Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 450 The Blackhead Clan, the Terrifying Illusion

However, what Xu Ran never imagined was that after returning to the south gate of Kent, he found that the scene in front of him was very bizarre.

The area that had been rebuilt turned into a mess. Many people were fighting each other, and they kept shouting angry curses.

"Oh, what exactly is going on?"

There was also a look of disbelief in Jax's eyes, and it was obvious that he didn't know what was going on.

Soldes, who was next to him, had his eyes darkened.

He did not expect that he had not seen him for just a short period of time, but someone at Kent South Gate would dare to cause trouble.

"That's not right. Where is Asir? Where has he gone?"

At this time, everyone realized that something was wrong. As one of the five guardians, although there was only the last crack left in the decision of fate, Asir should not be forced into a desperate situation.

So, everyone first found someone to come over and ask about the situation.

The man's face was full of horror, and he seemed to be frightened, but when he found out that Xu Ran was back, he immediately turned into ecstasy.

"Haha, great, it turns out that you are back, Master Xu Ran. Please hurry up and make the decision for us!"

Hearing this, Xu Ran was suddenly filled with doubts, and then asked this person to go and see what happened.

Walking into Kent's South Gate site, the scenes you see in front of you fill people's hearts with a terrifying murderous aura!

All I saw was that adventurers who died inexplicably were everywhere on the ground, and they seemed very unwilling before they died.

"What is going on? Where is the source of the chaos?"

Xu Ran gritted his teeth and his whole body was shaking with anger.

The adventurer spoke slowly.

"Sir Xu Ran, not long after you left, some mysterious people came. These guys can control our minds and make us kill each other, and they are not far ahead at this time!"

This survivor is obviously lucky to be able to escape this kind of manipulation, otherwise it would be impossible to clearly tell the cause of the matter at this moment.

Hearing this, Jax and Soldes next to them suddenly showed a look of surprise and caution in their eyes!

"Xu Ran, be careful. We suddenly thought of a race. It is very likely that they are coming..."

Jax persuaded seriously.

Xu Ran nodded and asked.

"Oh, what kind of race is that, Mr. Jax?"

Xu Ran deeply understood that knowing oneself and the enemy would lead to a hundred battles, so at this moment it was necessary to find out what the enemy was.

Jax said slowly with a heavy tone.

"That race was a race that once opposed our heaven, but it also returned to the underground together with the master of the heaven. Now that our five guardians, including Peart, have come out, I believe they may have recovered."

After hearing this, Xu Ran realized deeply that it was a mysterious race from ancient times that had returned to the world in this era.

This time, it's completely troublesome!

Xu Ran knew one thing deeply. No matter how strong Peart was, he was just a single individual, but the resurrection of an entire ethnic group could bring a devastating explosive force to the world.

"Don't be afraid. Our five guardians are almost here anyway. What are you afraid of them doing?"

Solders next to him gritted his teeth, with a look of resentment in his eyes.

His only regret is that Delock has disappeared at this time!

Maybe Delok can fill Delock's position, but they will always be missing Shaqiri.

But it was useless to say more at this time. Xu Ran knew deeply that in the face of the provocation of this race, he could only lead his people to face the difficulties all the way, but he could never retreat.

"Don't worry, everyone. We have finally rebuilt the Kent South Gate. How can we let these races destroy it inexplicably?"

Xu Ran's tone was full of firm determination, and everyone following him felt very relieved.

When I walked into the south gate, I saw several guys wearing masks in a palace in front of me, exuding an evil aura!

"It's really them...the black-headed clan!"

There was a look of deep hatred in Jax's eyes. It was obvious that he had been at war with the black-headed clan before.

"Oh, it turns out you old antiques came out too. I should have thought of this!"

A member of the Black Head Clan stood up, his face under the mask exuding a mocking look.

I only saw an extremely strong spiritual aura on these guys, forming slow fluctuations, which seemed to affect people's mood like a tide.

"Xu Ran, be careful, this guy's illusion skills are very powerful!"

At this moment, Solders couldn't help but give a reminder.

Xu Ran knew that Solders had a very strong arrogance in his heart. If even he was so cautious, it meant one thing.

The black-headed clan in front of us is indeed terrifying!

Suddenly, one of the members of the Blackhead clan aimed at Xu Ran and released a strong mental interference.

This skill made Xu Ran feel very strange. After all, he had never encountered this style of play before.

Buzz buzz...

A strange wave spread, and Xu Ran immediately gritted his teeth and quickly backed away.

But this time, even though I was very careful, I still got tricked!

Xu Ran was also very helpless, and could only watch his body being completely surrounded by a spiritual force.

At this moment, the sky suddenly spun, as if entering another world, which made people feel very surprised!

"Oh, Xu Ran was actually hit, hurry up and protect him!"

Jax next to him reacted quickly, holding the Xuanhuang stick in his hand, and rushed over quickly.

He waved the stick in his hand to block the attack of the black-headed tribe, and it was obvious that these guys had been preparing for a long time and hit Xu Ran with the strongest spiritual power.

Then they could not continue to use such means in a short time!

And Xu Ran kept pulling back, and the whole person's subconscious seemed to enter another mysterious space.

"Oh, where is this, how can it be such a vast continent?"

Xu Ran's eyes revealed a look of surprise, because he could clearly find that the area of ​​this land was too large.

Obviously, this is an endless continent, and it seems to be completely different from this world.

"Is this another copy, an unprecedented copy? It's so magical?"

Xu Ran muttered slowly, feeling a little unbelievable.

But he understood that he had to settle down here as soon as possible and then face the next challenge.

Until now, Xu Ran has not realized that he has been dragged into a huge illusion world.

Everything that comes next will not be controlled by him!

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