Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 459: Turning the situation around, Shaqiri explodes

While Shaqiri was speaking, he had been silently watching Xu Ran and Jax.

He suddenly revealed a contemptuous smile, and then said slowly.

"These two people are from the other side of the continent. They came here through some mysterious means. The real purpose behind them is to destroy the existence of all your races!"

The words fell like a stone breaking the sky, leaving everyone speechless.

They couldn't believe what Shaqiri said. If it was really according to what he said, wouldn't Xu Ran and Jax be the natural enemies of the two races?

They had to digest it well and then judge whether what Shaqiri said was true or false.

"Believe me, this guy's existence is to erase all traces of your existence. If you dare to accommodate them again, the next step is that the army on the other side of the world will come directly!"

Shaqiri's eyes slowly narrowed, revealing a terrible murderous aura in his eyes.

Seeing Shaqiri say this, everyone from the two races basically believed his words.

After all, there is a preconceived feeling here. Shaqili came to the territory of the two major races first, so they naturally felt that what this person said was more credible.

However, Xu Ran, who had been silent all the time, suddenly laughed a few times. This laughter conveyed a sense of contempt, which made everyone feel quite puzzled!

"What are you laughing at here, kid?"

Suddenly, many eyes looked at him in confusion, and there were even many people who disliked Xu Ran, and their eyes began to emit a sense of anger.

They felt that Xu Ran was deliberately pretending to be calm, but in fact, he was already very panicked deep in his heart.

Xu Ran said very calmly.

"Are you an aboriginal from this continent again? Are you not from another place?"

A rhetorical question immediately made Shaqili's eyes widen and his mouth slightly widened.

He realized that Xu Ran had caught the loophole in his words and blamed him.

Jax, who was originally worried, couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Yeah, you are from another place, and you dare to laugh at us, it's ridiculous!"

Jax and Xu Ran stood on the same side at the same time, and no one knew who was telling the truth and who was deceiving their two races.

Shaqili finally got a little anxious, and said with hatred, gritting his teeth.

"This kid and Jax, you two guys are not good guys, kill them quickly!"

At this moment, he was in a hurry, and his words were already commanding.

But he didn't notice that both the leader of the red skin tribe and the destroyer of the white head tribe had a hint of impatience in their expressions.

Obviously, Xu Ran and Jax's performance had made them think of keeping these two strong men in their own race and cultivating them well!

Although Shaqili was also very powerful, the leaders of these two races were not fools.

It can be seen that Shaqili's mind was even more gloomy and deep, and it was basically impossible for such a person to be used for himself.

So the leaders of the two races, after some consideration and choice, decided to trust Xu Ran.

"Mr. Shaqiri, you are not from our continent, how can you really care about us, so just shut up and say less!"

The Redskin leader's voice was extremely cold, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Shakiri was stunned. He didn't expect Xu Ran to win a round.

And he felt that if this continued, wouldn't the two major races really be completely fooled by Xu Ran and Jax?

Wait until the future, where will they have their own say!

So, Shaqiri was completely anxious. He knew that he had to seize the time to reverse the situation, otherwise the two major races would completely become the territory of Xu Ran and Jax.

So, Shaqiri gritted his teeth and said hatefully.

"You two idiots, they are from the other side of the continent, and their goal is to lead the army and make you all prisoners!"

However, after Shaqiri finished speaking, there was no effect. The leaders of the two major races clearly did not believe him at all.

And under this tone of breaking the jar, the leaders of the two races no longer wanted to talk nonsense with him.

"Okay, you can shut up now, go back to where you came from, if you continue to talk too much, be careful that we will be rude to you."

The destroyer, who has always admired Shaqili very much, also said in a cold voice.

This sentence completely destroyed all of Shaqili's hopes!

"Very good, in this case, I will start first and destroy your two stupid races, so as not to make wedding clothes for others."

Shaqili suddenly let out a thunderous roar, and his whole person suddenly soared into the sky, turned into a terrible light, and rushed directly towards them.

All these changes came too fast. No one could have imagined that facing the leaders of the two major races, Shaqili was so courageous that he dared to take action directly?

Could he be confident that he could fight against the two major races!

So everyone immediately backed away from each other, because everyone knew that a top-level battle was about to begin.

As Shaqili waved his hands, a terrible sandstorm suddenly covered the sky, forcibly sucking everyone into it.

The Destroyer and the Redskin leader were both top masters of the time, and they did not expect Shaqili to be so courageous and not to take themselves seriously at all.

So they sneered and nodded in anger!

"Good, very good, Shaqili did not expect you to be so arrogant and dare to attack us. I think you are tired of living!"

The leaders of these two major races have always given people a relatively gentle image, but everyone knows that since they can become the leaders of such a powerful race in the Lost Continent, their strength is of course imaginable.

Sure enough, the next second, the leaders of these two major races directly showed their extremely strong fighting ability.


A lightning giant slowly appeared above the sky, and then a layer of green water waves on the entire ground rippled wildly.

The two strong men released their own skills, which directly made Shaqili feel a great pressure.

Seeing that Xu Ran seemed to want to take action, the Destroyer shook his head and smiled casually.

"Little brother, just watch carefully. You don't need to take action yourself to deal with such a shameless person!"

Hearing this, Xu Ran almost laughed. He nodded and responded very seriously.

"Okay, in that case, I will watch how you two take down this demon!"

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