
The news was just sent out, and players who saw the news through various channels were stunned.

Experience point lottery?

Extract mythical equipment?

As a big boss, there is no need for the hunting angel to deceive them.

Today, in the minds of some players, the credibility of the Hunting Angel is even more than the official one.

It doesn't cost 80 million gold coins. [-] million experience points are nothing to players who have reached the mainstream level of lv[-]. You can always earn it with a little more time.

What if... what if you win?

The experience point lottery is far more attractive to ordinary players than local tyrants. Once you can win the lottery, the benefits are too great.

It is simply a qualitative change of flying on the branches and turning into a phoenix.

For the bottom players who are suffering from not changing their destiny, this is their chance to turn over.

What is experience value?

Take your time to get it.

The chance to change fortunes is priceless, and the ticket won't be so low.

For a time, countless players rushed towards Binhai City through various teleportation formations.

Only one minute after the news was sent, at least one million players have come to Binhai City, killing the number one store in the world, and more players will rush here.

The number of players is soaring all the time.

Players are crazy! .

Chapter 447 Working Wolf!The inexhaustible European Gou!

"Where is the hunting angel?"

"What about the black market merchants?"

"I want to draw a lottery!"

"I don't have bad experience!"

In a short period of time, countless players have gathered outside the first store in the world, and there are surging heads everywhere.

Crowds of people.

They soon saw Zhou Zhuo's transformed black market businessman, and rushed over frantically.

Too many people!

At this time, Zhou Zhuo had to face an extremely embarrassing thing.

He is only one person, and there are too many people who want to draw the lottery.

Even if you can handle ten player draws in one second, what about a million players?

[-] million players?

It is destined to consume a lot of time, and perhaps a lot of experience points can be obtained in exchange, which will definitely not meet your needs.

You will also waste a lot of your time here.

The players are also aware of this, and they rush forward frantically, for fear that they will waste a lot of time staying here a moment later.

It’s like going to the bank to withdraw money. There are too many people in the front line, and the people behind are wasting a lot of time waiting.

"It's really inefficient to do this!"

"It's the way to enter the lottery world."

"Let's all come in together!"

"Eternal Dream!"

How could Zhou Zhuo make such a low-level mistake, he has already had a countermeasure.

The second floor of the Eternal Dream is open, and the surrounding area of ​​10w yards is all dragged into the Eternal Dream.

Not only that, the Eternal Dream has opened hundreds of channel entrances in all directions, allowing players to enter and exit freely.

"Each player has only three lottery rights."

Zhou Zhuo also has a bottom line, and will not smash the player too hard, otherwise, this will greatly delay the player's level improvement.

The experience value consumed three times is not too much, nor is it too small. At present, the level of mainstream players can be earned in a few hours.

Players who enter here are first attracted by the huge palace group, and their eyes look up into the distance.

Each palace can accommodate about a thousand people, the number of palaces is as many as a thousand, and each palace has a black market merchant.

It is equivalent to opening a thousand work 'windows', so as not to go crazy in order to grab the highest priority opportunity.

These black market merchants are naturally Zhou Zhuo's masterpiece.

Each one is a... Solar Eclipse Divine Wolf.

That's right, these black market merchants are eclipse god wolves.

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