Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 478 Desperate situation breaks out, state of destruction!

However, even though the King of Golden Armor is very strong, Xu Ran is not a vegetarian.

And the most important thing is that the Frost Queen is about to die. How can he be willing to give up the last blow at such a critical moment!

So thinking of this, a look of horror appeared in Xu Ran's eyes.

Yes, the murderous intention in his heart has reached an extremely terrifying level. At this time, he will undoubtedly kill the Frost Queen!

No one can stop his incomparable determination.

"Hmph, Frost Queen, just die for me!"

After the words fell, Xu Ran directly held the Eye of God in his hand and performed a sword draw.

Drawing the sword is a very special skill. In Xu Ran's opinion, he has used this skill very well.

Moreover, he suddenly started killing people, leaving people unprepared. The circular sword energy light wave within a range formed by drawing the sword slightly touched the Frost Queen!

However, just a little rub made the injuries on the Frost Queen's body become more severe.

Blood flowed out crazily from her body, making the eyes of the King in Golden Armor next to her suddenly turn red.

"Are you OK!"

The King of Golden Armor asked slowly, his tone full of worry.

Obviously, he is also afraid that something will really happen to the Frost Queen!

Seeing the concerned expression of King Jinjia, Xu Ran suddenly realized something.

That means that the relationship between the Golden King and the Frost Queen is unusual. Otherwise, how could he show such a look?

But despite this, Xu Ran was not afraid.

Although the King in Golden Armor seemed to have an unusual relationship with the Frost Queen, it could not stop the terrifying murderous intention in his heart.

Xu Ran directly waved the shadow of the sky and continuously launched attacks as dense as rain to the front.

Finally, the King in Golden Armor became completely angry.

He raised his head and let out an extremely terrifying roar!

At this moment, he came to the world like a demon king. Everyone from all directions watched this scene, and they were all shocked.

Jax and Aegis King immediately felt a little worried about Xu Ran.

"Oh my God, Xu Ran, nothing will happen to you, right?"

At this time, Jax couldn't help but mutter to himself. Obviously, he didn't want to see Xu Ran die at the hands of the King of Golden Armor.

The Shield King suddenly thought of something and quickly reminded him loudly.

"Xu Ran, be careful. This King in Golden Armor is best at taking the initiative to attack. His evil aura is very terrifying and becomes more powerful the more he fights!"

After hearing this key reminder, Xu Ran immediately understood that the battle with the Golden Armored King could not be delayed because the longer the fight continued, the more terrifying this guy's strength would become.

And when the situation becomes more desperate, his potential will explode infinitely!

"Very good. If that's the case, then I will defeat you completely!"

After the words fell, Xu Ran suddenly released a terrifying lotus. The leaves on the lotus were filled with crazy sword energy.

"What kind of skill is this? Did you learn it from some monster?"

Seeing this scene, both Jax and SHIELD King were a little surprised.

At the same time, they frowned vaguely, realizing that something was wrong.

That is, the strength Xu Ran displayed at this moment seems to surpass all realms of this copy. What is going on?

"He is an adventurer, there is no way he can do this!"

Especially Jax, he couldn't figure out what kind of trouble there was.

But despite this, it did not affect Xu Ran's terrifying aura at this time, which deeply shocked the Golden Armored King.

The Golden Armor Heavenly King is a very special Heavenly King, and its existence is a mystery among the Eight Heavenly Kings!

At this time, the golden eyes of the King of Golden Armor showed an undisguised look of terrifying murderous intent.

Because it knows that the human in front of it poses a powerful threat to itself, and if it cannot solve him, it may affect its own safety.

After thinking of this, the Golden Armored King suddenly summoned a pair of terrifying scythes with his hands, and then wildly waved the pair of scythes forward, launching a carpet-like push all the way.

"Be careful, Xu Ran, this guy's attack is really terrifying, you must block it!"

Seeing this, Jax couldn't help but remind him loudly.

He was very nervous, fearing that something would really happen to Xu Ran!

If Xu Ran died in the hands of the King of Golden Armor, then he would not be able to rest at ease.

However, facts have proven that Xu Ran is unlikely to disappoint everyone.

Although the King of Golden Armor is very strong, Xu Ran still showed his terrifying methods!

All he saw was the shield in Xu Ran's hand, which firmly blocked all attacks in front.

Then he stepped back a distance and observed calmly!

"What, Xu Ran, you actually have the shield of the Aegis King?"

Seeing this scene at this moment, even Jax was very surprised.

Because he didn't see clearly when Xu Ran took the shield into his hands.

But in fact, Xu Ran had already communicated with the Shield King just now. He hid the shield behind his back when no one was paying attention, just to suddenly take it out at this critical moment and have an unexpected effect.

Now it turns out that the effect is indeed very good!

With this shield, he blocked the first wave of crazy attacks from the Golden Armored King, so the attack of the Golden Armored King also became decadent.

And in this way, Xu Ran regained control of the initiative!

The Frost Queen was seriously injured and hid on a rock in the distance, slowly recovering.

There was a strong look of unwillingness in her eyes, but at this time she could only hope that the King of Golden Armor could defeat Xu Ran and avenge her.

But the Frost Queen never expected that Xu Ran would suppress the Golden Armored King again!

"Damn boy, I'll fight you..."

The King of Golden Armor was so filled with hatred that he finally raised his head towards the sky and burst into an extremely angry roar.

At this moment, all the golden armor on his body turned into fragments and slowly stood up toward the front.

And the aura on his body reached its peak at this moment!

"Xu Ran, you must be careful. The Golden Armored King has successfully entered a state of destruction. In this state, its combat ability can be increased tenfold."

Seeing this situation, the Shield King quickly gave a reminder.

Because he knew that if he didn't say anything, Xu Ran would probably suffer a big loss.

But it turned out that it was already too late. Xu Ran rushed in front of him and realized something was wrong!

The destructive state of the King in Golden Armor is really terrifying. Just by getting a little closer, you can feel the sharp breath and make dozens of wounds on his body.

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