Four hundred and ninetieth IX: Foresight

"No wonder you would rather give up all your advantages and study a ruin that may not have much in it. It turns out that you have already been at the forefront."

Lin Fan has to admire the foresight of the Zuzhou Association.

That's right, they shouldn't regard the world of God's Domain as their opponent. Their enemy is likely to be a more advanced civilization.

They should take a long-term view and take that as their real goal.

And transcending the realm of the gods is only the first step for human beings to achieve this goal.

It has to be said that after Lin Fan showed his sincerity, the Zuzhou Association also showed great sincerity. They actually told Lin Fan about this kind of thing, which is enough to prove the expectation and trust of the Zuzhou Association for Lin Fan's report.

"That's right, in this ruins, we did get something. As for what it is, this is not a place to talk. If you want, you can explore the ruins with us, and someone will give the details things to tell you."

As for what happened to 870 in the ruins and what they got, Taibai didn't elaborate here. It's not that he doesn't want to tell Lin Fan the specific things, but that walls have ears after all.

In the world of God's Domain, their strength is still too weak. NPCs of level 40 or 50 abound in Azure Dragon City, what if there is an NPC of level 50 next door who can hear it?

With their strength, no matter how they guard against them, they will not be able to discover the existence of more than fifty NPCs.

As for Chen Xiang? First of all, when Lin Fan sent away Jue Juezi and stayed alone with the Night Demon King, he already let Chen Xiang go as far as possible. He offended a nobleman like Lin Fan by talking with commoners.

And before that, Lin Fan checked with the Night Stalker to see if there were any other extra creatures or objects around him, but nothing was found so far.

Even if (afde) Chen Xiang secretly listened here, so what, they didn't say anything to show that their identities are different. Even "God's Domain", they have called it the main city, so what else can be heard.

There was an NPC like Chen Xiang following Lin Fan, and the Night Demon King had already told the high-level officials of the Zuzhou Guild in advance. So they have restrained themselves when they speak.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Xiang would not be able to hear the questions in their words.

Is it abnormal? How can there be so many abnormalities, they are just ordinary people, and Chen Xiang doesn't bother to pay attention to them.

"Of course I am extremely happy." Lin Fan expressed his willingness without hesitation.

In fact, there is no need to ask, Lin Fan will naturally choose to explore the ruins.

After all, he still has the Eye of Reality at this moment, which is something that no player on Earth can have.

Therefore, there may be some things that the exploration team of the Zuzhou Association cannot detect, but Lin Fan can detect them.

It's just that Taibai asked such a question, considering Lin Fan's level and development.

After all, Lin Fan's current strength is unsurpassed, so in the eyes of the Zuzhou Association, Lin Fan's strength must be in a period of rapid development, and he is likely to be completing some kind of serial mission, or Hidden tasks.

Most of these tasks cannot be interrupted, so he asked this question. I'm afraid it will affect Lin Fan's upgrade.

After all, while exploring the ruins is important, making gods is equally important.

"Since this is the case, we can leave whenever it is convenient for you. If there is a need, you can also arrange some things first.

Taibai couldn't come for too long, but Lin Fan was not at ease when someone else took Lin Fan there. Even if the ruins were inside the Zuzhou Guild, the level of secrecy was extremely high. Even the Night Demon King didn't know where the ruins were.

As for the other people he arranged to escort Lin Fan, they will not be arranged for him until they return to the real residence of the Zuzhou Guild.

"I have nothing to arrange. Sending a few private messages is enough, but I still have a question, what is going on with the Shenshui union and the Zeus union? Now the development of the situation is very complicated, not just two Rush between the guilds. Don’t they care about their affairs?”

Lin Fan and Juejuezi came to Azure Dragon City from the main city of Pulse, initially to solve this matter.

In Lin Fan's perception, he didn't come to help, but to solve the problem.

The Zeus Guild may be able to compete with the Submerged Water Guild, but as long as Lin Fan wants to do something to the Zeus Guild, he will be able to do it.

Lin Fan has no doubts about this.

"Also, the Night Stalker from the Unity Alliance should have already told you that there are people from the Louis Chamber of Commerce behind this. No one knows what will happen next."

Things here are also very complicated, so complicated that Lin Fan doesn't want to get away for the time being.

Of course, the reason for not wanting to get away is mainly because of worry, not for self-interest.

After all, mixing these things here is nothing compared to fighting monsters and upgrading quickly, and exploring the secrets of God's Domain. .

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