Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 495 Coward, if you dare to attack, you will die!

At this point, he still thought that he had defeated Xu Ran with his real ability.

But he never expected that there was a burden beside him at this moment, holding him back!

That person was none other than the Psychedelic Young Master.

At this time, the Psychedelic Young Master was right next to him, with an incredible look in his eyes.

Because he found that his illusion world was not enough, everything in all directions seemed to have turned into a vortex.

"Something is wrong, my illusion is combined with other people, it is indeed powerful, but this also has a fatal side effect, that is, it will cause my illusion to fail!"

"In other words, the kid in front of him is not really injured, but an illusion, so isn't it dangerous for the boss?"

When the Psychedelic Young Master realized this, it was completely late.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw an incredible smile on Xu Ran's mouth, and then he punched the Dark King in the chest.

The Dark King vomited blood crazily, and an unbelievable look appeared on his face!

He could never imagine why his sure-fire move was directly ineffective?

"Damn it, why is this happening?"

At this time, the psychedelic prince felt deeply guilty, while the Dark King was beaten to death by Xu Ran and could not say a word.

Suddenly he reacted and stared fiercely at his brother next to him.

"Bastard, it turns out that you are the one who is holding me back?"

The Dark King could not help but curse.

And the psychedelic prince's eyes showed a deep sense of guilt.

He did not mean to do it, but the fact was already like this and there was no way to change it.

"I'm sorry, boss, my illusion has lost its effect, and it's not my fault!"

The psychedelic prince could only smile bitterly and apologize.

And the Dark King even wanted to strangle him to death!

At this point, it was useless to say more. The Dark King was seriously injured and could only try his best to get out of trouble quickly.

Otherwise, facing Xu Ran's pursuit, he would not be sure to escape.

Sure enough, next he saw Xu Ran holding the Eye of Heaven and chasing him, like a shadow, following him like a shadow, unable to escape.

"Damn boy, you dare to chase me, don't you take me seriously?"

At this time, the Dark King was furious. As a king in the dark world, he never thought that Xu Ran would not take him seriously. Isn't this a deep insult to his existence?

So, the Dark King directly transformed into a dark crow and flew quickly in the direction of Xu Ran.

And Xu Ran kept waving the sword in his hand, one sword and one crow, accurately killing all the crows.

After doing all this, Xu Ran continued to chase forward as if nothing had happened.

The Dark King was stunned when he saw this scene. He never thought that Xu Ran's sword skills had reached this level.

You know, the Dark King had fought with many people before, but he never expected that this young man's swordsmanship seemed to be as terrible as that of the old strong man.

And looking carefully, Xu Ran actually held the Eye of Heaven in his hand slowly in a very strange direction. What exactly did he want to do?

Just when this question mark appeared in the Dark King's mind, he saw Xu Ran's sword in his hand, and he slowly pulled it out, and shouted three words.

"Draw the sword and cut!"

Yes, Xu Ran directly performed the sword and cut, and there was a layer of transparent sword energy in a circle, which shook violently.

This terrible sword energy directly caused the Dark King to be seriously injured and spit out a large mouthful of blood!

This guy wanted to run, but how could Xu Ran let him go?

"Dark King, if I let you go today, my name will be written backwards!"

Xu Ran smiled coldly, and the whole person soared into the sky, and every part of his body seemed to be able to emit a sword energy.

This terrible move made the Dark King dumbfounded again!

He could never imagine that there was such a terrible person in this world.

"Lend me your shield!"

After reacting, the Dark King rushed over and tried to snatch the shield from the Shield King and use it for himself.

But the Shield King reacted very quickly and tore the shield on the spot!

In this way, although he lost his precious shield, it at least made the Dark King lose his last shelter.

So, the Dark King could only watch the most powerful sword energy in Xu Ran's hand pierce through the middle of his eyebrows!

The Dark King fell slowly and there was no more movement.

After doing all this, Xu Ran exhaled heavily and sat on the ground.

At this time, a small insect suddenly crawled over...

Seeing this little insect, Xu Ran smiled disdainfully.

Of course, he saw that this was an illusion, which was enough to prove that the psychedelic man was not dead.

And at this moment, seeing that he had just killed the Dark King, he thought he was very weak, so he wanted to come and reap the benefits.

But Xu Ran was not afraid of this guy. He had already seen through it deeply that this psychedelic man was just a paper tiger. He looked scary but was actually very fragile!

"Psychedelic Young Master, if you dare to take another step forward, believe it or not, I will kill you directly?"

Xu Ran's voice fell word by word, full of infinite warning flavor.

After hearing this, Psychedelic Young Master was so scared that he stood there, and he really didn't dare to move!

In addition, he couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile, trembling all over.

There was no way, the scene of Xu Ran just killing the Dark King really impressed him very much!

At this moment, even if he had the courage, he didn't dare to move forward.

Seeing that Xu Ran frightened Psychedelic Young Master with just one sentence, Jax and SHIELD were both excited.

They also thought silently that from now on, with such a powerful person like Xu Ran, maybe becoming a royal family is really not a distant dream.

"I was wrong, sir, spare my life!"

At this time, Psychedelic Young Master really came out, with a bitter smile in his eyes, and chose to beg for mercy on the spot.

Xu Ran nodded and didn't say much.

But in fact, he was also a little scared, and had some cold sweat on his back.

Because if this psychedelic man didn't listen to him and still chose to attack him, then he would have no way to deal with it.

But fortunately, this psychedelic man was a complete coward, and was frightened by Xu Ran and didn't dare to continue to attack!

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