And at this time, although the black-faced man lost, he was not in a desperate situation.

At least the aura on this guy's body is still very powerful at this moment, and he looks like a sun rising in the sky.

Although he defeated the black-faced gentleman, Xu Ran secretly guessed that the black-faced gentleman still had the ability to fight for a hundred rounds at least.

"Both of you, are your injuries healed? If so, let's move on!"

Xu Ran said slowly and shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

When he entered the ancient road, he agreed that the three of them would work together, but now he was left to fight alone. What should he do?

The Shield King had no choice but to smile bitterly, there was nothing he could do.

After encountering the black-faced man before, he knew that he had underestimated the horror of this ancient road.

In addition to the Eight Heavenly Kings, there are actually five such powerful guys, and whether there is some kind of guarding monster behind them is unknown.

But they all told him that if you trespass on the ancient road without permission, you must pay a price, and not many people can bear this price!

"What a pity, but despite this, we can still give it a try. Can we continue to break through the entire ancient road?"

Jax looked at Xu Ran's face and said slowly.

At this time, Xu Ran suddenly felt a kind of irritability in his heart for no reason.

He didn't have much to say. After all, even if these two people were two dragsters, he could only drag them all the way forward. Otherwise, what else could he do?

"That's all, I don't want to say anything, let's keep walking!"

At this time Xu Ran nodded and continued walking forward.

After not walking far, I found that the road on this ancient road gradually became bumpy, and it was no longer as smooth as before.

And suddenly a suspension bridge was seen on both sides. Under the bridge, there was a raging river, and the waves kept coming up one after another, which made people feel extremely scared.

Such a scene naturally made Xu Ran become a little cautious!

And if you look closely, you can see that Jax and Aegis King are standing far away and dare not come over.

Xu Ran suddenly became angry and couldn't help shouting.

"Why don't you two come over? Are you so cowardly and afraid of death?"

There was a hint of anger when these words were shouted out, and the Shield King and Jax looked at each other, with a hint of aggrievedness and guilt in their eyes.

Of course they knew that they basically relied on Xu Ran along the way.

But if they had a choice, they would never do this. Who said they were not strong enough and could only rely on Xu Ran to defeat all this!

After thinking for a while, Jax said thoughtfully.

"Xu Ran, we also know that we are dragging you down. If this is the case, we will go back directly and you can go through it alone!"

The Shield King next to him also nodded and said.

"Yes, Xu Ran, how about if you go back by yourself, we won't be a drag on you anymore. If you want to die, just let the two of us die, and we won't let you go with us."

The attitude of these two people has been made very clear, that is, they do not want to drag Xu Ran down.

At the same time, he didn't want to see Xu Ran dislike the two of them.

Xu Ran's eyes narrowed slightly, and a terrifying light emerged from them.

He said through gritted teeth.

"What do you two mean by this? Have all my previous efforts been in vain?"

After saying these words, his momentum became even sharper. No one could have guessed that Xu Ran suddenly became so terrifying.

His eyes were blood red, and he was ready to take action if he disagreed with each other, to teach these two ungrateful guys a lesson!

Shield King and Jax were also completely willing to fight. They could never imagine that Xu Ran would look down on them so much.

Especially Jax, as a strong man along the way, when he used to deal with Peart, he was one of the five guardians of the heaven, and he was also vaguely the boss among the five.

But now it's better, I have no sense of existence in front of Xu Ran, and I have been despised by others several times!

This kind of thing would never be tolerated by another person.

So, Jax boldly said something directly.

"Xu Ran, if you are really that capable, just rush over alone, and I won't accompany you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jax walked out in the other direction.

Although Aegis King was injured, his shield was in the process of indirect repair and was not completely shattered.

After thinking about it, Shield King boldly walked out with Jax.

Such actions by the two people were undoubtedly equivalent to abandoning Xu Ran directly.

"Very good, you are really brave!"

Xu Ran smiled coldly, and the next moment he soared into the sky and rushed towards the Aegis King.

This scene happened too suddenly. The Shield King never expected that Xu Ran would strike at his word, so cruel and ruthless.

And Jax also felt very aggrieved. He never expected that Xu Ran would change and become so cruel and ruthless.

Facing Xu Ran's attack, both of them were very cautious, and they kept moving back to distance themselves!

Then, the two cooperated with each other to block Xu Ran's first round of attack.

But Xu Ran's speed was too fast. His figure floated back and forth. After several encounters, he directly knocked the two men underground and made them unable to move.

SHIELD and Jax showed a look of resentment. They could never imagine that Xu Ran would actually attack them both at the same time one day.

"Xu Ran, I really regret that I shouldn't have been with you. Who would have thought that I would suffer the consequences now? It's a pity!"

Jax's voice revealed a strong resentment.

SHIELD couldn't say a word. Who made him not see clearly at the beginning and rashly choose to let Xu Ran attack with him?

Now it's easy to invite gods but difficult to send them away. It's not that easy to let Xu Ran just leave the ancient road.

Xu Ran suddenly burst into a burst of arrogant laughter and said casually.

"It's ridiculous. Why should I help you? Can't I pass this ancient road by myself and become the leader of the Central Royal Family?"

Hearing Xu Ran's words, both of them were shocked, with incredible expressions in their eyes.

After reacting, Jax couldn't help but snorted and said.

"Xu Ran, you think too much. No one under you will follow you. Even if you become a royal family, you will be alone!"

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