Calming down his excitement, looking at the vast sea of skeletons in front of him, Lin Ye counted the losses and gains of the undead.

In this battle, a total of 188 skeleton warriors, 120 ghouls, and 18 skeleton troll warriors were lost.

But 1,488 skeleton troll warriors and skeleton troll hunters were harvested.


4 elite skeleton trolls, 2 bronze-level undead troll bosses.

This is the horror of the undead master!

The more you fight, the more you gain!


Lin Ye divided his undead creatures into seven teams.

The Skeleton Warrior Corps, the Ghoul Corps, and five Skeleton Troll Corps.

Among them!

The Skeleton Corps and the Ghoul Corps stayed in the Mirkwood to spawn monsters.

The other five Skeleton Troll Corps went to find the 10~15 level spawning points to level up!

After doing these things,

Lin Ye left the Mirkwood and went back to Silver Moon Town.

At this time!

Many players had already entered the Mirkwood.

Basically, they were all elite groups from various guilds.

Lin Ye ignored them.

Anyway, the Skeleton Corps and the Ghoul Corps were in the middle and back of the dense forest.

These elite players had a hard time facing the Goblin Warriors. They wouldn't encounter them for a while.


15 minutes later,

Lin Ye returned to the plain outside of Yinyue Town.

It was not as crowded as before.

However, he could still hear the noisy voices of team formation.……

"Professional team, 1000 per person, and can help you kill goblins in half an hour!"

"Need a 36D wet nurse, beautiful women first, wet dads get lost!!!"

"Two B-level talented guys lead the team, and there is an assassin with good physical skills who can single-handedly pull down a goblin!"

"A violent output warrior with full points, C-level output talent, output guarantee, looking for a group!!!"


Thinking of how he had killed a goblin solo at level 1 and killed it instantly at level 2,

Lin Ye couldn't help but sigh.

Only he could have this kind of BT private server web game experience!

Then... he continued to walk towards Silver Moon Town.

Just when Lin Ye was about to enter the town

, more than a dozen figures blocked his way.


Lin Ye saw the leading man, looking at the two rings on his hand, revealing a greedy look.

"Boy, two rings, you’re so lucky!"

"Take off the ring on your hand quickly, I will take it for 500!"

The leading man said greedily.

Lin Ye narrowed his eyes and looked strange.

Was he...robbed?

Yes, it was a robbery!

The name of rare accessories is not a joke!

In addition to the extremely low explosion rate, each one also comes with a skill.

So... even if it is a blank-level rare accessory, each one costs several thousand yuan.

Not to mention the Time Rewind and Ghost Ring in his hand.

It can be said that

500 is not much different from robbing directly!

When Lin Ye saw their ID, he suddenly realized it!

【Crazy Zhang San】

【Crazy Li Si】

【Crazy Wang Wu】……

They are all members of the Madman Guild!

The Madman Guild is the most notorious guild in China.

The members of the guild are a group of rich second-generations and their lackeys.

It is said that the president [Luo] is the son of a large consortium in China. He is obviously not short of money.

But he acts like a lawless madman. He commits evil in the online game!

Forced buying and selling, murder and robbery, occupying leveling points...

This has caused complaints from many civilian players.

However, facing such a behemoth as the Madman Guild, they can do nothing.

"What if I don't?"

Lin Ye sneered and said calmly

"No? Then we will kill you until you explode and quit the game!"

Crazy Zhang San said arrogantly.

With a wave of his hand, dozens of players from the Crazy Guild came over.

All of them were red names for killing people.

Obviously, this was not the first time!

"What, do you want to outnumber the enemy?"

Lin Ye looked around at the Crazy Guild players who surrounded him and asked

"Hahaha, you don't accept it? If you have the guts, call for help!

I'll see who dares to stand up for you!"

Unless you stay in the safe zone of the town forever!

Otherwise, I will have people kill you and make you quit the game!"

Madman Zhang San laughed and said with contempt.


He didn't think anyone would help Lin Ye.

Although... there were countless players watching at the scene.

But no one dared to step forward to help!

They were all afraid of the power of the Madman Guild.

And he also enjoyed this feeling of using the majority to bully the minority, which made people desperate!


Lin Ye suddenly showed a weird smile.

In front of him, the Lord of the Undead, you want to use the majority to fight the minority?

Very good!

Your courage is commendable!


With a crisp sound, Lin Ye snapped his fingers.

『"Gate of the Dead"!

A dark portal appeared out of thin air in front of countless players at the entrance of the town.

Just when the players were stunned.



A faint sound of bones rubbing against each other came from the portal.


A white skeleton slowly stepped out of the Gate of the Dead.

Holding a bone sword, the cold white soul fire of the forest burned in its pupils.

A little skeleton?

What can it do?

The players of the Madman Guild were about to taunt.

But the next second.




Skeletons kept pouring out.

In an instant!

There were three hundred more skeleton warriors and skeleton archers on the field, as well as... a skeleton centurion wearing bone armor and holding a skeleton broadsword!



The field suddenly fell into a strange silence...

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