The potion made from the blood essence of the Ice Dragon King quickly merged into the skeleton of the Frost Bone Dragon!


The Frost Bone Dragon roared, and issued a long dragon roar that resounded through the sky and the soul.

The blue-purple soul flame in the pupil flashed violently.



An astonishing chill permeated.

The temperature around suddenly dropped to the freezing point.

It was extremely cold!


The half-rotten wings of the Frost Bone Dragon suddenly spread out, setting off a storm of ice crystals.

It seemed to tear the surrounding space apart!

The air was twisted!


A strong blizzard rolled up out of thin air around the Frost Bone Dragon!

Visible to the naked eye!

Its body continued to expand and grow in the blizzard!

150 meters!

200 meters!

250 meters!

300 meters!

It expanded more than twice!

Then, a majestic breath of death burst out!

Within a range of several thousand meters!

The ice herbs that had been growing tenaciously and had strong vitality all withered and decayed.

【Frost Bone Dragon - Matiste] (Legendary BOSS/Mythical Tier 2)

Owner: Death

Level: 57/300

HP: 500000

Attack: 388888

Defense: 218888

Skills: Frost Breath, Fierce Cold Current, Frost Aura, Frost Biting, Skeleton Dragon Claw...

Talent: Undead Body


An exaggerated HP of up to 5 billion.

Not only did the Frost Bone Dragon's rank rise to the legendary level.

Its potential!

It has successfully transformed from a legendary BOSS to a mythical second-level!

The level cap has also been raised from level 200 to level 300!

Fierce and domineering!

Lin Ye didn't expect that the potion of the Ice Dragon King's blood essence would have such a huge improvement on the Frost Bone Dragon!

He summoned a few more undead.

Skeleton Swordmaster and Skeleton Knight.

As a result.

Lin Ye discovered that ordinary undead were just like players after using it, and only amplified certain attributes.

There was no such significant effect at all.

Only the Skeleton Dragon successfully jumped from the Golden BOSS to the Epic BOSS level!

It became a real bone dragon!

At the same time, it gained legendary growth potential.

It seems... only the bone dragon can completely absorb the blood essence of the Ice Dragon King into the skeleton!

Lin Ye is very satisfied with this.


After advancing to the legendary rank, the speed of the Frost Bone Dragon became even faster!

If Lin Ye did not activate various states, he would be unable to catch up.

Hearing the howling wind, he flew all the way!

Lin Ye spared no monsters he saw on the road.

As the dragons grew stronger, the range of their breath would expand accordingly.

Now, the breath of the Frost Bone Dragon can cover a range of a thousand yards.

Therefore, even if there are hundreds of monsters, the Frost Bone Dragon can easily wipe them out with a bad breath! Sweeping all the way! At this moment



【Server-wide announcement: Located in the Novice Town No. 9527, the mountain lions of the Silver Moon Mountains have been massacred in large numbers, causing the lion king"Magic Lion Dilu" to become furious. In one hour, it will lead the mountain lion army to attack the Silver Moon Town!】

【Server-wide announcement:……】

【Server-wide announcement:……】

Three server-wide announcements attracted the attention of all players.

The mayor revealed some clues when he released the task.

Players analyzed based on the clues.

Every novice town will face a high-level big BOSS attacking the town.

When the player kills a certain number of monsters, this BOSS will be lured out.

This is something that all novice towns will experience.

It is a hidden event task!

If the player kills it!

At that time!

Get the monster's blood and give it to the mayor.

You will get a lot of rewards. In addition to the killer, even ordinary players will get rewards.

And the town's teleportation array will be unsealed.

During this period.

NPC will not help!

If you really wait for the NPC to help kill, it means failure!

Although the NPC is killed, the teleportation array will still be opened with the BOSS's blood.

But... the hidden reward of the task is gone!

"It seems that Silver Moon Town is... the town where the Death Boss is located?"

"As expected, this is the novice town where the Death Boss is located. The progress of other players is also ridiculously fast!"

"Our town is still collectively attacking the level 10 monster tribe, but the Silver Moon Town has already started to hunt for higher-level mountain lions?"

"The Death Boss has left Silver Moon Town. I don’t know if we can kill the BOSS!"

"With such a fast progress, there must be many talented bosses in Silver Moon Town, and we should be able to take it down!"

On the server-wide channel, players were discussing fiercely.

Generally speaking!

When a powerful player appears, it kills elite monsters and BOSSes, which will consume a lot of resources!

Players in the same town will lag behind in progress.

And Lin Ye had left the Novice Village long ago and had never been to the Silver Moon Mountains!


Players unanimously believed that Silver Moon Town should have a group of players with S-level talents or above.

The number is not small.

Only with a bunch of bosses together, can the progress be so fast when resources are reduced.

With so many bosses, isn't it a matter of time to solve the Mountain Lion King?

If they can't even beat a town with so many bosses.

Then it will be their turn. , and we can give up.

But... the players in Silvermoon Town looked at the chat in the channel. They wanted to cry but had no tears.

They were really wronged!

Damn it!

Please stop bragging!

The progress of our Silvermoon Town is really not that fast!

Even the most powerful Star Guild in the town.

They just conquered the refreshed Troll Tribe.


It has not been long since we entered the Silvermoon Mountains...

In terms of progress, it is indeed faster than other novice villages.

But it is not so fast that a large number of mountain lions have been slaughtered!

The players in Silvermoon Town complained bitterly.

But no player believed the statement they posted in the server-wide channel.

Everyone agreed!

They are pretending!


In the Silver Moon Mountains,

Chen Xi looked at the mountain lions that fell under their siege.

A dull look appeared on her cold and beautiful face.

She was stunned!

They had just killed four or five mountain lions, but the announcement was about a large-scale massacre?

Who could they go to for justice?

This big boss brought a bunch of mountain lions to attack the town, how could they stop them?

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