Chapter 146 China Region!!!

"Ding Dong~ Guild welfare refreshed."

When all the players saw the bounty that Ye Fan had just released, they immediately became lively again.

"It just so happens that a few of my buddies are still in other guilds, I didn't expect that Yongye boss would be so powerful, hahaha, it seems that I'm going to get rich!

"The reward this time is even higher than the last time I recruited NPCs. It seems that the big boss of Yongye has made a lot of money in this wave.

"As expected of my boss, Yongye, looking at his perseverance, it's not the same as ours."

"The boss should hurry up and want to complete the guild promotion task, but even so, it would be too exciting! 35

"With this reward alone, I'm going to get some experts to join the club.

"I have a brother who is still in another guild, I have to fool him quickly."

All guild players basically choose to teleport, and they are bound to pull their friends into the guild.

Lin Fan looked at the reaction of the players below, and knew that this step should be the right one.

Next, he will completely master the Huaxia Region and contain all the cutting-edge power of the entire region in the empire.

A piece of loose sand can never exert the strongest power. Only by uniting them can the power be maximized!

He waved his hand to summon the space gate, and stepped into the space gate with one foot.

The first empire he came to was the Storm Empire, which was captured by him 330 years ago, and the NPCs in the Storm Empire had been converted into his camp.

Now there are only some small countries that have not been captured.

When his figure appeared in the Empire of Storms, the NPC stationed in the imperial city rushed over.

"Yongye... What are your orders?"

Among them, the most powerful old man bent over and said, his face full of respect, even if his empire could only be captured in front of him, he would not dare to show any anger.

Lin Fan casually glanced at the NPCs in front of him.

He opened his mouth and said: "I will completely master the Huaxia Region and rebuild each city!

As soon as these words came out, the NPCs before his death were in an uproar.

They started to discuss.

"I'm afraid it's not right? The forces behind those small countries are not weak. If they are forced to convert, I'm afraid it will cause some forces to counterattack."

"That's right, the great Lord Yongye, with your current strength, it will be a matter of time before the unification of the Huaxia Region, so why worry?"

"Why rebuild a new city? If it really needs to be rebuilt, the consumption of construction resources will be too great.

"I hope you think twice!

Lin Fan looked at the people around him with cold eyes, and said slowly, "Those countries will go there in person, you don't need to think about it! You just need to be responsible for the notification!"

After saying this, he didn't pay attention to the reactions of the others.

Instead, open the door of space and start teleportation.

The NPCs standing in the Palace of Stormwind Empire looked at each other when they saw Lin Fan leave directly.

"Lord Yongye's strength is not something we can speculate on, so let's keep the news informed.

"That's right, as the second largest empire, completing the unification of the Huaxia region will also be of great benefit to us!

"Fix is ​​right, and it's true."

"I haven't seen you for a few days, and the aura of Lord Yong Ye has become more tyrannical. The speed of promotion is so amazing. Even if I searched through the ancient books of the empire, I have never seen a genius like him!""

At the other end, Lin Fan had already appeared at the top of a kingdom.

With the increase in the number of players in his guild, he is familiar with every coordinate of the Huaxia map.

He can easily find some kingdoms hidden in remote places.

"An enemy attack!

Standing on the wall of the kingdom, the soldiers saw Lin Fan, who was a bad visitor, and immediately sounded the alarm.

I could see white light flashing in the air, and several figures suddenly appeared on the city wall.

"Who is so courageous! Dare to commit a crime!" General Wang Guo held a big sword, and his imposing manner was like a rainbow!

Within the kingdom, there were also some players who hurried to the city wall with the mentality that watching the fun was not too big of a deal.

"Why is that person so familiar? I seem to have seen it somewhere (abdf).

"Damn it! This guy's equipment is estimated to be above the god level, what the hell?!

"Eternal Night boss! Oh my god! It turned out to be Yongye boss!

"It can be found in such a remote place, how did the kingdom provoke this great god? Everyone, hurry up, it will be bad to be affected by then!

The word "Eternal Night" is not only very famous among all players, but also famous in the continent of the gods!

When the king heard these two words, he swiped and immediately stood up from the throne.

Not long ago, the news of the Storm Empire's destruction of the country had basically spread throughout the entire continent of the gods, how could they not know this information.

"Yongye! It turned out to be him! Did you offend him?" The king glanced at the many NPCs in front of him.

But the NPCs didn't know what was going on and shook their heads one after another.

"Stop the attack!" The king immediately issued an order, ordering the soldiers outside to stop their attack.

Then immediately rushed to the city wall.

At this time, Lin Fan had already summoned his army of angels, only to see the army of 700,000 angels floating densely behind him.

The holy light floating on the army of angels actually suppressed the sunlight!

The chilling breath slowly spreads!

The millions of soldiers in the kingdom did not dare to act rashly, because the aura gap between the two was too great.

Although there are millions of them, they are as crisp as a sheet of paper compared to the angel army in the sky.

Fortunately, the king of the kingdom rushed to the city wall before Lin Fan did anything.

"Eternal night?

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his hand, and ordered the army of angels behind him to make a move.

After falling from the air, he successfully stood in front of the king.

The warriors beside the king looked at Lin Fan eagerly. If Lin Fan moved a little, the spears in their hands would be stabbed in an instant!

"it's me.

In just two words, the information revealed is huge.

The king suddenly brainstormed, his country is different from the Storm Empire, usually in a remote place, should not offend Lin Fan.

"Lord Yong Ye, what do you mean by coming?""

Lin Fan didn't beat around the bush, and directly explained his intentions.

"Bold! You are also worthy of making our kingdom surrender to you!"

A god-level subordinate beside the king immediately stood up.



A beam of light fell from behind Lin Fan, and the person who spoke just now was blasted into powder, not even a single bit of slag left.

It can be seen that the scene suddenly became tense.

It seems that in the next second, a terrifying national war is about to break out!

After a moment of silence, the proud king bowed his head.

"Lord Yongye, I will bring my country to surrender to you. 35

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