Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 468 The Imperial Family, the Strongest Obstacle!

"Haha, don't be afraid. Aren't they very crazy? I don't believe that no one will take action to deal with them!"

At this time, in a valley, several powerful mysterious races were discussing the four-way war.

In the end, they came to a common view that they must stop the footsteps of the Shield Clan at all costs.

"Don't worry, the Shield Clan will lose next!"

Suddenly, a young man came out with a cold face and a hint of pride that could not be concealed.

All of a sudden, everyone looked at him one by one, with questions in their eyes.

This person slowly said to everyone.

"I just got the latest news. The Imperial Clan has taken action. They obviously want to continue the glorious tradition of the past, and the actions of the Shield Clan have undoubtedly angered the bottom line of the Imperial Clan."

After hearing his words, everyone couldn't help laughing happily, and no longer had any thoughts of worry.

You know, this Imperial Clan is the race that has become the royal family the most times in history, and is also known as the real master of the lost continent!

And this time the Imperial Clan has reached its peak, and their goal is undoubtedly to regain the status of the royal family.

And now the Shield tribe has become a stumbling block on the road for the Emperor tribe!

And everyone believes that as long as the Emperor tribe gets serious, the Shield tribe will never be their opponent.

"In that case, let's wait and see. If the Emperor tribe takes action, the Shield tribe will definitely die miserably!"

Someone couldn't help but sneer, and everyone was immediately full of expectations.

So, many races wanted to take action, but now they all kept a wait-and-see attitude.

They wanted to see if the Emperor tribe could defeat the Shield tribe, and then decide on the next move!

In the Shield tribe, they were still training in the middle of the night.

Everyone had a serious look on their faces, because they deeply understood that they must not let down their guard at this time.

Although the situation was very good, they also knew that it was extremely difficult to attack the Royal Highland!

And even if they occupied the highland, it was not certain whether they could keep the final ranking.

So they trained themselves hard, and that was the reason.

In a huge tent, the former great protectors, including the SHIELD King and Xu Ran, Jax and others, were all talking about this matter.

"Xu Ran, my men just got some very bad news, that is, the Imperial Family has blocked our way forward, and it seems that they want to compete with us!"

At this time, the SHIELD King had a deep look on his face.

When he got this news, he knew that something was wrong, so he immediately called Xu Ran and others to discuss countermeasures.

Xu Ran thought about it and asked.

"Is the strength of the Imperial Family really so strong? Is our frontal strength not as good as theirs?"

Hearing this, everyone else in the tent couldn't help but smile bitterly.

An old man answered Xu Ran's question.

"Your Excellency, you don't know that the Imperial Family has become the royal family many times, so with their foundation, no race is their opponent, and our race is the same."

Hearing this, Xu Ran realized that it was no wonder that they were called the Imperial Family, because they had become the royal family many times in history.

And because they have a strong foundation and strength after becoming a royal family, they have been inherited to help them continue to seize the status of the royal family.

Looking at the worried faces of these people, Xu Ran smiled casually and said.

"Don't worry, since I am here, the imperial family can only bow down to us!"

Xu Ran's words are very domineering, but obviously few people believe it. Everyone thinks that Xu Ran is just pretending here.

"Okay, the imperial family is coming, it's useless to say so much, we will know when we compete!"

The big protector on the side suddenly said coldly.

Finally, the Shield King said to everyone seriously.

"Everyone, the imperial family obviously wants to compete with us in the Sunset Mountains ahead. Let's go there one step ahead to occupy the terrain first!"

So under the command of the Shield King, the entire race quickly came to the range of the Sunset Mountains.

Looking at the huge mountain in front of them, everyone's heart is very heavy.

There are also many people who are similar to pessimism, who implicitly think that this mountain range is probably their final destination!

At this time, suddenly several people came over in front. After a closer look, they turned out to be envoys from the Imperial Clan.

"Oh, the Imperial Clan actually sent envoys here. What does it mean?"

Everyone on the SHIELD side was secretly guessing.

After the group of envoys came in front of them, they said in a very arrogant tone.

"Our Lord Xuanyuan challenges you. If anyone dares to accept the challenge, go to the main peak of the Sunset Mountains at this time tomorrow to fight to the death!"

After the words fell, the envoys showed provocation on their faces.

Hearing this, everyone in the SHIELD Clan was shocked!

Obviously, this King Xuanyuan is a very powerful giant in the Imperial Clan. Although he is not the head of the Imperial Clan, his strength is not far behind.

Facing the challenge of King Xuanyuan, even the SHIELD King did not dare to fight rashly.

When everyone here was embarrassed, Xu Ran stood up directly.

"Go back and tell your boss honestly that I will take this fight!"

Xu Ran's domineering words surprised everyone.

The messengers in front of them did not expect that Xu Ran would stand up and be willing to fight against King Xuanyuan?

Because they came here to deal with the SHIELD King, but they did not expect such a young boy to come.

"Boy, who are you, and why are you qualified to fight against Lord Xuanyuan?"

A group of messengers obviously showed disdain on their faces and did not take Xu Ran seriously.

However, someone next to them suddenly scolded coldly.

"Are you blind? With Mr. Xu Ran's strength, it is more than enough to fight against a mere King Xuanyuan. Why don't you go back quickly!"

After hearing this man's words, the messengers realized that Xu Ran was quite strong.

But they were also confident that King Xuanyuan would still win in the end.

"Very good, since you dare to challenge me, tomorrow this time will be your death date!"

After a group of messengers made harsh words, they turned around and left.

After this news came out, many races immediately took action and prepared to rush to Sunset Mountains to watch a good show.

After all, they also deeply understood that such a peak battle is not something they can see every time.

Late at night, Jax couldn't help but come to Xu Ran's residence to talk to him about something.

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