Xu Ran also breathed a sigh of relief. If they could not deal with this Tyrannosaurus Rex, the three of them would be in great danger!

At that time, they would die here just after entering the ancient road. It would be ridiculous to tell others about it.

After the matter was resolved, the three continued to walk into the ancient road.

And they must be more cautious, because they encountered a terrifying monster like Tyrannosaurus Rex just after entering this ancient road!

Who knows what kind of danger will be waiting for them later?

"Xu Ran, why do I feel something is wrong? Don't you feel that the temperature is getting lower and lower?"

At this time, Jax couldn't help frowning and said thoughtfully.

The Xuanhuang stick in his hand has the special ability to sense temperature, and at this time the stick has gradually turned into a piece of blue!

Obviously, there is a huge frost attribute object in front, so the stick has become like this.

Xu Ran also nodded. Of course, he also noticed it. After gradually approaching, he found that the coldness penetrated directly into the bone marrow and could not be blocked.

Only the SHIELD King seemed to rely on this exaggerated shield to block even the cold breath!

"It's okay, I'll go in front, you two hide behind me!"

The SHIELD King said seriously, and then continued to walk into the dark cave.

At this time, they suddenly stepped on a skeleton. Looking down, the three people felt a little solemn.

Because it can be clearly felt that this skeleton is a human corpse, and this person's breath should be very strong!

It can be imagined that his strength was also quite good when he was alive, but now he still died near the entrance of this ancient road.

"This person is so strong, and he died not long after coming in. It is conceivable that this guy should be very terrifying next time!"

Xu Ran said in a very solemn tone.

He guessed a situation, that is, there should be another monster at the level of guarding the level next!

These monsters can guard a level, and their strength must be very terrifying.

Xu Ran carefully guessed what kind of existence this monster was...

Finally, after passing a dark bend in front, he could clearly see a blue frost world, which suddenly appeared in front of him.

In the distance of this world, there was a figure similar to an elf, waving her magic wand in her hand, and looking at this direction fiercely with a pair of cold eyes.

"Look! It seems to be the ice elf queen after being demonized!"

At this time, Jax couldn't help but say loudly.

The ice elf queen is a very special existence of the elves.

But after being demonized, the breath of this guy has become very evil!

But it is undeniable that even so, the frost attribute of the queen has not disappeared at all, but has become even stronger.

"Be careful, if you are frozen by the queen and become an ice sculpture, it may be no different from Pirt's mudslide, and you will become an eternal stone!"

Jax said in a very cautious tone.

Obviously, he had dealt with the elves a long time ago, and each of the queens of the elves has different characteristics.

And this Frost Queen is obviously very cruel and likes to kill!

"It doesn't matter. Although the queen is very powerful, we can use speed to rush through this frost world."

Xu Ran said slowly, with a strong sense of self-confidence.

Because she has clearly seen that the reason why the Frost Queen is so powerful is that she has absolute control over the area where she is.

If she leaves this frost world, the threat that the queen can cause will gradually decrease!

"Very good, Xu Ran, let's rush forward together, from three different directions, to see what she can do to us!"

Jax also nodded, his eyes shining.

Finally, the three people directly exerted terrifying speed and rushed out quickly from three directions.

They turned into three phantoms, and their speed was extremely fast.

The Frost Queen had already been demonized, and at this time she slowly raised her head, but a trace of extremely terrifying murderous aura appeared in her eyes!

The Frost Queen suddenly raised her magic wand and slowly pointed forward.

"The frost world... is coming!"

The queen uttered a few words, her voice was extremely hollow.

As the words fell, an iceberg fell from the air and blocked the three people directly.

However, Xu Ran still relied on his powerful strength to force a huge hole in the iceberg.

But the two people were not so lucky, they were directly blocked in front of the iceberg.

Jax waved his stick and rushed out fiercely.

The Frost Queen continued to wave her magic wand and pointed fiercely in this direction again.

"Frost rainstorm... is coming!"

As the voice fell, a rainstorm suddenly fell from the sky.

Every drop of rain in this rainstorm is actually a very sharp ice blade!

The lethality of this rainstorm is very terrifying, and at this moment, Jax's scalp is numb.

He can only wave the stick continuously to form a protective shield!

On the other side, the SHIELD King of course relied on his shield to block the attack of this frost and rainstorm.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that my whole body would have been beaten into a dense sieve!

"No, Xu Ran, this guy's attack power is too terrifying, we must find a way to break through!"

Jax shouted loudly.

Xu Ran nodded. Although he broke a hole in the iceberg in front of him, he saw another iceberg slowly falling after rushing over.

If they fall into such a rhythm, they will be completely suppressed by the Frost Queen sooner or later!

"In this case, I will catch you first!"

Xu Ran turned his head and showed a cold look in his eyes.

Then he waved the Eye of Heaven directly and used the White Wolf magic to quickly approach!

However, he didn't expect that the Frost Queen was not in a hurry at all. Her cold eyes slowly swept over.

Then, the queen waved her magic wand again!

"Frost Castle...Freeze!"

As the words fell again, a small castle directly trapped Xu Ran in it.

Then, it froze at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Xu Ran felt that his whole body became extremely stiff, and his movements were extremely slow.

Finally, he was completely frozen by the castle and could no longer move!

Seeing this scene, the eyes of SHIELD and Jax were red.

They gritted their teeth and rushed over to rescue Xu Ran!

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