Not only that.

Next to this figure in the endless abyss, there is a majestic and magnificent skeleton.

These skeletons are arranged in a very regular pattern.

From a distance.

It looks like a sleeping dragon.

But its "body" is perfectly pieced together by countless skeletons.

If the ancient ghost dragon with a body size of hundreds of meters is a behemoth for countless players.


This dragon formed by countless skeletons.

It is enough to be described as covering the sky!


In the darkness that seems to never be dispelled, the NPC who is almost exactly the same as Carol seems to feel the movement of the battlefield in the distance.

It seems that her mind is restrained by some kind of breath.

She put down her hand stroking the dragon skeleton beside her and looked up.

In the darkness.

A ray of light vaguely emerged.

Although it was so weak that it was difficult to detect, it seemed so real.


At the same time.

On the battlefield of [Eternal City].

The eternal breath permeated Xu Ran's surroundings, and countless magnificent mysterious chains emerged in the sky.


When the chain of order fell down.

All the locked siege monsters were pierced through the ground.

Including the three skeleton giants and Carol!


At this moment.

There were still about 500,000 siege monsters left, but they gradually emerged with a restless breath.

The scarlet light.

It seemed to represent the never-ending killing.

The bodies of all the skeleton creatures actually swelled up in the wind.

In a moment.

All the siege monsters, both in size and attributes, surged a lot.

The players who collided head-on with them instantly doubled their pressure.


"Why are they so fierce?"

"Did these monsters take sildenafil? They sent me back to life in just a few hits!"

"Their strength is increasing so fast, maybe it's vardenafil!"

"Damn, I can't hold on any longer, you guys are still discussing this, add blood!"

"Oh no, I'm dead!"


In almost an instant.

The situation of the battle immediately changed from the previous players having the upper hand to a one-sided slaughter.

The monsters were inexplicably strengthened.

It brought a heavy and painful blow to the players.

It was like cutting wheat.

Large groups of players were all turned into white light and sent back to the resurrection point.

Because it takes a certain amount of time to run the corpse.

So the combat power of the direct confrontation with it instantly dropped a lot.

This is a completely vicious cycle.

Under the attack of nearly 500,000 violent skeleton creatures, the major legions under Xu Ran also gradually suffered casualties.

There is no way.

There are too many enemies.

Although the quality of each army is far superior to that of monsters.

Even more than half of them are immortal and destruction legions of epic quality!

But in the face of sufficient numbers.

Quality can sometimes appear pale and powerless.

At most.

The number of troops under Xu Ran's command is only about 100,000.

The difference in numbers.

Leading to its inability to stop the footsteps of all skeleton creatures.


With the rustling sound of footsteps.

The siege monsters are getting closer and closer to the walls of [Eternal City].




On the walls, the towering defense towers launched earth-shaking roars one after another.

[Tip: Feeling the pressure from the enemy, the Eternal City defense system has been upgraded to 120% full operation! ]


Magic skills.

And defense barriers, all running at a high load of 120% at this moment.

The battle.

Has entered a white-hot state!

And in the center of the battlefield.

Carol, who was pierced through the ground by the chains of order, waved the staff in her hand expressionlessly.

As the thick dark aura emerged.

The three legendary BOSS skeleton giants turned their heads in unison and looked towards the direction of [Eternal City].

[Tip: The legendary BOSS Forgotten Skeleton Giant's hatred for you has disappeared, and it will not attack you for the time being! ]

[Tip: The legendary BOSS Forgotten Skeleton...]


Three announcements sounded in succession.

Without anyone taking away the hatred, these skeleton giants stopped chasing Xu Ran.

They were like zombies.

Regardless of whether the surrounding skeleton creatures would be crushed into pieces by themselves, they walked straight towards the city wall.

The target.

It has become [Eternal City]!

"Damn it, the Chosen One is so incompetent that he can't even keep the hatred stable?"

"These three legendary BOSSes can probably tear down the city walls with their defensive fortifications. What should we do?"

"By the way, none of us can deal damage to these skeleton giants. The hatred transfer is too abnormal!"

"I know, this is a plot kill!"

"The Chosen One has provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked. Eternal City must be removed from the list!"


Seeing this frightening scene.

Countless players fell into a state of agitation.


Then it arose.

Some people were scolding Xu Ran for being a good-for-nothing and unable to hold back hatred.

Some people calmly analyzed the reasons for OT and felt that it was not his fault.

Some people were desperately thinking that the Eternal City should not be able to defend itself given the players' cards.

Of course.

There were also many players who continued to run towards the battlefield outside the city.



Then rushed back.

Continued to be killed.

All of these players were furious.

A considerable number of them wore the badge of the [Chosen Mercenary Group].

After the previous battle.

They had long recognized Xu Ran as a hands-off boss.

Even though he had been fleecing players.

But this did not mean that they were not anxious.

Almost in the blink of an eye, countless wails were heard in the mercenary group channel.

"Boss, I can't hold on any longer!"

"Woo woo, brother, this BOSS has such high damage, I've died several times..."

"Me too!"

"Well, there are girls in our mercenary group? Come and I'll pay for your gold coins for resurrection!"

"That's about right. According to statistics, the ratio of men to women in our mercenary group is 4 to 6, and there are more girls than men. These are all boss's fans. Do you really want to pay for them?"

"Boss's fans, forget it!"

"Hurry up and give me blood, I'm dead..."


The information in the mercenary group channel instantly accumulated to tens of thousands.

Most of them were asking the boss what to do.

But these messages that filled the screen did not affect Xu Ran's actions.

On the contrary.

The speed at which he released his skills became faster and faster.

The rage of countless siege monsters.

The skeleton giant's escape from hatred.

It seemed that everything was caught off guard.

But only Xu Ran saw through it all.

The source of all abnormalities came from the figure sitting on the back of the dark dragon.

Only he could see it.

In the distant sky, a tiny crack appeared.



Endless darkness.

These strange auras are constantly pouring out from it.

And as Carol waved her staff.

The speed of these auras pouring out suddenly accelerated, which led to this sudden scene.


If you want to solve the crisis, you must start from the source.

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