

It's like a gathering storm.

All the bones began to stir.

They seemed to have independent consciousness, vying to show their most ferocious side.


Coming soon!


Boo hoo hoo——

As a sound sounded like cloth being torn, countless bones were like sharp blades, cutting the air and rushing towards the direction of Xu Ran.


It was so fast that it caught people off guard.

But that's it.

After completing the guidance of the second meteor in [Meteor Feast], Xu Ran jumped directly and then made an action that ordinary people could not imagine.

He left the dragon's broad back.

He actually stepped directly on the meteorite that was falling diagonally downwards, and fell in the direction of the skeleton.




Countless bones cut through the huge meteorite like sharp blades.

As Mars continues to appear.

The surface of the meteorite was cut into pieces.


In an instant.

Xu Ran arrived at the top of the layers of bones.

Boom! ! !

At the moment when the meteorite and the skeleton hit everything, the light of multiple shields appeared on Xu Ran's body.


He was like a human sun, illuminating the darkness and silence of the entire area.

But this is just the beginning.

As the shields were stacked on his body layer by layer, Xu Ran launched the master-level skill [Endless Counterattack] again!

All damage caused to oneself will be reflected back to the party causing the damage at 100% value.


There is also a chance of causing double damage.

Even Xu Ran still needs to take this part of the damage, but with the blessing of the shield.

He can completely achieve the effect of rebounding without injury!


A burst of bright light emerged.

[Endless Counterattack] is fully effective.

All the damage and force exerted by the bones on Xu Ran were rebounded at this moment.

In an instant.

All the bones were ejected by their own strength.

In place, a human-shaped gap appeared.

It's now!

After making key progress, Xu Ran jumped directly.

[Eternal Leap] activates!

In an instant, his figure suddenly disappeared from the place.

Immediately afterwards.

When he appeared in the air again, he had already reached the bottom of the layers of bones.


Accompanied by a violent earthquake, light swayed into the bottom of the skeleton.

This was the unique light of Xu Ran's shield and [Endless Counterattack], which instantly dispelled the darkness that had shrouded this place for thousands of years.

at the same time.

It also allowed Xu Ran to see clearly the body trapped here by shackles.


"You guessed it right."

Xu Ran nodded secretly.

His conjecture has been verified.

Follow the line of sight.

I saw a beautiful body, being sealed in the endless darkness.

Chains made of pale bones were nailing him in place.

And in her heart.

But it was empty.

Looking at the scene in front of me.

Xu Ran looked directly at his backpack.


A shriveled and rotten heart was lying quietly in it.

Although it looks completely lifeless.

But in fact, it is still beating weakly.

Although it seemed that Xu Ran didn't have any disturbance in his heart.

But in fact.

He vaguely came up with another guess.

According to the timeline.

The scene here was six years ago.

At this point in time, "Carol" has not awakened, and is even missing its most important parts.

Rotten heart.

But later.

During the siege battle.

"Carol" had already woken up.

This incidates that.

Her heart seemed to have been repaired at some later time.


Only then will there be subsequent siege battles.

Xu Ran took a deep breath.

Slowly, he took out the rotten heart from his backpack.

In an instant.

One after another bright rays of light emerged.

Maybe it was affected by some factors.

The beating frequency of this heart seems to be gradually increasing.


The beating frequency of the rotten heart is close to that of a normal human being.

A sudden feeling of nausea and fear surged into Xu Ran's heart.


There are also ice magical elements that seem to freeze the soul.

But then.

The eternal aura that had been lingering around Xu Ran suddenly surged out.

Less than a breath.

Under the influence of eternal breath.

The influence of the rotten heart on Xu Ran has been completely blocked.

It wasn't given any time to react at all.

And that coldness that seemed to pierce the soul was not painful at all for Xu Ran.

On the contrary, he felt like a spring breeze.

When the server was first launched, he received a permanent buff.

The colder the environment.

His magic value will recover faster.

Moreover, it is also immune to its negative effects.

Coupled with the ice attribute resistance given by the epic suit later.

Ice attribute skills.

For Xu Ran, it was just scraping.

Some of them might not even cause any damage.

Not to mention the control effect.

Ignoring the negative effects of this heart and the corresponding body of "Carol".

Xu Ran directly put the rotten heart in his hand into the gap.


In an instant!

Countless breaths of death and decay surged like a tide.

When the heart touched the gap.




Blood vessels, etc.

All came out in an instant.

Although there was no sign of life in them.

But this heart was merging with the body of "Carol" at an unimaginable speed.

Not only that.

In the blink of an eye.

The earth shook.

In the constant tremor of the earth, bones came one after another.

Like threading a needle.

Those bones began to fill the initial gap again.


Xu Ran would never sit and wait for death.

He was sealed at the bottom by countless skeletons.

It was a shackle that even gods could not break free of. With his current strength, it would be difficult for him to break out from the inside.


He must use the fastest speed.

Before countless skeletons close together, leave here!

With Xu Ran's order.

The ancient ghost dragon turned into a gray-white shadow and quickly rushed towards the gap.

At the same time.

From the sea of ​​bones, countless huge skeleton hands emerged.

It seemed.

They wanted to pull the ancient ghost dragon down from the air directly.

But no one could have imagined.

The ancient ghost dragon actually burst out with an astonishing speed and reached the gap in an instant.

At this time.

As time went by.

The size of the gap has shrunk to a range that can only accommodate two people.

This hundreds of meters long dragon.

I am afraid that even a claw cannot be inserted.

But at this moment.

Xu Ran issued an order.

Ghost transformation!

As his voice fell, the Ancient Ghost Dragon suddenly entered the ghost form.

During this period.

It can ignore all obstacles and greatly increase its flight and movement speed.

This is definitely the core ability of the Ancient Ghost Dragon.

After all.

This means that all obstacles are useless in front of the ghost form.

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