The best way is to make a magic detector.

This thing is a bit cumbersome and needs to be made from scratch.

With his current casting level, as long as he can find relevant theories and find suitable materials for the core, it is not difficult to make this thing.

The only thing to consider is time, which is not something that can be done in a short period of time.

Then the second thing is to find the other two fragments of the ancient god sequence and the god hunting sequence, and get the complete sequence together.

The last thing is to go to God's Domain to see.

Zhou Zhuo's international practice finds black market merchants and obtains information on Kaboseg and Trosis.

The former also has news that the other party died five years ago, and the descendants live in the East Split Grand Canyon.

As for Trosis, there is no news at all, and he disappeared mysteriously for decades, and there is no news at all.

Zhou Zhuo rushed to the East Split Grand Canyon for the first time, and it didn't take long to find the Orion family in the East Split Grand Canyon.

It is a pity that the other party did not obtain the inheritance of the wilderness. Knowing that Zhou Zhuo has an inexplicable relationship with his ancestors, he did not hesitate to throw this piece of waste bedding stone to Zhou Zhuo.

If the King of the Wilderness sees the ancient gods sequence of the ancient gods and the gods hunting stele as a table material, he will be so angry that he vomits blood.

It was too easy to obtain this Ancient God Sequence God Hunting Sequence Stone Tablet, but it was much more troublesome to find the last piece.

Since there is no clue for the time being, let's leave this matter behind!

Zhou Zhuo shook his head indifferently, and gave the npc a hunter inheritance profession as compensation.

"Thank you for your inheritance!"

The other party is not greedy, and it is quite good that the table material can be exchanged for inheritance, and there is no extravagance for more things.

"By the way, I heard that a temple about hunters has just been built in the deep mountains, which is very effective.".

Chapter 479 The God of Wild Hunting!Li Daitao is stiff!

Hunter's Temple?

Zhou Zhuo was stunned for a moment, and his face became solemn.

He remembered that the God of Fire had reminded him a long time ago.

The gods are helping the god of hunting to build a shrine, and help the god of hunting to complete the descent.

The eternal hunting of the hunting god is his nemesis. Once marked by the eternal hunting, he will have nothing to hide, and the gods can easily determine the true body of the hunting angel.

At that time, Zhou Zhuo will change from dark to bright.

Don't look at the fact that he has just manifested, and he has gained amazing strength, which does not mean that he can sit back and relax from now on.

Even if the gods are temporarily unable to deal with themselves, it does not mean that there is no way to deal with them.

As long as you find a way to interfere with your game, you can greatly delay your development time.

What's more, there are many gods with incredible abilities.

Once the identity is exposed and all kinds of secret orders are issued, the trouble will be big.

The gun is easy to hide, and the dark arrow is hard to prevent.

It's just that I haven't found the Temple of the God of Hunting. Since I found this hidden temple, I can't let it develop steadily.


"Can you tell me the location of this temple, can I go see it myself?"

This was a small thing, and the other party turned his head and told himself the location coordinates.

After Zhou Zhuo said goodbye, his appearance began to disguise, completely changing his appearance.

During this period of time, I have strengthened Hidden Sky and Crossing the Sea to +32, and this skill has undergone qualitative changes again, making it even more difficult to find.

Change into the appearance of a hunter, and will not start the grass.

According to the other party's news, Zhou Zhuo came to a forest outside the East Split Canyon, kept turning left and right inside, and almost lost his way inside.

No, really lost.

You are being misled!

There are mazes here, which are used to trap people.

Zhou Zhuo went through it and immediately became acutely aware of the problem.

As long as he uses the pupil of the cave god, he can immediately see through the illusion, but he did not do so.

Who knows if there is a hunting temple after the illusion?

If not, it would be even more difficult for Zhou Zhuo to find the Hunting Temple after fighting the grass to startle the snake.

Zhou Zhuo pretended not to notice, and continued to run around like a headless fly, unable to find a way out.

In the mountain village, four eyes looked at Zhou Zhuo's location and looked carefully.

"This guy came here last time, and he is a pan-believer of the temple."

"No, we can't judge so early. Even believers, as long as they leave the temple and return again, they will be subject to censorship. No one can be exempted from this!"

"Is that person really that scary?"

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