Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 74 The sound of grief forgotten in the long river of time

The turn of events can be described as twists and turns.

Xu Ran discovered.

These two sets can actually be transformed into each other.

But there is only one chance.

In other words, he can transform the Sorrow Set into the Lost Set.


Lost can also be transformed into the Sorrow Set.

The two seem to have an extremely special connection.

With doubts.

Xu Ran turned his eyes away from the system prompt.

Then, he looked at the detailed properties of the Sorrow Set.

Set - [Death Confusion·Sorrow]!

Two-piece set properties: Increase your own movement speed by 40%.

Four-piece set properties: Increase your own 30% penetration damage.

Six-piece set properties: Increase your own 40% cooldown reduction.

He discovered.

Whether it is Sorrow or Lost.

The bonuses brought by the previous two-piece set, four-piece set and six-piece set are exactly the same.

The difference lies in the special effects at the end.

First is the eight-piece set properties.

When the eight-piece set is equipped, the wailing effect brought by the Death Confusion can be activated, and the endless wailing sound that awakens the heart can be played.

Not only can it weaken the enemy.

It can also put friendly units into a special state [Wrath of Sorrow], greatly improving their attributes and combat effectiveness (including yourself).

Although the specific values ​​still need to be verified in person, the duration is as long as 5 minutes.


"Very strong!"

This is the first evaluation given by Xu Ran.

I have to say.

The eight-piece set effect of [Death Confusion·Wail] is much stronger than Lost.

After all, the latter can only provide a control effect.

And the time is only a short 8 seconds.

In the epic set, it is quite good.

But if compared with the Sorrow Set, it seems a bit insufficient.

Imposing a weak state on the enemy.

And strengthening the combat capabilities of all friendly units including yourself.

No matter which one, it is enough to shock Xu Ran.

For a while.

He became more and more looking forward to the finale of the ten-piece set.

Ten-piece set attributes: Activate all the death chaos in the set, and you can play the sound of grief forgotten in the long river of time. After killing the target, there is a chance that it will be revived from the long river of time, and will offer its soul to become the most loyal follower under your command. (Also applicable to BOSS and legendary creatures)


The moment Xu Ran saw the attributes of the ten-piece set, he had already made a decision in his heart.

It must be the grief set!

It is somewhat similar to the lost set he obtained before.

After killing the target, he can turn it into a member of his own.

But the two are essentially.

There is a difference like heaven and earth.

The lost set can transform dead enemies into its most loyal vassal.

In this way.

He can only get the servants of the undead system.

Just like the [Death Shadow Servant], its strength will be much weaker than when it was alive.

But the grief set is different.

Once the sound of grief forgotten in the long river of time is played.

After killing the target, there is a chance that it will be revived from the long river of time.

If I guessed correctly.

The followers obtained in this way will have the most peak strength in their lifetime.

The gap is already obvious.

Xu Ran decisively "abandoned" the previous choice and replaced the two lost suits he was wearing with the Sorrow Suit.

It is worth mentioning that.

Every part of these two suits, from attribute bonus to equipment skills, is basically the same.

The only difference is the suit special effect.

So Xu Ran directly skipped the previous equipment and looked at the epic gauntlet in his hand.

[Death Confusion·Wailing Gauntlets (Epic)]

Required level: Level 50

Required profession: Magic

Quality: Epic

Type: Armor

Part: Hand

Health +15000

Intelligence +200

Physical defense +649

Magic defense +703

Release speed +40%

Equipment durability: Never worn

Equipment skill: [Wailing Hands] Gather the meaning of endless wailing in both hands, which can greatly increase the release speed (60% bonus), lasting for 30 seconds, (equipment skill cooldown time 3 minutes)

Note: During the duration of Wailing Hands, the speed of mana consumption increases by 20%.

Introduction: With the forgotten years, only endless sorrow is passed down in the world.


The attribute bonus of this gauntlet is quite powerful.

Nothing else to say.

The 15,000 health bonus is enough to make Xu Ran's upper limit of blood volume soar again.

And the intelligence bonus also brought Xu Ran a big surprise.

Even if the previous level 20 legendary gauntlet is removed.

The actual improvement brought by this equipment is as high as 13,000 health points and 100 intelligence points.

And the equipment skill [Hand of Sorrow] is a very powerful gain state.

In 30 seconds.

It can increase the release speed by 60%.

Combined with the related bonuses brought by Xu Ran's other equipment, he can even guide countless skills in an instant.

As for the 20% additional mana consumption.

With his enviable intelligence limit, these consumption can basically be ignored.

Wear it!

Everything happened in a flash.

It took less than three seconds from obtaining the epic equipment to putting it on.

But in such a short time.

Xu Ran's attributes soared again.

Counting the fixed attribute growth brought by the upgrade, his health directly increased from 110,000 to 127,000!

And the magic attack power also increased by 1,400 points.

From the previous 26,419 points (the fixed attribute growth brought by the upgrade is already included), it directly increased to 27,819 points!

Of course.

Among them, the 75% additional magic attack power bonus brought by the epic auxiliary equipment [Book of Death Sacrifice] also played a crucial role.

After looking at his own attributes.

Xu Ran took another look at the remaining epic weapon.

In terms of appearance, it is exactly the same as the giant sword burning with blue flames in the hands of the previous BOSS.

The only difference.

is that after the terrible amplification effect of [Ten Thousand Times Reward], it has undergone a qualitative change.

It has to be said.

This giant sword is also a top-grade among epic equipment.

It's a pity.

As a mage, Xu Ran could not use it to its full potential.

He put the giant sword (epic enhanced version) of the same model as the BOSS into his backpack like he was dealing with a useless piece of garbage.

He looked around.

He found countless warrior players looking at him with resentment.

Some even beat their chests and stamped their feet.

They kept saying things like wasting natural resources and letting a pearl fall into the dust.

They were in a terrible mood.

Because everyone knew one thing.

Even if they offered, Xu Ran would not sell this top-quality equipment.

Of course.

They couldn't afford it.


They could only watch Xu Ran leave and continue to look for the next legendary siege BOSS.


Because legendary BOSSes are extremely conspicuous.

Xu Ran looked around.

Soon, he locked onto the next target.

Less than 300 meters away from him, there was a skeleton BOSS riding a dragon.

It seemed that the previous battle had attracted its attention.

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