Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 434 Half-human, half-demon, Shaqiri's madness

However, when these two people felt guilty, they immediately lowered their heads and pretended not to see it.

And a murderous look flashed in Jax's eyes. He had undoubtedly remembered what happened back then.

Xu Ran knew that Jax would never act like nothing happened!

But in this situation, Jax deeply understood that he had a more important mission, which was to kill Peart as soon as possible and complete the fateful grudge since the heaven.

Peart had been forced into a corner by several people, and it was only a matter of time before he was defeated.

At this moment, Jax also waved the wooden stick in his hand, causing extremely powerful lethality.

"Hurry up, Peart is going to die, let's hurry up!"

Soldes immediately urged. As the Northern Sword God, his swordsmanship was not a joke.

At this moment, he kept causing fatal damage to Peart with one sword after another.

The injuries on Peart's body were already very terrible, but this guy still shook his head and looked for an opportunity to release a mudslide!

Seeing this situation, Xu Ran quickly reminded him.

"Be careful, this guy's ability to cause mudslides is very terrible!"

Sure enough, Xu Ran's words came true.

After he finished speaking, a mudslide fell from the sky and almost covered him.

Fortunately, Xu Ran had prepared in advance and quickly distanced himself at the critical moment and retreated to a distance.

Otherwise, he would have been hit directly just now!

"Damn it, this guy is still unwilling to give up. Is he trying to force us to cut him into pieces?"

Soldes' voice became extremely cold, and the long sword in his hand seemed to have turned into a scalpel, directly cutting a piece of meat from Peart's body.

Peart let out a terrifying scream, and then struggled more frantically, waving his terrifying arms and thick and powerful tail, posing a serious threat to the people in front of him.

"Don't be afraid. No matter how strong this guy is, we are so many people, how can we be afraid of him alone!"

At this time, Soldes was like an elder brother, inspiring everyone's morale.

Finally, Peart's body slowly fell down, and everyone couldn't help but burst into cheers and roars!

"Great, finally solved this mortal enemy of the heaven."

Even Jax breathed a sigh of relief. There was a deep hatred between the two of them back then, and now it has been successfully concluded.

But for others, it was the first time to see a monster as terrifying as Peart.

Like Xu Ran, he couldn't help but look at it carefully.

He wanted to know what Peart's body structure was like, and why he could release such a terrifying mudslide?

But at this moment, Shaqiri suddenly turned into a phantom and rushed over.

"Shaqiri, what do you want to do?"

Souldes immediately cursed, vaguely aware of something wrong.

I saw Shaqiri stretched out his hand, opened a hole in Peart's chest, and then grabbed the guy's heart.

"No, this guy wants to swallow Peart's heart and gain the ability of mudslide!"

Suddenly, Soldes saw Shaqiri's true thoughts at a glance, and he waved his weapon and intercepted him directly.

And Xu Ran realized that Shaqiri wanted to avoid Jax's revenge, so he was desperate at the moment and just wanted to make himself stronger.

At present, Peart's heart is one of the fastest shortcuts to become stronger.

After Shaqiri got this heart, he laughed arrogantly and flew away immediately!

And Xu Ran quickly chased after him with the Eye of Heaven.

"You want to escape from me, you are dreaming!"

Xu Ran directly released the sword-drawing slash, and a transparent sword energy turned into a circle, controlling Shaqiri in it.

Jax and Soldes immediately chased after him, while Delock stood in the distance, his eyes showing a trace of difficulty and hesitation.

Obviously, in this situation, he didn't know what to do!

If he rashly attacked Shaqiri, he would probably be beaten up by Jax in the end.

But if he stood there and did nothing, Jax would probably turn around and deal with him.

So, Delock chose to wait and see the situation for the time being.

Seeing Jax and the others chasing after him, Shaqiri swallowed the heart without a doubt.

His body immediately burst into colorful light, and a terrible power descended directly on him.

"Haha, great, I finally got Peart's heart and possessed the terrifying ability of mudslide."

As soon as the voice fell, Shaqiri opened his mouth and spit out a terrifying vortex torrent.

The moment the mudslide spurted out of his mouth, it hit Soldes in front of him fiercely!

Soldes thought to himself that it was not good, and waved his weapon frantically to block all the mud and rock flows.

However, after a round of attacks, his weapon was severely frozen by the mud and rock flows.

He was shocked and realized that Shaqiri really had the complete ability of Peart.

"No, this guy has become very difficult to deal with. His ability is exactly the same as Peart's. What should I do now?"

Xu Ran frowned vaguely, feeling a little difficult to deal with.

But at this moment, Jax had already rushed over, waving the wooden stick in his hand and constantly hitting Shaqiri's hand.

Finally, Jax beat Shaqiri and made him retreat quickly, like a stray dog ​​who didn't dare to fight back.

Shaqiri knew that although he had acquired Peart's ability, this ability was still very unfamiliar and had not been completely integrated into his body.

So he could only choose to retreat temporarily and come back later.

"Let's spare you guys first, I will get back all the principal and interest in the future!"

Shaqiri's voice exuded a demonic aura, and everyone could see that this guy had been possessed by the devil.

"Not good, after he ate Peart's heart, he has become a half-demon and half-human monster, but if I can kill Shaqiri, I'm afraid I can get a lot of experience points!"

Xu Ran had such an idea in his mind.

At this moment, Shaqiri threw a cloud of smoke bombs directly and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Look, this guy has gone inside the red line, hurry up and chase him!"

Soldes shouted immediately, and several people quickly chased him.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Delock also disappeared in an instant.

At this time, Shaqiri did not stop after entering the red line, but quickly accelerated to escape.

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