Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 445 The truth is revealed, the lost continent

Because Xu Ran really wanted to figure out what the so-called lost continent was.

Is there another continent besides this one?

And the name sounds very mysterious. Why was the continent lost? Where was it lost?

But now, the most urgent thing is not to figure this out, but to see if Shaqiri really escaped to that place.

"Well, let's bypass this mountain and go to the Bone Lake to see if we can catch that guy."

After Xu Ran finished speaking, he immediately flew forward.

But he didn't expect to see a dense crowd of dog-headed people after crossing a mountain. They appeared expressionlessly, arranged in camps, and released terrible murderous aura.

"Oh, what does this mean?"

Xu Ran's eyes shrank tightly, and he noticed something wrong.

Jax next to him came over with a wooden stick in his hand. The two stood side by side on the top of the mountain, looking at the army at the foot of the mountain like a tide, and they fell into silence.

At this time, the King of Battle found that the two people were standing still on the mountain, and he was also a little curious, so he flew over quickly.

When he saw this scene, he was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

"Damn it, why are these dog-headed people coming against me? Are they looking for death?"

The King of Battle roared and growled. He looked forward and found that the dog-headed leader also came over with a group of people.

But the difference was that the dog-headed leader at this moment was full of arrogance and murderous intent!

"Hehe, King of Battle, you used to be the leader of the royal family, but just now my men told me that all your people are dead. In this case, you should honestly submit to me!"

The King of Battle was so angry that his eyes were burning with anger. He didn't expect that the dog-headed leader who had been crawling at his feet would dare to talk to him in this way.

"You guys want to die, don't you? I'll give you a chance, kneel down quickly, and then apologize and admit your mistakes!"

The King of Battle was shaking with anger, but the dog-headed leader obviously would not admit his mistakes, but shook his head with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"I have so many tribesmen under my command now, what are you capable of fighting me?"

As he said that, he waved his hand, and all the dog-headed men immediately rushed up the hillside frantically and besieged the three people.

However, Xu Ran and Jax were not afraid at all. Their skills were all group killing skills, so they were not afraid of being surrounded at all.


Xu Ran directly held the Eye of Heaven and fought all the way down the mountain.

As he walked, he killed countless dog-headed men.

In another direction, Jax was also waving a wooden stick, spinning like a helicopter.

Few dog-headed men could get close to him, and they were killed directly!

The King of Battle chose to kill in the direction of the dog-headed man boss.

After all, his purpose was revenge and to vent his anger.

"Mr. Jax, let's not fight to the end. These dog-headed men have a strong reproductive capacity and their numbers are increasing. Let's kill them directly and go to the White Bone Lake first!"

Xu Ran said in a hurry.

Jax also knew what the most urgent task was!

If Shaqiri left the Bone Lake due to being dragged here by these dog-headed men, it would be too late.

So, both of them roared at the same time and quickly broke through to the front.

The two of them killed their way out and gradually approached the direction of the Bone Lake.

When they turned around, they found that the King of Battle had been buried by the entire dog-headed tribe!

"Xu Ran, it seems that the guy is not an opponent. The human wave tactics may have a good effect on him!"

Jax said thoughtfully.

Xu Ran nodded. In fact, he also found that the King of Battle's single combat ability might be good, but it would not work against a group attack.

But Xu Ran now has no energy to rescue the King of Battle!

So, he could only rush to the Bone Lake regardless of everything.

At this moment, it can be seen that there is a terrible lake in front of it. On the surface of the lake, there are bones floating in panic, as if moving in an aimless direction.

There was a gloomy atmosphere all around, and there was not even a creature with eyes on the empty lake.

At this moment, the two stood silently on the lake, thinking about how to find Shaqili.

Suddenly, a man rushed out in a hurry from a distance!

Xu Ran's eyes lit up immediately, this is a case of searching for something without any effort, but it came without any effort!

It turned out that this guy was Shaqili...

At this time, his face was full of panic, and he rushed directly to the lake.

This guy was also unlucky, and he didn't see the existence of the two people clearly, so the three people bumped into each other.

"Damn it, give me another day, I can kill you two guys with just a flick of my finger!"

Shaqili roared unwillingly, and then quickly turned around and ran in another direction.

"Mr. Jax, did you hear that? This guy only has one day left. Let's hurry up and kill him!"

Xu Ran's eyes showed a cold murderous look. He held the Eye of Heaven in his hand and used the White Wolf's magical power to his heart's content, quickly closing the distance between the two sides.

"Draw the sword and cut!"

Suddenly, Xu Ran released a terrible skill. The sword energy formed a circle, trapping Shaqili in it.

At this time, Shaqili also let out a crazy roar. He just wanted to buy himself a day, and then he would be completely overturned.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and spit out a nightmare-like mudslide!

This mudslide was familiar to both of them. Once touched, it might turn into a statue.

Even, if several consecutive mudslides covered it at the same time, it could become an eternal statue!

Jax's eyes flashed with a deep fear. After all, he had suffered from this move before, and thousands of years had passed in an instant.

Xu Ran immediately used his body skills and avoided this deadly mudslide with the advantage of speed.

"Hahaha, you want to catch up with me, dream on!"

Shaqili took advantage of this skill and quickly pulled away. He had already surpassed the scope of the White Bone Lake and reached the edge of the continent.

"I want to see where you can escape to today!"

Xu Ran was not in a hurry. He knew that there was a huge lock ahead, which completely separated the two continents.

So no matter how hard Shaqiri tried to escape, he couldn't escape!

Xu Ran and Jax gradually approached, and Shaqiri also found that there was a dead end ahead.

His face gradually became a little desperate, and after turning around, there was a madness in his eyes!

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