Legendary title.

In Xu Ran's eyes, it is obviously not the most valuable.

After all.

He even has more than one epic title.

But in the eyes of other players.

Let alone legend.

Even a silver title is enough to attract a lot of people's attention.

For example, this morning.

Before Xu Ran stepped into [Endless Abyss], he saw players discussing titles in the regional channel.

A player got a silver-level title by killing monsters.

The effect is very simple.

But it is a bit underworld.

It caused many players to burst into laughter.

This title is called [Open-handed Sneak Attacker].

Only when you launch a sneak attack from the front can you trigger the title effect, causing three times the extra damage.

In terms of damage bonus, it is indeed a bit explosive.

But the triggering method makes people a little nervous.

This is a very normal thing in "Eternity".

After all, the title system is more of an auxiliary role.

It is normal to do something occasionally.

But this kind of thing never happened to the titles that Xu Ran obtained.

Because the quality is really too high.

For example, the legendary title that he just obtained!

[Lost in the Endless Abyss (Legend)]

Type: Title

Quality: Legend

Unique passive effect: [Lost in the Endless Abyss] When wearing the title, all traces of the area where you appear and pass through will be hidden, and various illusions will be created to temporarily trap the enemy who is tracking you in the Endless Abyss.

Note: When the target is temporarily lost in the Endless Abyss, there is a chance that it will be permanently lost and buried in the long river of time, unable to see the light of day again.

Introduction: Endless Abyss exclusive title, unique.



Xu Ran originally thought that this was just an ordinary legendary title.

So when he saw that there was only one passive effect.

He was greatly disappointed.

But he didn't expect.

This passive effect is so terrifying.

While covering up the tracks, the enemy who is tracking you can temporarily fall into the [Endless Abyss].


There is also a certain chance that it will be buried forever.

It will never be able to return to the world from the long river of time.


The moment Xu Ran saw the title [Lost in the Endless Abyss (Legend)] clearly, he had a crazy idea in his mind.

If I am not mistaken.

The countless skeletons below seemed to be chasing him!

During the time of checking the title.

The ancient ghost dragon continued to climb up, and countless skeletons came one after another.

He originally wanted to take advantage of the height advantage to explore the whole picture of the lost country.

But he didn't expect.

These skeletons chased him relentlessly and blocked his sight.

In this case.

Xu Ran made a decision.

Without any hesitation.

He directly cancelled the wearing of other titles and put on this legendary title.

If these skeletons are considered enemies, then they may trigger the passive effect of the title [Lost in the Endless Abyss (Legend)].

Exile them all to the [Endless Abyss]!

In an instant.

A shocking scene appeared.

The moment Xu Ran put on the title.

With the area as the center, a fog of lost path that was enough to cover everything quickly surged.

In an instant.

It covered everything he could reach!

Not only that.

All the skeletons chasing him didn't have time to react at all.

They suddenly disappeared on the spot.

[Hint: Trigger the passive effect of the title Lost in the Endless Abyss (Legend), the target has been temporarily exiled to the Endless Abyss! ]

[Hint: Trigger the title Endless Lost ......]


As the prompts sounded one after another.

The skeletons that originally blocked the view were exiled to the [Endless Abyss].

That's right.

Although the [Lost Kingdom] where they are now is also in the [Endless Abyss].

But under the effect of the title [Lost in the Endless Abyss (Legend)].

All these skeletons were temporarily exiled to other areas.

And because of this.

At this moment.

Xu Ran also saw the scene below clearly.




The endless ocean formed by all the skeletons below actually showed a fixed shape.

This point.

Xu Ran had made a corresponding guess before.

Just like Carol who was shackled under layers of skeletons.

These skeletons should also appear in human form when viewed from the highest altitude.

But Xu Ran didn't expect it.

He guessed wrong.

And he was wrong in a ridiculous way.

The sea of ​​skeletons made up of countless skeletons actually looked like a staff.

As for Carol's position.

It was not the heart.

But it corresponded to the position where the gemstone of the staff was inlaid!


At this moment.

The rotten heart seemed to be completely integrated with Carol buried under the skeleton.

With a strong heartbeat.

The earth trembled.

At the same time.

A magnificent beam of light pierced the sky and pierced the clouds!


Something unexpected happened.

With Carol buried at the center, a chill that seemed to freeze everything suddenly broke out.

As the heart continued to beat.

The endless chill carried a breath that was enough to freeze everything and quickly spread outward!

Wherever it reached.

Whether it was bones or other things, they were instantly frozen!

Even the air.

Sharp frost and snow fell.

"The blizzard is coming."

Xu Ran patted the scales of the ancient ghost dragon and said with a smile.

Following his line of sight.

It is not difficult to find.

As countless bones were frozen, a magnificent ice-blue staff was quietly gathering and forming!

Like a signal.

When this staff covering most of the territory of the [Lost Kingdom] began to become complete, the eternal breath around it began to become more and more intense.

It was as if something in the staff was attracting them.

All the auras of the eternal law rushed away!

Seeing this scene.

Xu Ran couldn't help but frowned.

Could it be that.

His guess was actually wrong from the beginning?

Carol was not the god buried in the [Endless Abyss] before, but the staff in her hand?

This is simply too ridiculous.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is a great possibility.

According to the memory of the previous life.

Xu Ran can remember clearly.

In the final battle, some of the unknown creatures fighting with the gods seemed to have the characteristics of equipment.

Thinking of this.

Xu Ran directly issued an order!

Dash down.

Right now!

The ancient frost dragon immediately understood the master's meaning, and directly entered the ghost state, falling down at an extremely terrifying speed.


Xu Ran was less than a few hundred meters away from the ground.

And at this time.

Looking around.

Wherever I looked, there was only white!

This breath, which was enough to freeze everything, spread too fast.

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