Online Game Mechanic: 10,000-Fold Increase In The First Rush!

Chapter 183 A skill kills you in seconds!!!

Chapter 183 A skill kills you in seconds!!!

With the [Light of the Holy Light] set on his body, it is almost impossible for someone to instantly kill that happy and happy life.

That's why Lin Fan was in ambush for more than an hour without launching an attack.

【The Light Comes】

Strength: 1500


Stamina: 1500

Agility: 1500

Set effect: 1. With three pieces of equipment, the player will get the effect of [Holy Light's Blessing].

[Blessing of Holy Light]: When your health drops to 30%, you will get a Holy Light Shield that is immune to all damage. The Holy Light Shield lasts for 15 seconds (2 minutes cooldown), and restores 100% of the player's health at the same time.

2. With 5 pieces of equipment, each time the player attacks, there is a 5% chance to trigger the [Saint of Light] effect.

[Light Crusade]: After triggering, intelligence will increase by 100%, each attack will cause "three eighty three" to cause bleeding to the target, the bleeding damage is triggered once every 0.1 seconds, each damage is 100*50% intelligence, lasting 2 seconds .

3. With seven pieces of equipment, the player will get the [Blessing of Holy Light] effect.

[Blessing of Holy Light]: Player movement increases by 100%, and town movement speed increases by 200%. After entering the battle, the effect of [Blessing of Holy Light] disappears, but it will provide the player with a [Insight into the Future] buff.

[Dongche Future]: Players will use Dongche's upcoming attacks to increase their agility by 1000% and their evasion by 100% for 10 seconds (cooling for 20 seconds). Every time they successfully dodge an attack, the player will steal 10% of the intelligence of the enemy unit. When the intelligence of the enemy unit is stolen below 20%, the enemy unit will trigger the [Crazy] effect.

[Crazy]: The mind of the enemy unit is completely lost, and it attacks friendly units indiscriminately. The attack and casting speed temporarily exceed the speed limit, increasing by 200%. Each attack comes with 200*50% of the lost intelligence.

Lin Fan glanced at the effect of the [Light of the Light] suit, and couldn't help but stunned.

"I never imagined that this piece of equipment could actually steal the opponent's intelligence! For an intelligence profession, this epic is a terrific abomination." Lin Fan thought in surprise.

Many occupations in the game are intelligence occupations. If intelligence is stolen, it means that the damage will drop at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, 【steal】 is different from 【take away】.

The amount of intelligence you successfully steal will increase your intelligence accordingly.

This also means that if the intelligence profession encounters an existence equipped with [Descent of the Holy Light], the higher the accumulation of intelligence, the less advantage it will have.

Once it is successfully [stealed] by the other party, it is undoubtedly a wedding dress for others.

Fortunately, mechanic is not an intellectual profession, even if Xiao Yaoxiao is equipped with [Light Comes], it is impossible to restrain Lin Fan.

"I didn't expect you to be so lucky, and you even got the complete set of [Light of the Light]. Lin Fan couldn't help but speak.

That Xiaoyao said happily: "Since you know that I have [the coming of the Holy Light], you still dare to come to the robbery?

After a pause, Xiaoyao happily continued:

"I bought this set of equipment a year ago. Over the past year, I have poured countless resources into this set of equipment, and if I take out any one piece, it can make countless players go crazy.

Moreover, after I created the [Light of the Holy Light], the combat power once hit 4410 points. Boy, I see that you have no other equipment except the boots on your feet. What are you going to use to fight me? 99

Combat effectiveness is the embodiment of a player's overall strength.

This data is mainly to improve equipment, pets, and titles.

The parts of [Light of the Holy Light] are not high in combat power, and at most a single part will increase Xiaoyao Joyous's combat power by 200 points.

But after the set is complete, at least 2000 combat power can be provided for the latter!

At the same time, if this set of [Light of the Light] is forged, the combat power for Happy Joy will be even more terrifying!

Lin Fan calmly opened the Happy and Happy Combat Power panel.

【Happy and happy】

Occupation: Paladin

Race: human

Combat Strength: 4410

Combat statistics:

Pet: pure water elf, combat power 495

Title: Dragon Subduing Heavenly Venerate, Combat Power 173

Equipment: Light comes, combat power 3742

"This guy actually has more than 4,000 combat power?" Lin Fan frowned.

Combat Strength is different from Equipment Rating and Divine Strength.

The equipment rating and power value mainly reflect the level of a piece of equipment.

The combat power is mainly determined by the upper limit of the occupation's damage, frankness, and healing amount.

And the things that can improve the stamina, the amount of healing, and the damage are not only equipment, but also potions and pets can also improve these three data.

That Xiao Yaoxiaohuo hadn't taken any medicine yet, nor had he received any buffs, and his basic combat power had reached more than 4,000 points.

On the other hand, Lin Fan's fighting ability.

Only poor 2714!

Lin Fan doesn't currently have an epic set equipped.

There is only one pair of boots, as for the oath of the shadowless, Lin Fan did not equip it before starting the battle.

In this way, the combat power system only counts the combat power of a piece of equipment.

Seeing that Lin Fan only had more than 2,000 combat power points, Xiao Yaoxiao couldn't help laughing and said:

"Boy, with your combat power, what qualifications do you have to rob my business? Do you know how many players with five or six thousand combat power dare not attack my caravan's idea? In front of me, you don't even know how you died!" 5

The combat power system of [Age of the Gods] is very domineering.

If the combat strength exceeds 10 points, it is suppressed, if it exceeds 20 points, it is a hanging attack, and if it exceeds 30 points, it is an easy crush!

That Happy Happy is more than 4,000 points of combat power, which is more than Lin Fan's more than 1,000 points of combat power!

With his fighting power, he can easily kill Lin Fan a dozen times!

Seeing that the latter had only a mere 2,000 points of combat power, he actually dared to rob him of his own business. In addition to sneering happily, the contempt in his eyes became even stronger.

"Boy, while you and I haven't started a war yet, I advise you to disappear from me, otherwise, once I start a fight, I can kill you with a random [Holy Light Strike] at 3.5!" said Xiaoyao happily.

[Light Strike] is a professional skill of the Paladin.

Base damage is not high.

However, with the increase in combat power, even if the [Holy Light Strike] was launched casually, Xiao Yaoxiao Huohuo had full confidence in killing Lin Fan.

Hearing Xiaoyao's happy words, Lin Fan frowned slightly and said: "I am determined to win the ice lotus of Taihong Mountain, and it is impossible for me to give up!

"Then you are just here to seek abuse!" Xiaoyao snorted coldly and looked at Lin Fan, and his murderous intent immediately surged up.


Suddenly, Xiaoyao happy raised his hand and patted it, and a large piece of golden light burst out from his body.

At the same time, an open golden book appeared in his right hand.

Xiaoyao Happy pressed his right hand on the book, shouted loudly, raised his hand and slapped it towards Lin Fan.

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