Chapter 185 The real god!!!


Suddenly, the epic suit worn on Xiao Yaoxiao's body shook violently.

A golden light descended from the sky and drowned in the happy and happy body.

The golden light quickly converged, and in a short while, it turned into a golden shield of light, protecting the happy and happy inside.

"You actually activated the epic shield of light with just a single blow?!" Xiaoyao's eyes widened and he looked at this scene with horror on his face.

The Holy Light Shield of his epic set was activated instantly!

The latter made only one attack!

The damage was beyond the limit that I could bear!

You know, the epic [Light of the Light] is a suit with a certain degree of frankness.

Even if the boss in the epic dungeon is in a rampant state, it is impossible to trigger the holy light shield of his epic set with a single blow if he activates the group destroying skill on himself.

With [Light Comes] around, you can easily take damage from an epic boss.

However, in front of this kid at this time, he couldn't even bear the attack he casually launched!

how is this possible?!

How terrifying is the damage this kid just broke out?!

"How could you trigger my epic light shield?!" Xiaoyao looked at Lin Fan happily.

He could never have imagined that Lin Fan's injuries would be so terrifying.

It even triggered his own Holy Light Shield directly!

Simply incredible!

However, at this time, Lin Fan saw the Holy Light Shield, but there was no surprise in his eyes.

You must know that after he activated the special effect of [Night Walk God Boots], he moved more than 3,000 miles, and the damage superimposed on the speed pool has reached an unimaginable level.

If it wasn't for the set effect of [Light Comes] that Happy Joy would have died in his hands at this time!

"How could a rubbish with a combat strength of only over 2,000 be able to deal damage that would be unbearable even with a combat strength of over 4,000?!" That Xiao Yaoxiao was still stunned.

He already has more than 4,000 combat power.

More than 1,000 combat powers surpass Lin Fan.

It stands to reason that, beyond the latter's 30 points of combat power, no matter how much damage Lin Fan launches, it is impossible to shake himself.

However, at this time, this kid actually broke the settings of the game system!

Even though his combat power was more than a thousand lower than his own, he still dealt damage that he couldn't bear at all!

What kind of monster is this kid?

The damage he caused actually pushed the existence of more than a thousand combat power over him to the ground and rubbed it!

Xiaoyao happily stared at Lin Fan with shock and anger on his face.

At this time, after being hit by Lin Fan with the Holy Light Shield, how could he dare to be proud of the latter?

How many epic bosses, in front of this equipment, the damage that hit him is just scraping.

As soon as the kid in front of him made a shot, the damage he hit actually hit the aorta directly!

With such terrifying injuries, how could Xiaoyao Kuaihuo dare to be proud in front of Jiang Xiaobai?

"What about high combat power? Do you really think that with a mere 4,000 combat power, you can walk sideways in the game"? Lin Fan finally spoke, looking at Xiaoyao Happy with a blank expression.

That Lin Fan didn't launch an attack rashly for a while.

The Light Shield lasts for 15 seconds.

This shield can be immune to all damage, and it is impossible to kill Happy Happy while the Holy Light Shield is in effect.

If you want to kill this person, no matter how high the damage is, you must launch at least two attacks.

The first attack, playing the Holy Light Shield effect.

When the Holy Light Shield cools down, the second attack can kill this person directly.

15 seconds in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the effect of the Holy Light Shield was about to end, Lin Fan did not hesitate.

The special effect of [Night Walk God Boots] was activated again.


Then Lin Fan disappeared again in front of Xiaoyao Happy.

Seeing this scene, how could Xiaoyao Happy Huo be careless.

After the Holy Light Shield went into cooling, it was when he was weakest.

If Lin Fan launched an attack at this time, he would definitely die.

You must know that Lin Fan can unleash the effect of his Holy Light Shield with one blow. If he launches a second attack, even if there is an epic defense, he will definitely not be able to resist it.

Thinking of this, that Happy Happy didn't dare to care too much, so he opened his backpack and took out a bottle of mixture.

"[Epic Stamina Elixir]... I originally thought that I would never have the opportunity to take this bottle of mixture in my life, but I didn't expect that now I have to be forced to drink this bottle of mixture by this guy whose combat power is more than a thousand less than me! "Xiaoyao happily thought to himself.

[Epic Stamina Flask] can increase 50,000 Stamina, and also provide a defensive shield. When the HP is reduced to 30%, a shield with a very thick HP will be triggered.

Although this shield is not as perverted as the Light Shield, once activated, it can reduce damage by 90%.

With the existence of this shield, Happy Happy is completely confident to resist Lin Fan's next attack.

And at the moment when Xiao Yaoxiao drank the mixture.

Then I saw that Lin Fan appeared in front of me like a ghost.


I saw that Lin Fan took out the branch in his hand.

`.Ding dong! Congratulations, you have triggered a 10,000-fold increase, and this time the damage will be increased by 10,000!" "Amidst the lightning and flint, the system prompt suddenly resounded in Lin Fan's mind.


At this moment, the branch was directly drawn on Xiao Yaohuohou's body, and the shield provided by the epic mixture was knocked out on the spot.

In an instant, the damage suffered by Xiao Yaoxiao dropped by 90%.

Xiaoyao was happy and proud, and was about to speak, but his face suddenly changed.

Just hear the click!

A crack appeared in the shield provided by the epic mixture!

Then, with a loud bang, the shield provided by the epic mixture exploded!

That kid's casual attack actually exploded the shield provided by the epic mixture!

how is this possible!

Although the defense of this shield is not as good as that of the Holy Light Shield, it is easy to defend against millions of damages.

And, after the shield takes effect, it will reduce the damage by 90%!

This kid in front of me, when the damage is reduced by 90%, the damage he hits can even explode the shield!

(good money is good)

In a split second, this kid dealt tens of millions of damage?!

Xiaoyao was speechless and looked at Lin Fan dumbfounded.

How could he have imagined that the damage Lin Fan had dealt was so perverted!

It has been reduced by 90%, and it can even detonate the shield of the epic mixture!

This is simply impossible!

Looking at the game, which player can create such an insane amount of damage!

That kid's damage is so terrifying, with a single blow, I'm afraid even the game world can't bear it!

Is this still a player?!

This is simply an existence that is even more terrifying than GM!

It can be said to be the real god of [The Age of the Gods]!


After the shield was blown up, unimaginable terrifying power washed out from the branches.

That happy and happy life couldn't even hold on for a moment, and the body exploded directly!

In an instant, I saw that Xiaoyao Happy Huo was actually smoked into powder by Lin Fan!

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