Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 484 The invincible appetite, the gluttonous king!

The three of them were very nervous. After all, they all understood deeply that if they made a wrong move now, they might lose everything in the future.

So under this situation, Xu Ran couldn't even guess what the motives of these three guys were?

At this time, the three people cautiously continued to break through. Suddenly, they noticed several conspicuous footprints on the ground, and one of them shouted loudly.

"I understand, boss, they just passed by here, we must be careful!"

Their boss was also startled, and instinctively took a few steps back.

So he nodded and said awkwardly.

"Okay, let's be careful, but this might not be an opportunity!"

Hearing this, the other two people's eyes lit up.

Of course they understood what the boss meant. If they could follow Xu Ran ahead, they might be able to successfully pass the ancient road together.

At this time, Xu Ran finally couldn't help but stood up directly, with a sneer on his face.

"Haha, you guys are very calculating, but in front of me, do you think you can really get what you want?"

Xu Ran's appearance shocked these three people.

Moreover, the three of them looked at it carefully and suddenly felt that Xu Ran looked familiar.

"Can't you remember who I am? Look at these two people, do you remember me?"

After the words fell, Jax and Aegis King walked out directly amid Xu Ran's sneer.

After seeing these two people at this moment, the guys in front of them were suddenly frightened, and at the same time they felt their scalps numb.

"Damn, I turns out they came in!"

"Oh my god, how could it be them? Do these guys want to become royalty directly through this shortcut?"

Several adventurers suddenly realized that something was wrong. If Xu Ran and the others were allowed to do it, they would be completely ruined.

So after they reacted, they turned around and ran away!

After all, they weren't stupid either. With their hard power, they couldn't beat Xu Ran and his trio.

Xu Ran didn't take action, just said something coldly.

"Leave no one alive, kill them all!"

As soon as the words fell, Aegis King and Jax quickly turned into phantoms and rushed out.

Xu Ran had been the main force every time before, so now of course these trivial matters were left to the two of them to handle.

Several screams were heard in the distance, and Aegis King and Jax slowly walked back, waving bloody weapons.

"Mr. Xu Ran, it seems that our actions have been exposed, and the exit of the ancient road has probably been discovered!"

At this time, Jaggers' voice was filled with worry.

Of course Xu Ran understood this, but he didn't seem too anxious.

Xu Ran nodded slowly and said seriously.

"In this case, we have only one way, and that is to race against time!"

"Race against time, what do you mean?"

Both of them showed a look of confusion.

Xu Ran smiled and explained slowly.

"That's it. We rush forward quickly and try to be ahead of everyone. Even if they follow us, we are the first ones to cross the ancient road, aren't we?"

Hearing what Xu Ran said, SHIELD King and Jax looked at each other and couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

After all, they knew that Xu Ran's method was helpless. If there was a better way, it wouldn't be like this.

"Okay, if that's the case, Mr. Xu Ran, we will follow you and lead us out of the ancient road together!"

The Shield King nodded heavily and said helplessly.

At this time, besides uniting behind Xu Ran, he had no other way to think of.

Xu Ran continued to take his two companions and headed directly towards the depths of the ancient road.

He boldly guessed that after the Flame God Bird should be the territory of a heavenly king, and then he might encounter one of the eight heavenly kings with special abilities. The ability of any one would be a huge headache.

Xu Ran couldn't help but whisper a reminder.

"You guys pay attention. When we see one of the Eight Heavenly Kings later, we will take action together to take him down in a short time. Don't drag him into an anxious battle. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, both of them nodded, and of course they understood Xu Ran's intention.

Soon, a grassland appeared ahead. There were many cattle and sheep running around on the grassland, looking very happy.

But the more peaceful the scene was, the more weird it seemed to Xu Ran!

Sure enough, as he gradually looked over, he was surprised to find that all the cattle and sheep on the grassland seemed to be food for some kind of strange creature.

The next moment, a bloody mouth suddenly emerged from the land of the grassland, and in one bite it ate all the hundreds of cattle and sheep in front of it.

This terrifying scene made Xu Ran and Jax couldn't help but think back to the terrifying python from before!

The Shield King was also startled and immediately waved the shield in his hand to block the situation.

"Mr. Xu Ran, what is this?"

The Shield King couldn't help shouting loudly, with a look of deep fear in his eyes.

Xu Ran's eyes shrank sharply and couldn't help but say.

"I boldly guess that this is probably one of the Eight Heavenly Kings, Taotie Heavenly King!"

"What! It's that guy, that guy's appetite is very scary, so that's it!"

The two people realized at the same time that Xu Ran should be right.

Who else could it be except Taotie Heavenly King who could eat hundreds of cattle and sheep in one bite?

After confirming the identity of this guy, the faces of the three people became very serious.

Xu Ran approached the grassland carefully and observed the surroundings carefully.

Because just after the Taotie Heavenly King appeared, he disappeared in front of everyone in a short time.

So at this time, no one could catch the trace of Taotie Heavenly King!

"Mr. Xu Ran, this guy is hiding in the dark and won't come out. What can we do with him?"

Jax and SHIELD King shook their heads helplessly, without any way.

Xu Ran also felt very headache in the face of this scene, but then he reacted instantly and thought of a very good way.

"I know. If you follow my instructions, you can find this guy!"

Xu Ran smiled and showed a confident look.

S.H.I.E.L.D. and Jax both felt a little strange, but since Xu Ran said so, they of course chose to believe it unconditionally.

Next, Xu Ran disappeared directly in front of them, and ran back after a while.

But this time, he had several more monster bodies in his hands!

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