
Seeing this almost perfect face, Xu Ran felt endless waves in his heart.

So familiar.

This scene is for Xu Ran.

It was almost as if I had just seen it not long ago.

Carol the Gravekeeper.

Carol the Wakener.

What is the identity of Carol, who is full of mystery?

Xu Ran didn't understand.

Although I have been mentally prepared for it.

But everything in front of him was too impactful to him.

If it were another player.

I'm afraid I might be frightened to death by this "supernatural" sight.

Otherwise, you will fall into a life of endless doubt.


her identity.

What exactly is it?

at this point.

Including Xu Ran, everyone was puzzled.

But not like others.

Xu Ran looked quite calm.

Not only that.

He also carefully observed the figure suspected of being Carol, hoping to discover and dig out more clues.

But I didn't expect it.

Illusive bubble.

It only lasted a moment.

With a snap, everything fell into silence and nothingness.

In the abyss that seems to never end, only bubbles and waves are still flowing slowly in the distance.

[Hint: You discovered the endless abyss! 】

[Tip: Since the range you are in is at the edge of the endless abyss, can you achieve cross-regional movement (within the endless abyss) by consuming eternal marks? 】

[Tip: Eternal Marks can be obtained by collecting them in the Endless Abyss or completing commissions. 】

[Tip: The number of eternal marks you currently have is 31,764! 】


A series of prompts.

Xu Ran was a little confused at this moment.

He couldn't think of it anyway.

The rumored endless abyss...

It turns out to be a long river that seems to be made by time.

Countless waves in it.

They all represent every minute and every second of time that continues to pass.

The light and shadow reflected in it.

It's the story of what happened at that moment.

And like those dreamy bubbles Xu Ran saw before.

These are not scenes of a certain moment, but represent the world stagnant in that period of time.

It's like emerging from a bubble.

Then quietly broken.

They all seem to represent the world at a certain moment.

One by one.

There are countless waves and bubbles that are hard to count.

In the constant turbulent flow, this long historical river spanning eternity is formed.

Think of this.

Xu Ran's eyes fell to the other side.

over there.

A bubble that seemed to have just been born appeared in front of Xu Ran's eyes.

Without thinking.

Xu Ran immediately guessed the scene in the bubble.

It should be what happened in [Eternal City] at this moment or the second before.

Think of this.

Xu Ran was really interested in it.

He wanted to see it.

During the time when I stepped into the [Endless Abyss], what were the players who were waiting for the settlement of the war in [Eternal City] doing?

And what is the state of this magnificent and vast city at this moment?

With doubts.

Xu Ran set his sights on the surface of this dreamlike bubble.

The first thing that catches your eye.

It is that thick and terrifying city wall.

[Eternal City] This majestic city.

After experiencing the previous siege battle that could be called an epic level.

was attacked in an unimaginable way.

Change to another main city.

For example, [Ice City], maybe a corner of the city wall has been defeated.

Once this happens.

Fierce street fighting is about to break out.

But [Eternal City] is different.

It is not the main city.

But under the construction of the epic template blueprint, except for the smaller territory, it is not weaker than other main cities.

Even stronger!


Even after being attacked by millions of siege monsters, the surface of the [Eternal City] wall was scarred.

But there was no catastrophic damage like a corner of the city wall collapsing.

But that's not the point.

During the time when Xu Ran stepped into the [Endless Abyss], the defenses that were attacked all began to repair themselves at different speeds.

Not only that.

Under the leadership and special command ability of the recruited epic-level NPCs, all the vacancies left by the major legions who died in battle were filled by recruits recruited from the recruit camps.

Although the combat effectiveness is much inferior.

But it’s enough to crush many players’ attribute panels.

Especially if the other party has not yet made a second turn.

Xu Ran believes it.

Give it time.

These new recruits will inevitably grow up.

Until it becomes a nightmare in the hearts of countless enemies!


Xu Ran discovered.

With the death of the two Carols, there was also the figure that appeared just now that looked like Carol.

This led to Xu Ran making a bold guess in his mind.


The tomb guard symbolizes the death and death of everything.


Carol, who was in the form of a gravekeeper, just met this condition.



The body is transforming towards the skeleton.

All proving a fact.

This gravekeeper Carol seems to have reached the end of her life.

Either she becomes a walking corpse.


She places all her hopes on the illusory dream.

But Carol, the awakener.

It is different.

Although her skin is dark and bloodless, and even pale to a morbid degree.

But whether it is the state she maintains.

Or the desire for life in her heart.

Both seem to be on different levels!

In other words.

That is.

This awakener Carol has an enviable and crazy vitality.


With the complete demise of these two Carols.

She seems to be different this time.

The state of this "Carol".

It seems that she is neither as stable as the former nor as lively as the latter.

It seems to be in an intermediate state.

Or it is in an ongoing event state.

In short.

It seems to be more real or more logical.

And with the death of the previous two Carols.

In the [Lost Kingdom] or the City of Bones, the only high-end combat power left was this figure in front of him.

Xu Ran estimated.

Perhaps there was a possibility.

In the next main task.

All the situations he wanted to investigate.

There was a great possibility that they were related to this figure!


He had already formed a careful plan in his mind.


Continue to look for information about Carol and past fragments, so as to find out relevant information about the Lost Kingdom.

After all.

Only by exploring the specific location of the Lost Kingdom can the next stage of the main task be advanced.


Just unlocking the location of the City of Bones.

I'm afraid it won't work.


Just thinking.

Xu Ran suddenly froze in place.

"The City of Bones?"

He seemed to have thought of something.

A pair of tightly locked brows suddenly relaxed.

Something unexpected happened.

He seemed to realize how to successfully find and lock the current location of the [Lost Kingdom] among countless bubbles and waves.

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