Chapter 164 Thirteen sons!!!

"Yes, I also suspect that this guy is stuck with a bug, but there is no evidence to prove it." The man in Tsing Yi shook his head and said.

The cheongsam beauty crossed Erlang's legs and said lightly:

"Whether this guy is stuck in a bug or not, he is a rare talent. I heard that the Blazing Flame Guild is planning to expand recently, and these guys are recruiting players everywhere. If we take a step behind, I am afraid that this guy Yongye will Was recruited by Blast.35

Several others nodded in agreement.

The man in Tsing Yi thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, then let's discuss with this guy Yong Ye first, if this person is willing to come to our guild, it is naturally good, if this person is unwilling to come to our guild, then we will also We can't sit back and watch the Explosive Flame Guild continue to grow stronger."

"Then what do you mean, President?" The middle-aged man with a sword in front of him asked with a frown.

The man in Tsing Yi suddenly became mysterious and unpredictable, and said, "If you can't get it, you will naturally destroy it."

Hearing this, several people showed thoughtful expressions.

the other side.

Lin 01fan in the blacksmith shop did not know that his performance in the dungeon had been targeted by the new guild.

After completing the Garden of Stars, Lin Fan naturally considered the next few dungeon achievements.

After all the fame system is now unlocked.

If you don't brush up on your reputation, you will fall behind others one step behind, and you will fall behind every step of the way in the future.

Therefore, Lin Fan seriously inquired about other copies of special effects.

Seven special effects dungeons, ranging from one star to seven stars, the higher the star, the more terrifying the difficulty.

The Garden of Stars is a one-star dungeon.

For Lin Fan, the difficulty is zero.

But in the next few dungeons, the difficulty has increased geometrically.

Especially the difficulty of the last dungeon, even with Lin Fan's current equipment, there is no certainty to clear the level.

After thinking about it, Lin Fan finally locked the copy of the hometown of dragons.

"System, let me see the information about the hometown of the dragon." Lin Fan said.

With a ding, the copy information panel opened in front of Lin Fan.

The hometown of dragons.

Copy level: Samsung

Copy type: special effects book

Copy mobs: none

Clearance Conditions: Defeat the Five Elemental Dragons

Achievements: Don't use the hidden dragon, see the dragon in the field, the leaping dragon in the abyss, the flying dragon in the sky, the overbearing dragon has regrets...

Lin Fan kept the achievement explanations in mind one by one.

Back at home, Lin Fan prepared for a little while and planned to trigger it.

But before leaving, he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Pushing the door open, I saw a strange woman in a cheongsam, and two handsome young men in suits and leather shoes standing at the door.

"Who are you?" Lin Fan wondered.

"You are Lin Fan?" the cheongsam woman said.

Lin Fan nodded.

"We are members of the Jingyue Rose Guild, and we have come to invite you to join the guild by order of the president." The cheongsam woman continued.

"I already have a guild, and I am not interested in joining your guild." Lin Fan said.

Come on, then Lin Fan is going to close the door to thank you.

"and many more!'

I saw the burgundy-cheeked man behind the woman suddenly stretched out his hand and blocked Lin Fan.

Lin Fan frowned slightly and said, "What are you doing?"

"Boy, do you know who founded Jingyue Rose?" said the man with a purplish red face.

Lin Fan rolled his eyes, shook his head, and said nothing.

"Jingyue Rose was created by Young Master Thirteen. You should know what level of Young Master Thirteen exists in our region," the man said.

Thirteen sons are famous in this region.

That is a famous local tyrant player in the whole region, and he is inhuman. He just logged in [Era of the Gods] and recharged 15 billion Chinese coins.

In order to improve himself, he set up two PFU guilds to give him work, equipment and gold.

Relying on the Huaxia coin tactics, the thirteen young masters were able to dominate the entire area in less than a week after the server was launched.

Although Young Master Thirteen has disbanded the guild, his name is familiar to all players in the region. Even Lin Fan has heard of Young Master Thirteen.

"It turned out to be from the Thirteenth Young Master. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in joining any guild." Lin Fan refused politely.

"Boy, are you trying to make a toast instead of taking a penalty drink?" The man's face darkened, and there was a bit of murderous intent in his eyes staring at Lin Fan.

"What? You want to have a personal PK here?" Lin Fan sneered and said.

The purplish-red man snorted and said:

"What's the point of defeating you here? In half a month, the battle power rankings of our server will be refreshed, Yongye, I know you just broke the time record for clearing the Garden of Stars, but even if you compress the time to ten How about in seconds?

After a pause, the man continued:

"As long as you can't get on the Combat Power Ranking, the next time the server restarts, you may be the target of a deleted file. The Thirteenth Young Master is sure to exclude your name from the Combat Power Ranking. I don't know how it disappeared in the [Era of the Gods]."

Hearing this, Lin Fan frowned slightly.

The battle power rankings are still meaningful when the server is first launched, but as time settles, the moisture of the rankings is getting bigger and bigger.

Most of the time, this combat power ranking has been monopolized by the business guilds in the entire region.

Most of the names on the list are bosses or thugs launched by these business guilds.

As for the technical stream players who really rely on their strength to be on the list, there are not one out of ten.

That thirteen son 373 is one of the few local tyrants in this district.

There is no doubt about its spending power, and it is often consumed in those business guilds on the list.

The relationship with these business guilds is like a brother. With his connections, it is easy to push Lin Fan off the list.

[Era of the Gods] The player's combat power will be counted once a month. Once the combat power alerts the system, the system will put the player's name on the list.

All data for these players will be preserved until the next server restart.

As for those players who are not on the list, the data will be deleted if it is not guaranteed.

That Lin Fan also knew the power of the combat power list. In front of him, he relied on the system's ten thousand-fold increase. Even if he didn't deliberately increase his combat power, his combat power rose like a rocket and occupied a spot on the list.

However, if he offends the Thirteenth Young Master now, he only needs a word.

Those people in the business guild on the list did a little bit of operation and squeezed the name of Lin Fan down, which was an easy thing.

At that time, Lin Fan will most likely face being deleted.

Once the file is deleted, it means that all the things that you have worked hard for will disappear into the infinity.

Naturally, Lin Fan couldn't want this result.

However, with his temper, the most intolerable thing in his life is being threatened.

The person in front of Jingyuerose dared to threaten himself by deleting the file!

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