At this time, as the hidden functions in the Eye of Heaven gradually opened, Xu Ran also felt very happy.

Because at this time, he could clearly feel that this golden light field completely covered the aura of the whole person.

And what surprised him was that the scope of this golden light world was still slowly expanding.

"Oh, Mr. Jax, can this field continue to extend and expand? Why is it so magical!"

At this time, Xu Ran couldn't help but feel a little surprised and showed an unbelievable look.

Xu Ran held the Eye of Heaven in his hand and continued to accelerate forward. Under such circumstances, this golden light world actually reached a field of 100,000 meters.

You know, compared with before, this number has expanded by about ten times!

And Xu Ran is now very satisfied with such a scene, which means that in the future he can continue to use this special field to find enemies hiding in the dark.

Jax also nodded, very pleased.

After all, he saw the magical power that the master of the heaven had used personally, and now it reappeared on Xu Ran.

This means that the majesty of the ancient heaven may come again in this era!

No one can imagine what kind of obsession Jax has with the heaven, just like now that this golden world has expanded infinitely, he can clearly understand why some people worship this.

"Alas, it's a pity, it's really a pity, why didn't we find that hateful Shaqiri? I don't believe that this guy is not hiding in this volcanic area!"

At this moment, Jax shook his head and felt very sorry.

And the battle king and all the tribesmen of the battle races in the distance were very rigorous, not to mention their serious faces, but also seemed to exude a special breath.

Xu Ran secretly guessed that this breath was also their means of secret communication. Maybe these guys have begun to tip off and feedback the information they have obtained to Shaqiri in the dark.

Seeing that the golden world that Xu Ran transformed into was getting bigger and bigger, the eyes of the battle king also revealed a cautious look.

He keenly felt that the name of the King of Battle might be gradually weakened with today's incident.

"No, we must not let this guy find Shaqiri. Shaqiri once promised that as long as he gets all the power, he will help us get out of the Hanging Island!"

The King of Battle thought silently in his heart, and had a very firm idea.

Because the Hanging Island has become a large prison, imprisoning their three major royal families and many other large and small races, unable to escape.

And now only Shaqiri has the energy to help them get out of this cage.

And the King of Battle has a deep obsession, that is, he hopes that the fighting race he leads can go beyond the scope of the Hanging Island and cover another country.

For example, on the side of the heaven, even if he only occupies a small Kent South Gate, he is already very satisfied.

"Very good, if that's the case, then let's make it clear. King of Battle, hand over Shaqiri, otherwise we will occupy the entire country!"

At this time, Xu Ran turned around and looked over, revealing a terrible murderous aura in his eyes.

His words were very clear, that is, there was no room for turning back.

After hearing this, the King of Battle was so angry that his eyes were full of anger.

With his noble status, when has anyone ever spoken to him in this tone?

So at this moment, he had already had a murderous aura in his heart.

"In that case, all the tribesmen, listen to my order, and take down these two reckless guys!"

Immediately, as the King of Battle said this, all the tribesmen rushed towards Xu Ran and Jax.

These tribesmen had terrible murderous aura in their eyes, and the weapons in their hands were also fully displayed, creating an extremely powerful pressure.

So, Xu Ran and Jax completely stopped their search.

Xu Ran even directly held the Eye of Heaven and took back the entire golden domain.

In this situation, he knew that only a fight to the death could completely defeat this guy.

"Xu Ran, do you know why this race is called a fighting race?"

Jax suddenly asked thoughtfully, and Xu Ran immediately put on a look of listening attentively.

"Mr. Jax, I really want to know what the reason is?"

Jax smiled and said casually.

"It's like this, this race likes to fight very much, and if no one beats them to submission, then these guys will never take the initiative to bow to us!"

Hearing that it turned out to be this reason, Xu Ran also smiled.

Of course, he immediately understood what Jax meant, that is, the two of them would attack together until the entire fighting race was convinced.

"Very good, Mr. Jax, I am happy to fight side by side with you!"

Xu Ran's eyes showed a touch of determination. Holding the Eye of Heaven in his hand, he can be said to be like a god of war, fearless.

Then the two of them soared directly into the sky and took the initiative to rush out to the area where the fighting race was most concentrated.

At this moment, the war was about to break out, and the eyes of the King of Fighting also showed a cautious look.

He didn't expect Xu Ran and Jax to be so bold that they dared to challenge the status of their race head-on.

"Boys, show your true abilities and let these two rude people taste our power!"

The voice of the King of Battle contained an extremely violent fluctuation.

These members of the race under his command also roared one by one and rushed forward quickly.

Soon, Jax waved a wooden stick in his hand and hit the heads of these members of the race again and again, making these guys wail and scream constantly, and they were about to be defeated soon.

"Haha, dare you continue to be so arrogant!"

Jax laughed loudly, and the stick in his hand swept across the four directions like a world-destroying divine weapon.

On the other side, Xu Ran's performance was no worse. The Eye of Heaven in his hand seemed to have turned into a magic sword, harvesting the lives of these members of the fighting race.

In less than ten minutes, the two of them had killed at least 500 members of the race.

Such a terrible result made the King of Battle's eyes widen instantly.

"What, so powerful, where did these two guys come from?"

At this time, the King of Battle even felt a hint of regret in his heart.

He had never thought that the strength of these two people could be so strong!

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