Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 472 The Great Devil begins to step into the ancient road!

They couldn't help but think of how domineering their race was a long time ago, and no race dared to provoke them.

But now, a random unknown junior can actually ride on the head of the Emperor Family and shit.

This is absolutely unbearable for them!

But the facts are here. The Emperor Family has been exposed and can't beat the Shield Family at all.

So these warriors have no way.

"Humph, I don't believe that kid can be so strong? Let's wait here quietly and see how he ends!"

Suddenly, a warrior of the Emperor Family snorted coldly, showing great disdain.

He is about the same age as Xu Ran, so seeing Xu Ran so popular at this time, he is naturally very unhappy.

On the other side, a big melee has begun on the entire Sunset Mountains!

After repelling the Emperor Family, each race is very dissatisfied with each other, so they all want to compete for dominance at this time.

However, the Shield Family cannot have enough influence like the Emperor Family to suppress the four directions.

So when the situation got out of control, each race knew that they had a certain chance.

So these races tried to defeat their opponents to occupy the position and dominance of the entire Sunset Mountains!

Unfortunately, Xu Ran had just experienced a big battle at this moment, and the breath in his body was a little unstable, so under this situation, he could not continue to suppress the heroes.

So, these races took advantage of this period of time to fight and left one corpse after another.

This extremely miserable scene made everyone's eyes round. No one could imagine that the Sunset Mountains would be stained with blood today!

And they also vaguely guessed that in the end there would definitely be a powerful race that would win and dominate everything.

After Xu Ran killed many people, everyone found that he was very difficult to provoke, so they gradually stayed away from him and secretly called him the Great Devil.

When Jax saw this situation, he quickly took action and cooperated with Xu Ran, leading all the warriors of the SHIELD tribe to kill a piece of open space!

No one dared to provoke them, and many races directly ignored Xu Ran and Jax, the golden pair.

The two of them fought their way out with their own hands!

"Damn it, look at that young man, he's so scary!"

"Yeah, and the guy next to him looks ordinary, but who knew he was so strong."

"Oh, forget it, don't mess with them, they are not human at all!"

At this time, everyone was talking nervously, feeling incredible about the strength of Xu Ran and Jax.

At the same time, a vacuum area was directly formed next to them, and everyone automatically gave way, not daring to touch the bottom line of the two!

"Kill, kill, kill..."

Jax was completely bloodthirsty, he rushed directly to the main peak of the Sunset Mountains, declaring that everything here was under his control.

Xu Ran was very excited when he saw this scene.

He deeply understood that the terrain of the Sunset Mountains was very critical. If he could occupy this position, it would have a profound impact on the entire continent!

This is one of the main reasons why the people of the Imperial Family asked him to have a big battle here.

"Brothers, the SHIELD tribe is too strong. Why don't we kill them first, just like we killed the Emperors? What do you think?"

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted loudly and made a suggestion.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, and then they nodded silently.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xu Ran's heart skipped a beat!

He then waved the Eye of Heaven directly and killed more than a dozen masters of different races on the spot.

Then, he looked at all the people in all directions with an invincible look and said coldly.

"If anyone dares to attack me again, I will make him regret coming to this world!"

After this sentence fell, many people were so scared that they went cold all over and dared not continue to attack the SHIELD people.

And Xu Ran also successfully stopped a disaster with his domineering words!

If Xu Ran had just spoken a little slower, once these people started to act, the SHIELD tribe would have been attacked from all directions.

Then, everything would be completely late!

"Xu Ran, there is a best opportunity right now. Are you willing to bet with me?"

At this time, the SHIELD King found Xu Ran and said excitedly.

Xu Ran nodded, but there was a strong surprise in his eyes.

Because he didn't know what the SHIELD King wanted to say to him?

After all, the four-way war has been going on until now, and no one is sure to win the final victory.

Unless someone can go directly to the high ground of the central royal family, other races can willingly worship him as the king.

Otherwise, before this, every race feels that they have an absolute chance!

Time passed quickly, and the turmoil in the Sunset Mountains gradually came to an end. At this moment, Xu Ran and the SHIELD King continued their plan and gradually advanced towards the center of the continent.

If they want to become royals, they must take this step, otherwise they will always be unjust and unsound, and few races will be willing to recognize their status.

"Xu Ran, Mr. Jax, this is the only chance. Please do your best to help me. I will reward you handsomely after the success!"

The eyes of the SHIELD King were very solemn. He knew that this was no joke.

Once this battle was lost, the entire race would be condemned by thousands of people. At that time, everyone on the entire continent would come to besiege him, and he would be completely finished.

But once it succeeded, the SHIELD clan would be renamed the SHIELD royal family from then on, and then they would have supreme glory!

So at this moment, the SHIELD King was very excited and could not restrain his thoughts at all.

Xu Ran and Jax did not say anything nonsense. They nodded directly and agreed to the SHIELD King's request.

Late that night, the three of them quietly disguised themselves and left the camp directly, heading towards a secret ancient road.

This road leads to the center of the continent. In this place, many races have fallen hard.

They tried to occupy this territory, claiming to be the royal family, but on the way forward, they encountered assassination methods performed by masters from various races!

In the end, no race could survive, and all fell to the ground.

And now, the Shield King has an arrogant idea, wanting to successfully occupy the high ground through this secret ancient road.

The three people stood at the entrance of this ancient road, and the idea in their hearts has become extremely firm!

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