Chapter 505: Powerful Weapon Guess

"Do you know about laser weapons? Do you know about plasma shields? I can tell you. On this vehicle, all of our weapons are laser weapons. The defense is not only based on physical defense, but also ion defense. I If I can drive this thing into the real world, I can drive it around the whole world, and no one can catch me. Anyone who dares to catch me, I will bomb him."

The "big brother" is always very exaggerated when he speaks. And it was trembling and swishing, looking very unbearable.

Having experienced the "big guy" rambling for half an hour in the thunderstorm area and the canyon, Lin Fan has almost gotten used to his way of speaking, and automatically filtered out the exaggerated and outrageous parts of his tone, The useful information was successfully extracted.

The blueprints obtained from the ruins should be very detailed, so detailed that even the scientists and engineers of Kyushu, who are still a big gap from the technological level of that world, can perfectly manufacture the things in the blueprints according to the blueprints. come out.

Moreover, the raw materials for making things on the drawings can also be found in this world, and even if they can't be found, they can also find substitutes or make them artificially.

This seems a little... weird.

"Apart from this drawing, have you dug up anything else? By the way, when you made this thing, was it difficult?"

Since this person is a big funnel, Lin Fan naturally has to unceremoniously dig information from him. Although these things most likely should have been told to him.

However, the feeling of digging out secrets from others is actually not bad.

"Is it difficult? I don't think it's very difficult. It seems that it only took two or three months, and we built it. After all, it is a technological thing, and two or three months is fast enough. As for other things that have been dug up?" ?In this ruin, we either dug up design drawings, or dug up some manuals, notes and other things, which recorded some things about that civilization

As for the finished or semi-finished products, we have never found them. I don't know if those things are hidden in a deeper place, we haven't found them yet, or there are only materials in the ruins. But if there are really only materials and notes in the ruins, is this a laboratory? That's not true, even if it is a laboratory, there should be instruments in it.

Anyway, the high-level executives have been arguing about this for a long time. Some people say that this is a trap and we should stop losses in time, while others say that even if it is a trap, we have to take a risk for the future of mankind. Damn, if you want me to say, no matter what kind of trap it is, since we have fallen into it now, then don’t climb it at all, we won’t be able to climb out anyway, it’s better to hollow out the bottom of it, then it won’t be considered bad luck Too bad. "

Not only Lin Fan thought of this, but the senior leaders of Zuzhou Guild were not fools either, they had thought of this from the very beginning.

It's just that as the saying goes, wealth and wealth are sought in danger. As long as there is a 200% profit, it is enough to make people crazy.

Although the senior officials of the Zuzhou Guild were not crazy, such a valuable ruin was enough for the senior leaders of the Zuzhou Guild to take a risk.

What's more, even if the Zuzhou Guild really fell, wouldn't there still be the Submerged Guild as a backup? At least they won't be completely annihilated.

Besides, not all the members of the Zuzhou Guild are stationed here. It is impossible for all of them to participate in the exploration mission. Should the Zuzhou Guild be upgraded? Should it become stronger? Do you still want to protect?

0…ask for flowers……

"What exactly is it? If you continue to explore, you will know." Lin Fan's opinion is naturally the same as that of the "big brother".

Regardless of whether this is a trap or not, since they can still be regarded as players in this God's Domain and have unlimited resurrection opportunities, they should take such a gamble.

Moreover, Lin Fan doesn't think this must be a trap.

Besides the trap, Lin Fan thought of another possibility. That is school.

Yes, this sounds like a far-fetched thing, like a crazy person running out of a hospital and talking nonsense on the street, but Lin Fan really guessed that.

Diaries and historical records are very, very detailed, even so detailed that they can be understood by people on earth who have no knowledge of the technology of that world.

If these are integrated, isn’t it a school? And it’s definitely an elementary school.

And the blueprints they dug up may only be part of that civilization's lectures.

After all, it is to teach children who have not learned this part of knowledge. Isn't it normal that the drawings are detailed enough and understandable enough?

However, Lin Fan did not express his guess. After all, if it was not because of his intuition, Lin Fan would never have thought of this possibility. He felt that few people would believe what he said. This sounds too far-fetched.

"Great, it seems that you really like me."

Lin Fan's attitude made the "big guy" very clear, and the car became more and more floating, and even activated the suspension system, so that the car began to lift off the ground, suspended at a place about 1 meter above the ground, and drove at high speed again. .

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