[Hint: Do you want to consume the item and randomly draw a Grandmaster skill from the "Forgotten" series of skills? ]


Xu Ran did not hesitate to use this legendary item.

He started drawing directly.

As a brilliant light emerged.

The results of the drawing came one after another.

[Hint: The drawing was successful. You randomly drew the Eternal Sigh (Grandmaster) from the "Forgotten" series of skills! ]

[Hint: The ten thousand times amplification was successful. The quality of the skill reward you received has been upgraded from the Grandmaster level to the Forbidden Spell level! ]

[Hint: You have obtained the forbidden skill - The Sigh of Eternal Annihilation (Forbidden Spell)! ]


Looking at the prompt.

Xu Ran was stunned for a moment.


Although he had expected it a long time ago.

But he did not expect.

The "Forgotten" series of skills are actually related to eternity.

You know.

His profession is the Eternal Mage!

And what shocked him the most was that the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] really took effect.

Grandmaster-level [Eternal Sigh].


It actually became a forbidden spell!

[Eternal Annihilation Sigh (Forbidden Spell)]

Type: Skill

Quality: Forbidden Spell

Effect: Through the perception of the eternal law, enough eternal breath can be awakened and gathered in the staff. After a certain period of chanting, the eternal annihilation sigh can be released, causing unimaginable damage to enemies within a range of 500 meters (500%-5000% magic attack damage bonus), and with annihilation effect, with a cooldown of 6 hours.

Note: The skill damage varies with the perception of the eternal law and the length of the charging time, and can deal up to 5000% magic attack bonus damage!

Note: During the charging period, 8% of the own magic value is consumed per second.

Introduction: Everything starts from eternity.


"Good boy!"

As an eternal mage profession.

Xu Ran naturally knows what the word "eternity" means.

In the game "Eternity".

The source of everything comes from the law of order.

This is the starting point.

And everything will eventually perish.

The end point is represented by the law of destruction.


The law of eternity is the one that integrates destruction and order into everything and represents the entire process and law.


Eternity is a taboo.

At the same time, it is the root of everything.

"Eternal Kingdom..."

Reciting these words slowly, Xu Ran's starry eyes gradually brightened.

He seemed to have guessed something vaguely.


The demise of the Eternal Kingdom at the beginning.

Rather than saying that the two major camps of light and darkness jointly planned everything to suppress the newly emerging forces.

It is better to say that it is fear.

That's right.

Xu Ran's heart jumped suddenly.


Represents order.

And darkness symbolizes destruction.

It is because the [Eternal Kingdom] once realized the law of "eternity" that it was besieged by the two major camps.

It can also be said that.

Once you try to master the law of "eternity", you will be the enemy of the whole world.

"If you look at it this way..."

"I'm also quite tragic."

As a player who chose the profession of Eternal Mage.

Xu Ran not only had no fear, but also looked relaxed.

The way that [Eternal Kingdom] took at the beginning was to comprehend the Eternal Law.

It was still not radical enough.

That's why it was surrounded and killed by the two major camps before it grew up.

But Xu Ran was different.

He took a different approach.

As for the Eternal Law.

The way he chose was to control it!

He would inevitably become an existence that all creatures would look up to in a very short time.

If he could not break through the subsequent targeting, siege and interception, and thus grow up smoothly.

Then there would be no need to continue to control the "Eternal" Law.

Thinking of this.

Xu Ran looked at the battlefield.

Time passed in a flash.

During this period of time, the casualties of the players had reached a terrifying number.

And those siege monsters that were strengthened twice and fell into a violent state were rushing towards [Eternal City].

The distance was less than 100 meters!

Xu Ran grabbed it with his hand.

He collected all the items dropped by Carol and the Dark Dragon.

[Hint: You picked up the reward - Death's Wail (Legend)! ]

[Hint: You picked up the reward - Dragon's Breath Essence (Legend)! ]


"Wail Set and Dragon's Breath Essence?"

Xu Ran couldn't hide his joy.

Carol was really generous.

If I guessed correctly.

Once the [10,000x Reward] takes effect.

He will have another epic-quality Wail Set part.

At the same time.

The item needed to upgrade the quality of the Ancient Ghost Dragon has also been found.

Just thinking about it.

The prompt sound came as expected.

10,000x Reward.

Successfully triggered!

[Hint: The 10,000x amplification is successful, and the quality of the reward you received has been upgraded from legendary to epic! ]

[Hint: You have obtained an epic-level reward - Dragon's Breath Essence (Epic)! 】

[Hint: You have obtained the epic set part - Death Confusion Sorrowful Words Bracelet (Epic)! ]


Different from the previous one.

The part of the Sorrowful Set that exploded this time corresponds to the bracelet.

Both the attributes and equipment skills are quite powerful.

[Death Confusion·Sorrowful Words Bracelet (Epic)]

Required level: Level 50

Required profession: No requirements

Quality: Epic

Type: Jewelry

Part: Bracelet

Strength +400

Intelligence +400

Critical Hit Rate +30%

Equipment Durability: Never Wear Out (Special Attribute of Epic Equipment)

Equipment Skills: [Sorrowful Words] Activate the power contained in the equipment, which can bring the bonus of Lost Words to yourself, and can restore a large amount of mana for yourself. It can restore 40% of the mana at the moment of activation, and then restore 10% of the mana per second, lasting for 6 seconds, and the cooling time is 20 minutes.


It is worthy of being an epic set.

Xu Ran just learned a forbidden spell, which happened to be perfectly matched with this bracelet.

[Sigh of Eternal Annihilation] This forbidden spell skill, the damage is not constant, but gradually increases according to the charging time and the understanding of the eternal law.

The maximum damage can be dealt is 5000% of the magic attack power bonus.

This multiplier.

It's simply terrifying!

But there is one thing worth noting.

During the charging process, 8% of the magic value will be consumed per second.

This means.

If there is no means of restoring magic value.

It may not be an easy task to deal full damage.

But with this equipment.

The situation is different.

400 points of intelligence and strength bonus, and 30% critical hit rate are not mentioned for the time being.

The amount of mana restored by the equipment skills alone.

It is possible to make this forbidden spell skill reach the charging limit!

This is definitely an unimaginable prompt.

So Xu Ran said nothing.

Directly equipped this epic bracelet.

At the same time.

He looked at the battlefield.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of siege skeleton monsters were only a few steps away from the city wall.

The defense system of [Eternal City] has long been overloaded.

But unexpectedly.

The players have not given up.

They are still tirelessly rushing towards the monsters.

That makes sense.

Resurrection will only drop 10% of the experience points and pay 1 silver coin.

If you can grab the head.

That's a huge profit.

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