Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 599 The Demon Emperor is furious and marches towards death!

Thinking of this, Xu Ran felt a stronger sense of crisis.

"Mr. Jax, we must be careful, because there is a very likely super demon nearby!"

Obviously, Jax also saw this, and his face became much more cautious than before.

The two of them quietly hid in the dark, and sure enough, not long after, they saw a big demon with blood red all over his body, slowly walking over.

This big demon was very imposing, but when he came in front of him, he suddenly became weak.

Because he was surprised to find that all the pet birds raised by his men were killed!

"Damn bastard, who is so brave to kill my baby?"

At this time, the demon's eyes exuded a terrible blood-red color, and it was obvious that he was completely angry.

You know, in the primitive heaven, his ranking is the third among the ten demons, which means that there are only two people ahead of him.

But now I didn't expect that someone would dare to challenge his majesty!

At this time, Jax already had some impulse to attack, but was controlled by Xu Ran at the critical moment.

Facing Jax's puzzled eyes, Xu Ran slowly shook his head at him and said seriously.

"Mr. Jax, don't be anxious. Let's make sure there are no other people around before we act. What do you think?"

Since Xu Ran has said so, what else can Jax do!

So he could only nod and force himself to stay calm.

Sure enough, after a while, Xu Ran repeatedly confirmed that there were no other people around, and he was completely relieved.


Before Xu Ran made a move, the three magic weapons could no longer bear it and flew directly forward.

These three weapons were like phantoms, instantly creating many wounds on the body of the big devil.

The big devil kept screaming, and it was obvious that he was unprepared.

"Damn, who dared to plot against me?"

The big devil looked to the side and found Xu Ran and Jax coming over.

"Who are you? How dare you plot against me? Don't you know that this is the Primordial Heaven and who I am?"

At this moment, the big devil was speaking while slowly retreating.

Obviously, under this situation, he also knew that he was in great danger, so he could only rely on his reputation to try to scare off the two people in front of him.

But the facts proved that in front of Xu Ran, this little trick obviously didn't work.

"Mr. Jax, get rid of him quickly, I suspect there are other demons on the way."

At this time, Xu Ran immediately urged, and then quickly rushed forward.

Under his control, the Eye of Heaven transformed into a circle in the air, and pierced the big devil's chest with one knife.

The big devil opened his eyes wide, unable to believe that his death was so inexplicable.

Even before he died, he didn't know who killed him!

After killing this big devil, Xu Ran and Jax immediately withdrew away.

Just less than five minutes after they walked, several powerful auras quickly arrived.

Looking at the corpse of the big devil on the ground, all the devils fell into silence.

"Emperor Demon, look at it yourself. The original heaven was actually invaded by someone, and one of our companions was killed. What should we do about this?"

At this time, the eyes of several people were focused on one of the devils wearing the emperor's crown.

This person is also called the Demon Emperor, and he is the first person in the original heaven to be evil.

At this moment, although the Demon Emperor looked calm, everyone knew that he was angry to the extreme.

The Demon Emperor opened his eyes and said slowly.

"In this case, then give an order to search the entire original heaven. I must find out who the murderer behind the scenes is!"

As soon as the Demon Emperor gave an order, everyone in the original heaven knew that someone dared to invade and kill a big devil without authorization.

This can be said to have stirred up a hornet's nest, causing the entire original heaven to fall into a boiling!

Everyone didn't know who the person who broke in without authorization was, but everyone understood that this person's end must be very miserable.

"Haha, wait and see. No matter who this person is, he is too brave to come to the Primordial Heaven to make trouble!"

"Yeah, and he is too ignorant of the current situation. Don't you know where this place is?"

At this time, in a restaurant, many people were discussing with relish, without any sense of tension.

Because they knew that since the Demon Emperor had taken action in this matter, no matter who the murderer in the dark was, he would definitely die.

But they didn't realize that Xu Ran and Jax had heard all their conversations clearly on an inconspicuous table in this restaurant.

"Mr. Xu Ran, look, the Demon Emperor has already taken a fancy to us. I guess he is looking for us like crazy now!"

Jax said with a low voice and a smile.

Xu Ran nodded and couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, this guy is very powerful. If we kill him, we should be able to shock the entire Primordial Heaven and make it dare not continue to invade our own world!"

At this time, Xu Ran's thoughts were very clear. If he could kill the Demon Emperor, all difficulties would be solved.

Soon, Xu Ran and Jax found out the residence of the Demon Emperor.

Xu Ran was very brave. He would never sit and wait for death. Instead, he planned to go to the door and take the Demon Emperor's life.

When Jax knew Xu Ran's idea, he thought it was too crazy at the first time.

However, since Xu Ran had made such a decision, no one could change it.

Not long after, Xu Ran and the others came to a magnificent palace.

This palace was the residence of the Demon Emperor. At this time, the Demon Emperor had just returned and was obviously in a very bad mood.

And the other demons also left one by one, feeling uneasy!

At this time, Xu Ran walked in directly, but was blocked.

"The Demon Emperor is in a bad mood. No one is allowed to go in. Hurry up!"

The faces of the people at the door were cold and they looked at Xu Ran unhappily.

But at this moment, Xu Ran did not say anything, and directly pulled out the Eye of Heaven, stabbed the throat with a sword, and killed all the people in front of him.

Only one person had time to scream before he died!

This scream seemed to remind everyone, and the whole palace was boiling immediately.

"Damn it, there is an assassin coming!"

Suddenly, even the Demon Emperor who was resting deep in the palace opened his extremely cold eyes.

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