Online Game Mechanic: 10,000-Fold Increase In The First Rush!

The 128th chapter is coming to the Eastern Region!!!

The 128th chapter is coming to the Eastern Region!!!

After the level was sealed, Lin Fan didn't panic at all.

For him... this storage level is the best.

Because Lin Fan will be reincarnated in the future, at that time... a lot of his equipment will not be able to be used~.

As for the god mecha in front of him, the level can be sealed at any time, and he can follow him to fight together.

Although the storage level will also affect the attributes of the god mecha, the attributes of the mecha will also be sealed, but...for Lin Fan, it is not a problem.

At this time, after completing the endowment and sublimation of a mechanical life, Lin Fan directly opened the attribute panel of the god mecha and looked at it.

[God Mecha (Stellar Level 9)]

Level: 110/150 (level 110 after being sealed)

Equal order: stellar ninth order

Race: Mechanic

Health: 500 billion/500 billion

Magic value: 100 million/100 million

Physical/Magic Attack Power: 5 billion-6.5 billion

Defense: 1 billion

Skills: [God Defense Shield] [God Power] [High Speed ​​Relaxation] [Space Jump] [Death Cross Slash] [Mechanical Force Burst]

Introduction: A mechanical unit brought to life by Eternal Night...

The properties after being sealed... are similar to the number zero after being strengthened.

This property is not bad.

And then, with the disappearance of the level seal, the god mecha in front of him will become even more terrifying.

After thinking about it, Lin Fan looked at the second batch of divine mechas in front of him.

Then... I saw that he quickly launched the group mechanical fusion and started the second round of fusion.

As time went by, eight hours later...

There are already 100,000 mechanical creatures in front of Lin Fan (one mechanical creature occupies 100 mechanical positions after fusion, and 100,000 is the upper limit).

Among them... there are 30,000 Ares mechas, each of which is equipped with two or three gods floating cannons at the same time.

Basically, this is the standard configuration for Lin Fan in the future.

These 10,000 mechs...will accompany Lin Fan to battle high-level maps and grow with Lin Fan.

In addition, Lin Fan has Angel Legion to drive.

In addition... NPC legions and player legions belong to the third echelon.

NPCs and players, need time to grow.

The future potential is absolutely terrifying.

However, it still needs Lin Fan to suppress the Quartet with one person!

At this time... After updating all the equipment and establishing the mechanical family, Lin Fan directly opened the door of space.


The huge door of space fell to the ground.

The next moment... Lin Fan stepped directly into the gate of space in the form of a god.

Behind him, countless mechanical gods and mechas quickly followed Lin Fan and entered the gate of space together.

"World Announcement: Player [Eternal Night] has crossed the national border and entered the map of [Dongying Region (Faction Force)]! Please all players belonging to [Dongying Region (Faction Force)] go to encircle and suppress! Killing this person will get the universe Treasure Rewards!"

"World Announcement: The coordinates of the current location of the player [Eternal Night] is [East Ying Region (Faction Force)] (156,177)! Please pay attention to all Eastern Ying players! The coordinates are updated every minute! Until the player [Eternal Night] is killed !99

The voice fell, and countless players were stunned.

"Fuck... what's the situation??? Big Brother Yongye went to the Eastern Region?"

"Baga! What does this Chinese man want to do? Is he courting death? He actually came to the East Ying region at this time? 39'

"Good guy... The big boss of Yongye is really awesome, he doesn't care about the invasion of the demons in his own region? What are you doing in the Dongying region?

"Little brother upstairs, have you misunderstood the boss of Evernight? At this stage, there are angel legions in all areas of the Huaxia region, and the demon legion has been slaughtered one-sidedly! There is no power to fight back, okay?"

"It's just... The boss of Yongye is really stable! Lying down comfortably and leveling up! Now I'm stuck at the four-turn threshold, but my experience is almost enough to upgrade to level 50... It's so cool."

"Huaxia people are really bad, taking advantage of our being invaded by the devil's cave, they even attacked! 35

"That's it! It's so bad..."

"Ah... Yong Ye has arrived in our Eastern Ying District... How can you resist? He is so strong!"

"Don't be afraid, our U.S. allies will always be your strong backing! Kill this Eternal Night first! We will always support you!"

"Upstairs, the American brothers, don't watch the show, it's your turn next!"

0 asking for flowers..

Players are frantically swiping on the World Channel.

At this time, Lin Fan looked at the Dongying area in front of him.

The Eastern Ying Region... is one of his next goals.

But... at present, he does not intend to carry out a devastating blow to the Eastern Ying region.

Because the Eastern Ying region has regional guardian spirits.

Generally speaking, as long as Lin Fan doesn't want to destroy the opponent's region and occupy all the opponent's cities, the guardian deity of the region will not easily take action.

At this stage, what Lin Fan has to do... is to take back the main city of Dongying Daliang occupied by the Demon Cave camp, and then firmly control it in his own hands.

Players in the Eastern Ying region are not real enemies.

In Lin Fan's eyes, they are leeks to be slaughtered...

In the future... Lin Fan definitely wants to completely control the Eastern Ying region in his own hands, but not now.

At this moment, behind Lin Fan, one after another terrifying mechanical figures appeared behind Lin Fan.

The terrifying army composed of countless gods and mechas, coupled with the floating cannons of gods in the sky, the golden mecha army just looks from a distance, there will be a terrifying sense of oppression.

At this time, Lin Fan opened the map panel, and then looked directly at the main city of Daliang not far away.

The coordinates of the space gate are very accurate.

Directly let Lin Fan descend outside the main city of Daliang.

And outside the main city of Daliang, it has been completely occupied by the demon army of the demon cave.

Countless terrifying demon soldiers patrolled outside the main city to prevent the strong human beings from attacking.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan shouted directly to the gods and mechas under his command: "Occupy this city, all the demons... not a single one!

"Yes... master!" The divine mecha and the divine floating artillery agreed.

Then... I saw the mechanical army formed by the mechanical clan quickly flew towards the distant city.

The mechanic is a truly terrifying war class.

No emotion... Extremely rational, coupled with a highly intelligent and linked network.

The combat power of these mechanical clan's legions is even more terrifying than the angel legion under Lin Fan's command.

At this moment, the Mechanical Race Legion soon descended on the main city of Daliang.

In an instant... Countless demons flew out of the city one after another and quickly attacked the mechanical army!


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