The Bull King was full of confidence, and the axe in his hand was also very powerful.

However, after just one move, he was directly knocked away by Jax, and he became embarrassed!

So, the Bull King's face turned red, and he stood here for a long time without saying a word.

"What? Do you still need me to give you another choice?"

Jax held this look, and the smile on his face was very cold.

The Bull King hesitated for a moment, and quickly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

"My lord, I am blind, please let our race go!"

All the Bulls were shocked, and quickly threw away their axes and knelt down collectively.

After Xu Ran saw it, he was also very emotional.

On this suspended island, it is indeed powerful and can do whatever it wants!

Just like after Jax showed his strong martial arts, he subdued such a proud Bull Clan in a blink of an eye.

Then, Xu Ran and Jax walked directly into the territory of the Bull Clan and led this race.

"Xu Ran, I want to control the three royal families, and then let Shaqiri have nowhere to escape, because I calculated that it only takes ten days for Shaqiri to completely absorb Peart's heart!"

A worry appeared on Jax's face.

Xu Ran also understood that they were racing against time. If they couldn't find Shaqiri within ten days, then when this guy absorbed the power of the heart, no one would be able to fight him.

"Okay, how about we split up?"

Xu Ran gave a valuable suggestion. Jax nodded, and then he went east, and Xu Ran went west.

There is also a royal family in the west, which is called the Titan royal family.

This is a giant family made of stone. They are extremely powerful and are known as the blood of ancient Titans!

At this moment, among these Titan royal families, there are several tall Titan giants who are constantly training their strength.


I saw a Titan giant, and his fists fell hard on the ground.

Then, a huge rock exploded and shattered!

This momentum was very terrifying, and ordinary people would have been scared silly when they saw this scene.

Suddenly seeing Xu Ran appear, a group of Titans, each of them showed a strong murderous aura in their eyes.

"Boy, what are you doing? Don't you know that this is the royal family's territory?"

One of the Titans threatened in an extremely cold voice.

There is no doubt that they all want Xu Ran to leave here quickly, otherwise they will be very unhappy if they disturb their peaceful life.

Moreover, the Titans are also the calmest race among the three royal families!

They are not aggressive at all, but they will never allow any outsiders to enter their territory at will.

"I came here for only one thing. If you can do it, I will turn around and leave immediately. How about it!"

Xu Ran held the Eye of Heaven in his hand, and his eyes were calm.

But there was a strong threat in his words.

However, hearing this, a group of Titans all laughed.

One of the Titans came out and showed off his strong muscles.

"Young man, I admire your courage to say such words to our royal family, but I will let you know how stupid you are next."

So, this Titan ran towards Xu Ran frantically.

And every step he took, there was a huge vibration, which made Xu Ran's eyes reveal a trace of caution!

He deeply understood that the Titans were much stronger than the Minotaur.

But despite this, Xu Ran was not afraid.

He waved the Eye of Heaven in his hand and chopped it forward with a sword!

Although the power of Xu Ran's sword was not as strong as Jax, the Eye of Heaven was not an ordinary weapon.

A breath of vicissitudes from the vast ancient times quickly fell from the sky and knocked the Titan in front of him to the ground.

"What, one move knocked down our warrior?"

This immediately alarmed the boss of the royal family, the Titan King.

The Titan King was several hundred meters tall. Xu Ran was shocked the moment he appeared!

Xu Ran secretly guessed that the Titan King was at least at the level of the Giant Python, and perhaps a little worse than Pirt.

"Young man, what is your purpose for coming to our three royal families to act so arrogantly? Tell us your true intentions!"

The Titan King was obviously much smarter than ordinary giants. There was a sense of indifference in his voice, and he had obviously seen such things countless times.

Xu Ran's voice was very calm.

"I want to find someone. If you hand him over to me, I will leave immediately, otherwise your race will have to endure endless troubles!"

Hearing this, a hint of impatience flashed in the eyes of the Titan King.

Obviously, he didn't like the feeling of being threatened!

"Young man, hurry up and leave. We are the royal family and will not be easily coerced by you. Otherwise, you will bear my endless wrath!"

After the Titan King finished speaking, he waved his fists and hammered the ground crazily.

Every time he hit the ground, the entire ground shook violently!

And Xu Ran could also feel this crazy power, which was enough to defeat him.

His face changed slightly, and he threw out a sentence directly.

"Titan Giant King, don't be ungrateful. I'll give you another chance. Don't regret it if you miss it!"

Seeing that Xu Ran dared to threaten him, the Titan Giant King's eyes also flashed with murderous intent.

"Young man, get out of here quickly. You are not welcome here!"

Xu Ran glanced coldly and turned back directly.

However, Xu Ran did not actually leave, but went around and killed directly into the territory of the Titans.

And he quickly sent out induction to the surroundings, searching for Shaqili's whereabouts.

Because from the reaction of the Titan Giant King, he guessed that Shaqili might be hiding here!

However, after a detection, he found that this guy was not there.

"Oh, am I wrong? Could it be among the other two royal families?"

Xu Ran frowned and thought silently.

But at this time, suddenly a shocking and angry voice came from his ear.

"Young human, you have completely pissed me off!"

The Titan King was completely furious. He had never thought that Xu Ran would dare to challenge him head-on?

At this moment, the entire Titan clan was boiling with excitement.

Especially the Titan King, who instantly activated his combat form, waving his huge fist like a hill and smashing it down fiercely at Xu Ran.

Xu Ran looked up and it seemed that the entire sky had turned dark!

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