together to become an eternal statue.

Of course Xu Ran knew how terrifying three mudslides were!

The two mudslides together almost killed Solders. If it weren't for the terror of the Eye of God, it is estimated that the statue just now would have become an eternal statue.

"It's amazing. He was hit by three mudslides and he didn't die. He just turned into an eternal statue. You can only imagine how strong this person is!"

Xu Ran thought silently in his heart.

But now he understands that it is useless to think so much. He should quickly think about how to deal with this terrifying Peart in front of him!

When Peart stepped on Shaqiri to the ground, his eyes glanced around, filled with a terrifying and fierce light.

Finally, it discovered that Xu Ran had rescued Soldes.

At this moment, Peart became furious and ran madly in the direction of Xu Ran.

Xu Ran immediately reminded him!

"Mr. Solders, let's evacuate immediately?"

At this time, both of them understood that they were completely unable to defeat Peart with their own strength. They could only find a way to lure the monster out and then try to kill it outside.

Because no matter what, it is too difficult to kill Peart within the red line of heaven!

The only hope is to find a way to get out of here.

Soon, the two of them rushed out of the red line, and there was a trace of hesitation in Peart's eyes.

Obviously, even if it is a terrifying monster of this level, it still has to consider whether to leave the ruins of the heaven.

But when he saw Xu Ran's grimace, the anger deep in Peart's heart was completely ignited.

At this time, it didn't care anymore, directly violated its previous promise, and rushed out of the red line.

"Lord Solders, look, this Peart is really crazy, he actually left the red line!"

Solders nodded after hearing Xu Ran's words, with a heavy look in his eyes.

"Xu Ran, our chance has come. If the other guys come, we can join hands to defeat this Pirt and seal it forever!"

Xu Ran certainly understood what Soldes said, that is, he needed to rely on the other guardians.

But in Xu Ran's opinion, Asir stayed at the south gate of Kent and would not step into the ruins of the heaven without permission.

And the other two people, Shaqiri and Delock, were also missing.

The only hope is that with the Eye of Heaven in his hand, he may pose a fatal threat to Pirt.

"Well, no, isn't there still that Shocking Giant Python? If that python comes, it may really pose a certain threat to this beast!"

Xu Ran thought of this in his heart, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

However, there is still a difficulty in front of him, that is, first, he did not find the location of the Shocking Giant Python.

Second, the Shocking Giant Python was chasing the Dusk God Shaqiri and Delock.

If he found the python, wouldn't it mean that the other two guardians would be in sight?

And at that time, would the two guardians fight him directly?

Wouldn't that make the situation dangerous again?

When he thought of this, Xu Ran felt a headache.

But at this moment, what he feared came true, and the roar of a python suddenly came from a distance!

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